? ?
Journal created:
on 16 July 2004 (#3831852)
on 13 November 2011
Volcom International
United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
This community is for all the people who sport the Volcom brand, whether you're a skater, snowboarder, surfer, or just a person who loves the clothing, this community is here for you to meet other Volcom guys and girls.

Rules: Please refrain from using any racial remarks, no fighting, if you don't like someone's opinions then don't reply. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.

When posting a picture, the width may be no larger than 400 pixels, if it's larger, then you
must put it into an lj-cut (learn how). Also, if you are posting more than 2 pictures, the rest must also go into an LJ cut. These rules are a must because it helps keep the loading time down and the community looking decent.

SPAMMING is NOT allowed.
Spamming includes: community promotion, etc.

Failure: If you fail to follow these rules you will receive a warning and an explanation on why you're receiving the warning. If you continue to break the rule you will be deleted from the community.

Moderator: thatscooldude If you have any questions or anything for the mod, feel free to go to my journal and post it in a comment.

Now if you're ready to join, Click Here. Have fun! :D

After Joining: Introduce yourself

- Hey
- name:
- age/sex/location:
- screen name:
- anything else:
- photo (if available):

Just copy and paste the box above into your first entry. If you have nowhere to upload your photo then I suggest using

After your first post, please add the Volcom Int. Community logo to your userinfo page, thank you.
If you don't like it and would like to make your own, feel free to.

copy and paste
