M. Fothe, M. Schmitz, B. Skorsetz, R. Tobies (eds.), Mathematik und Anwendungen (Thillm, Bad Berka, 2014), 50-57. , 2014
Am 17. November 1939 wurden die tschechischen Hochschulen von den Nazis geschlossen. Mathematiker... more Am 17. November 1939 wurden die tschechischen Hochschulen von den Nazis geschlossen. Mathematiker unterwarfen sich z. T. aus Angst dem Diktat der Nazis und beteiligten sich an der Produktion von Waffen und der Entwicklung neuer Waffensysteme. Im Jahre 1942 waren die Škoda-Werke an die Reichswerke Hermann Göring angeschlossen, im Rahmen der Holding Waffen-Union Škoda Brünn, GmbH. Im Škoda-Konzern bzw. der Versuchsanstalt der Waffen-Union in Pibrans (Příbram), die hier näher betrachtet wird, stand Raketenforschung im Zentrum. Die Personalstruktur des Versuchsanstalt und Umfang der dortigen Forschung wird beschrieben.
Keywords: Rüstungsforschung, Angewandte Mathematik,
Škoda-Werke, Waffen-Union Škoda-Brünn, Versuchsanstalt Pibrans
Papers by Jan Kotulek
In the archives of the SPSL, there are files on two and a half thousand scientists, victims of persecution in their home countries, who appealed to the Society for assistance in finding
refuge and work in Britain. Almost a hundred are mathematicians, of which about one in four found temporary or permanent employment in British academia. Many others found their way to the US, in most cases aided by the Emergency Committee, an American organization with priorities similar to those of the SPSL. The paths of some of the most successful SPSL grantees are described, and contrasted with those of some less fortunate applicants.
Keywords: Rüstungsforschung, Angewandte Mathematik,
Škoda-Werke, Waffen-Union Škoda-Brünn, Versuchsanstalt Pibrans
In the archives of the SPSL, there are files on two and a half thousand scientists, victims of persecution in their home countries, who appealed to the Society for assistance in finding
refuge and work in Britain. Almost a hundred are mathematicians, of which about one in four found temporary or permanent employment in British academia. Many others found their way to the US, in most cases aided by the Emergency Committee, an American organization with priorities similar to those of the SPSL. The paths of some of the most successful SPSL grantees are described, and contrasted with those of some less fortunate applicants.
Keywords: Rüstungsforschung, Angewandte Mathematik,
Škoda-Werke, Waffen-Union Škoda-Brünn, Versuchsanstalt Pibrans
Where: Masaryk University, Brno
Invited speakers:
Jan Surman, Moscow, RU
Marek Ďurčanský, Praha, CZ
Please, register via e-mail by 15 May 2019, indicating also whether you would like to give a talk, preferably including the title (and an abstract) of your talk. Abstracts received by 1 June 2019 will be included in book of abstracts.
Webpage: https://math-and-society.webnode.com/
Key phenomena to be described are those of continuity and discontinuity. Wars inevitably bring many personal tragedies and that is why discontinuity forms sadly inseparable part of many personally focused research topics. Hatred, expediency or cruel coincidences could have tragic consequences during the war times.
Apart from analysing the individual cases, stories can be explored within different frameworks (local, national, and international) and from the different points of view. We would like to focus on the following features: How did the wars changed the research practices in mathematics and how was it possible (if ever) to keep the research going during wartime? What was the role of the state? When, why and how did it support research, when the priority of the government lay in the war effort? What was the role of learned societies and how did this differ in the different countries and periods of time? What ethical and political/diplomatical issues were raised during wars? How did it influence the research? Does the war stimulate research, e.g. in accelerating new methods, or hampering the overall conditions of research?