Papers by Katri Valkokari

International journal of services technology and management, 2024
The emergence of service ecosystems can accelerate the industrial renewal required because of urg... more The emergence of service ecosystems can accelerate the industrial renewal required because of urgent global challenges. However, existing research has not sufficiently grasped the social dynamics of coevolution in ecosystems that enhance industrial renewal. This study aimed to advance ecosystem research through a practice lens and to present the key characteristics of industrial service ecosystem practice involved in industrial renewal. Consequently, its three characteristics -accomplishment, attractiveness and actionability -were configured based on an abductive study derived from the ecosystem literature, three practice-oriented approaches to learning, and two case ecosystem examinations. These features created the logic for resource integration and enhanced ecosystems to evolve as units, thus exceeding the actors' independent avenues of renewal. The findings of this study provided a deeper understanding of the coevolution in ecosystems needed to accelerate industrial renewal as well as a novel conceptualisation of an ecosystem-as-practice for further studies.

International Journal of Innovation, Dec 19, 2023
Objective of the study: The research in this paper contributes to the understanding of how physic... more Objective of the study: The research in this paper contributes to the understanding of how physical, virtual, and cognitive structures support innovation ecosystems' multi-actor research, development, and innovation (R&D&I) collaboration in its different phases. Methodology/Approach: The research's methodological approach is based on a qualitative case study research strategy. It is done by exploring three innovation ecosystem cases. The case data comprises the case ecosystems' existing documentation that was supplemented with five semi-structured interviews. Originality/Relevance: Based on the findings of this research, it was possible to explore how industry and academy partners are collaborating through virtual, physical, and cognitive structures. Our cases also provide empirical evidence on how physical industrial sites can be used as environments for collaborative industryacademy R&D&I work. Main Results: As a result, the paper presents lessons learned from three different innovation ecosystem cases that involve industrial, technology, and academy partners to tackle industrial use cases through virtual, physical, and cognitive structures. An example of such lessons learned is assembling dynamic teams to solve industrial problems. Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: This article builds an understanding of how virtual, physical, and cognitive structures support collaboration between different participants in their joint R&D&I work covering industry-academy collaboration. The article also explains practical examples of this using innovation ecosystem cases. Management/Social Contributions: The findings of this study may benefit professionals and managers who have an interest in understanding collaborative R&D&I and how physical, virtual, and cognitive structures can support it. Furthermore, the results provide means and experiences for innovation ecosystem managers to facilitate the definition of operational models suitable for the context of their innovation ecosystems.
This publication presents the proceedings of TRA2020, the 8 th Transport Research Arena, which wa... more This publication presents the proceedings of TRA2020, the 8 th Transport Research Arena, which was planned to be held on 27-30 April 2020 in Helsinki. The physical conference event was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, 2021
Tässä julkaisussa kartoitamme ja pohdimme mahdollisuuksia perustaa Digitaalinen innovaatiokeskitt... more Tässä julkaisussa kartoitamme ja pohdimme mahdollisuuksia perustaa Digitaalinen innovaatiokeskittymä (Digital Innovation Hub, DIH) Etelä-Savoon. Julkaisu on tehty osana Etelä-Savon Digitaalinen Innovaatiokeskittymä (ESDIH) -hanketta, joka on saanut Etelä-Savon maakuntaliiton myöntämänä rahoitusta Euroopan aluekehitysrahastosta. Julkaisu on jaettu neljään osaan. Osassa 1 (Digitaalinen innovaatiokeskittymä Etelä-Savoon?) kuvaamme tarkemmin DIH-käsitteen sekä alueellisen DIH:n suunnittelutyöhön perustetun ESDIH-hankkeen. Tämän jälkeen kerromme esimerkkejä Suomeen jo perustetuista innovaatiokeskittymistä. Kartoitamme myös Etelä-Savon elinkeinoelämän tarpeita sekä kerromme kokemuksistamme ylimaakunnallisen, Kaakkois-Suomen kattavan innovaatiokeskittymän hakuvaiheista. Koska DIH on monen toimijan verkosto, joka pyrkii vastaamaan yritysten tarpeisiin hyödyntämällä alueella olevia voimavaroja järkevämmin, suunnittelutyö DIH:n perustamiseksi on välttämätöntä tehdä yhdessä keskeisten toimijoiden kanssa. Osassa 2 (Etelä-Savon digitaalisen innovaatiokeskittymän yhteinen suunnittelu) kuvaamme yhteiskehittämisen prosessin, raportoimme tulokset sekä kuvaamme yhdessä määritellyn päämäärän DIH:n kehittämiselle. Etelä-Savossa on jo tehty merkittävää työtä alueen yritystoiminnan kehittämiseksi. Osassa 3 (Hyviä käytänteitä yritysten palvelemiseksi: Kokemuksia hanketyöstä) kerromme onnistuneista toimenpiteistä, joista saatuja kokemuksia voitaisiin hyödyntää DIH:n toiminnan suunnittelussa. Osassa 4 (Kohti Etelä-Savon Digitaalista Innovaatiokeskittymää) kerromme ensin alueella lähitulevaisuudessa tapahtuvista kehitysaskeleista, jotka voisivat tukea DIH:n syntymistä alueelle. Suosituksemme perusteluineen Etelä-Savon digitaalisen innovaatiokeskittymän perustamiseksi on koottu neljännen osan viimeisimpään artikkeliin: Toimenpidesuunnitelma ja tiekartta Etelä-Savon Digitaalisen innovaatiokeskittymän perustamiseksi

