Gabriela Marchis
Gabriela MARCHIS (born July, 22) graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences in 2002, profile of specialization: Finance and Accounting with the bachelor degree and paper in: “Integration into the European Union between desire and opportunity”, under the aegis of the University of Craiova.
In 2006 I graduated the master program: Financial Management and Public Administration of Danubius University Galati.
Between 2002-2008 I attended the doctoral training program at the Academy of Economic Studies, obtaining in 2009, the PhD title in Cybernetics and Economic Statistics, with a thesis on The impact of EU Enlargement over Regional Policy Strategies. The Role of Structural Funds.
My academic career has developed at Danubius University of Galati, occupying the position of junior assistant (2002-2005), assistant (2005-2008), lecturer (2008-2013), associate professor (2013-present) within the Faculty of Economics and Faculty of International Relations and European Studies.
At present, I am Member of Romanian Regional Sciences Association – RRSA, Member of European Regional Sciences Association – ERSA and Coordinator of European Documentation Centre “EuroInfoGhid” Galati, subordinated to European Commission: DG COMM, Brussels.
In 2007 I became an Honorary Multiplier of European Information, title of nobility certified by the Representation of European Commission in Romania.
Since 2013, I am the director of Quality Assurance Department – Quality Management Representative of “Danubius” University of Galati and the main responsibilities of this position include the coordination of design, documentation, implementation and improvement of Quality Management System in the University.
In 2006 I graduated the master program: Financial Management and Public Administration of Danubius University Galati.
Between 2002-2008 I attended the doctoral training program at the Academy of Economic Studies, obtaining in 2009, the PhD title in Cybernetics and Economic Statistics, with a thesis on The impact of EU Enlargement over Regional Policy Strategies. The Role of Structural Funds.
My academic career has developed at Danubius University of Galati, occupying the position of junior assistant (2002-2005), assistant (2005-2008), lecturer (2008-2013), associate professor (2013-present) within the Faculty of Economics and Faculty of International Relations and European Studies.
At present, I am Member of Romanian Regional Sciences Association – RRSA, Member of European Regional Sciences Association – ERSA and Coordinator of European Documentation Centre “EuroInfoGhid” Galati, subordinated to European Commission: DG COMM, Brussels.
In 2007 I became an Honorary Multiplier of European Information, title of nobility certified by the Representation of European Commission in Romania.
Since 2013, I am the director of Quality Assurance Department – Quality Management Representative of “Danubius” University of Galati and the main responsibilities of this position include the coordination of design, documentation, implementation and improvement of Quality Management System in the University.
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Papers by Gabriela Marchis
cette année par Européen Union, totalise 975 milliards d'euro. Comme conséquence directe de la réforme
financière européenne de législation, l'accès aux nouveaux fonds est plus facile, particulièrement pour la petite
organisation non gouvernementale et pour les entreprises de petite et moyenne taille, qui ont réduit des affaires
financières de papier de ressources.
Cet article traite des aspects concernant le commencer un projet européen, les formes principales de
finances, la source de base de subvention, divisée par la catégorie des bénéficiaires, un espace suffisant étant
consacré à la nouveauté de cette période de programmation concernant l'accès aux fonds européens.
cette année par Européen Union, totalise 975 milliards d'euro. Comme conséquence directe de la réforme
financière européenne de législation, l'accès aux nouveaux fonds est plus facile, particulièrement pour la petite
organisation non gouvernementale et pour les entreprises de petite et moyenne taille, qui ont réduit des affaires
financières de papier de ressources.
Cet article traite des aspects concernant le commencer un projet européen, les formes principales de
finances, la source de base de subvention, divisée par la catégorie des bénéficiaires, un espace suffisant étant
consacré à la nouveauté de cette période de programmation concernant l'accès aux fonds européens.
arises: Which way forward? It is time to put the European economy back on a solid basis by relying on
massive investments in strategic areas. It is impossible to accurately estimate the impact on the
European economy of the various restrictions imposed by the authorities in the Member States in the
fight against pandemic COVID-19. In this article we analyse the European Economic Recovery Plan in
parallel with the EU draft budget for the programming period 2021-2027.
Thus, in order to guarantee stakeholders expectation on quality, the management of quality assurance in HEIs may be consider a life-long learning process because it implies a permanent adaptation to internal and external demands.
Building a quality culture in the organization should represent the most important strategic objective of HEIs’ top-management.
Quality management of HEIs requires mainly to have a good knowledge about strategies and procedures for quality assurance from national and international level and about quality assurance structures and policies. Likewise, building a quality culture in HEIs implies to design the institutional structures, procedures and activities for implementation and evaluation of quality assurance. Moreover, the development of an information system and data-bases regarding the internal quality assurance that offers transparency of information for general public, are important steps for ensuring the traceability of all activities.
This research paper intends to offer an example of how is designed and implemented the process of quality assurance in a private university from Romania: Danubius University of Galati.
Understanding regional processes, under the aegis of Europe 2020, is elementary in order to optimise Romanian regional evolution. Without claiming to provide a model on how to redefine Romanian regions, this paper proposes some guidelines for long-run regional trajectories and some suggestions regarding the sources of change in Romanian regional policy.