Conference Presentations by SARASCHANDRA MAVALLAPALLI

In this paper we are discussing the machining of aluminium has been conducted at normal cutting c... more In this paper we are discussing the machining of aluminium has been conducted at normal cutting conditions and the chip formation during machining is analyzed using FEM, the mean coefficient of friction between the tool and the work piece is made constant as it affects the tool design, tool material selection and cutting parameter selection. So it is exceedingly important to have the complete knowledge of the frictional boundary conditions at the tool-chip contact region where the chip formation takes place. Here we are taking the commercial Aluminium and high speed steel materials and we have done our work using two different software Ansys Workbench and LS-DYNA and using two different types of formulations. In Ansys work bench simulation contains Lagrangian formulation but LS-DYNA contains ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian and Eulerian) formulation and in LS-DYNA we go through considering the work piece as SPH (smooth particle hydro dynamic) element actually used for fluid solid interactive element is adopted .By this two methods we have run the both processes and we compared the both results such as von-mises stress and tresca stress (maximum shear stress), elastic strain and plastic strain etc.
Toughness, high strength, less Weight is the area of interest that every automotive and aerospace... more Toughness, high strength, less Weight is the area of interest that every automotive and aerospace industries are working on – AA 2024, 6061, 7075 being the most used materials with the desired properties mentioned above. In this paper the chip formation, stress, strain rates, heat generation due to the turning conditions, residual stresses and the failure of the materials have been conducted by Finite Element Method (FEM) using the simulation software Abaqus.

Design optimization in sandwich composites is a less understood topic in research. The current st... more Design optimization in sandwich composites is a less understood topic in research. The current study investigates the strength and stiffness of rigid foam core glass fabric/ epoxy sandwich composites with two different foam core materials, viz., polyurethane (PUF) and poly isocyanurate (PIR) of three different densities 64kg/m 3 , 125 kg/m 3 and 250 kg/m 3 respectively. Different skin to core weight ratios were maintained in the range of 1:1 to 4:1 for flexure tests. Simulation and analyses of various mechanical tests of sandwich panels were carried out using finite element software ANSYS TM v16. The results from finite element analyses were compared with results from the experimental work that were obtained for tensile, compressive, shear and flexural properties in sandwich specimens. The shear components were investigated through single lap, double lap and mode 1 simulations. Parameters like deflection, normal stress, bending and shear stress, shear strain etc., were determined for sandwich composites. Optimal load design was obtained by ANSYS Design e from which the optimal parameters were derived numerically and compared with the test data.
Simulation for Decision-Making in the Orthogonal Turning Operation of Three Different Aluminum Alloys Using John-Cook Plasticity Model and Damage Laws
CRC Press eBooks, Aug 18, 2022
Conference Presentations by SARASCHANDRA MAVALLAPALLI