Sustainability Science Days Conference 2021: Online, 2021
Description Interactive and multidisciplinary discussions on the disruptions needed in the busine... more Description Interactive and multidisciplinary discussions on the disruptions needed in the business, legislative and policy frameworks to transition towards a more sustainable innovation ecosystem for (3D printable) bio-based plastic products. One of our major global challenges in materials science relates to the transformation from fossil-based polymeric materials to sustainable, renewable and carbon-binding ones, to enable resource efficient production and foster re-and up-cycling of plastics. Raising technologies like 3D printing might bring great benefits in this process. Enabling this transformation requires looking at all the steps of the value chain, for the production of materials, to the use of materials in final products, all the way to the recycling and disposal of products. Notably, a key question in this exercise relates to depicting the characteristics that a business, legislative and policy framework should have in order to foster this transformation. In a market economy, this requires examining the complexities of the exiting business and policy structures, as they are often hindering rather than facilitating disruptive changes like the one envisioned by a (3D-printable) bio-based plastic innovation ecosystem. Business disruptions might be needed in order to develop novel decentralized sustainable business models that support a smooth transition towards distributed, local manufacturing of biobased polymeric products. Legal and policy disruptions might be necessary to provide with the right incentives to create economic benefits, while also prioritizing ethical values like strong sustainability.
MegaCentre Planning Project (MCPP) is an initiation of the Finnish industry operating on the wind... more MegaCentre Planning Project (MCPP) is an initiation of the Finnish industry operating on the wind power area. The planning project was launched and managed by Moventas Wind Oy.The project aims at strengthening the technology position of the participating companies by founding a broadly-based experimental research platform supported by virtual modelling, which would combine the competences of both industry and research. The goal of the MCPP project was to design a globally leading research and development facility-MegaCentre-for the full-scale development and validation of next generation wind turbine technologies. Wind energy-related research program were investigated based on literature surveys and interviews. On the basis of the results obtained a strategy is provided on how and which research programs the MegaCentre could offer applied research services.

Systems Engineering, Aug 11, 2023
The complexity of industrial challenges is emerging together with the exponentially developing in... more The complexity of industrial challenges is emerging together with the exponentially developing information and communication technologies (ICT) that provide several implementation approaches for systems engineering. It is difficult for a single company to follow technological development and remain a pioneer in every topic. Still, the industrial challenges require experts in each technology. Therefore, collaboration among technology providers is an opportunity to gather all resources and competences needed for full delivery. A joint offering (JO) is a solution, that is, co‐created in collaboration between two or more actors that usually have complementary technological skills or value‐creation logics. A JO has several doubts relating to the use case (UC) in hand, the feasibility of the joint solution to be co‐created, the resources and skills needed to deliver the joint solution, the partners, the business value creation, the elements of the contract and the ownership of the outcome, just to mention a few. The Joint Offering Evaluation Framework (JOEF) uncovers these issues and supports decision‐making before the development of a JO starts. The JOEF comprises the Joint Offering Playbook and the Business Value Toolset (BVT). The Playbook offers seven viewpoints with checklists and tools for IT solution providers considering collaboration and co‐creation for a solution that they cannot deliver or sell alone. The BVT evaluates and illustrates the business value of a JO from the viewpoints of both creation and delivery, together with value capture and assessment. The JOEF was piloted with a digital twin (DT) UC from the pulp and paper industry.
Papers by Katri Valkokari