Anitha Ravi
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Papers by Anitha Ravi
Processing (DSP) applications like FIR filters, Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT), Squaring and Cubing circuits etc. are
the multipliers. In all the DSP applications which use
multipliers, multipliers consume most of the power. Hence,
there is a need to develop to low-power multipliers. In this
paper, various bypassing techniques such as Row
Bypassing, Column Bypassing, Two-dimensional
Bypassing, Row and Column Bypassing and Low cost
Bypassing techniques have been applied to a signed array
multiplier such as Baugh Wooley Multiplier and
comparison among them have been made. These bypassing
techniques will reduce the switching activity, thus the
dynamic power and hence the total power will be reduced.
A comparative study is presented in this paper among 4x4,
8x8, 16x16 and 32x32 Baugh Wooley Multipliers and its
architectural modifications. The delay of the multipliers
can be reduced by replacing the Ripple carry adder in the
last stage of multipliers with fast adders like Carry Look
ahead adder and Kogge stone adder. Verilog HDL is used
to code all the designs. All the multiplier designs are
simulated and synthesized using Xilinx ISE 13.2 simulator
for different FPGA families like Spartan-3E, Virtex-4,
Virtex-5 and Virtex-6 Lower Power and a comparison is
made for different FPGA devices and also synthesized
using RTL Compiler from Cadence in 90nm technology.
most of the multipliers XOR gate is a key component. The optimization is
done at gate level by using the 6T XOR gate instead of conventional CMOS
gate. A power gating technique is also used to reduce the leakage power in the
design. The simulation was carried out in CADENCE virtuoso with 90nm
technology. And the result showed a reduction in area and power of the
Gates has Designed and implemented in the multiply and
Accumulate Unit (MAC) and that is shown in this paper. A Vedic
multiplier is designed by using Urdhava Triyagbhayam sutra and
the adder design is done by using reversible logic gate. Reversible
logics are also the fundamental requirement for the emerging
field of Quantum computing. The Vedic multiplier is used for the
multiplication unit so as to reduce partial products and to get
high performance and lesser area .The reversible logic is used to
get less power. The MAC is designed in Verilog HDL and the
simulation is done in Modelsim, Xilinx 14.2 and synthesis is done
in both RTL compiler using cadence as well as Xilinx. The chip
design for the proposed MAC is also carried out.
Processing (DSP) applications like FIR filters, Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT), Squaring and Cubing circuits etc. are
the multipliers. In all the DSP applications which use
multipliers, multipliers consume most of the power. Hence,
there is a need to develop to low-power multipliers. In this
paper, various bypassing techniques such as Row
Bypassing, Column Bypassing, Two-dimensional
Bypassing, Row and Column Bypassing and Low cost
Bypassing techniques have been applied to a signed array
multiplier such as Baugh Wooley Multiplier and
comparison among them have been made. These bypassing
techniques will reduce the switching activity, thus the
dynamic power and hence the total power will be reduced.
A comparative study is presented in this paper among 4x4,
8x8, 16x16 and 32x32 Baugh Wooley Multipliers and its
architectural modifications. The delay of the multipliers
can be reduced by replacing the Ripple carry adder in the
last stage of multipliers with fast adders like Carry Look
ahead adder and Kogge stone adder. Verilog HDL is used
to code all the designs. All the multiplier designs are
simulated and synthesized using Xilinx ISE 13.2 simulator
for different FPGA families like Spartan-3E, Virtex-4,
Virtex-5 and Virtex-6 Lower Power and a comparison is
made for different FPGA devices and also synthesized
using RTL Compiler from Cadence in 90nm technology.
most of the multipliers XOR gate is a key component. The optimization is
done at gate level by using the 6T XOR gate instead of conventional CMOS
gate. A power gating technique is also used to reduce the leakage power in the
design. The simulation was carried out in CADENCE virtuoso with 90nm
technology. And the result showed a reduction in area and power of the
Gates has Designed and implemented in the multiply and
Accumulate Unit (MAC) and that is shown in this paper. A Vedic
multiplier is designed by using Urdhava Triyagbhayam sutra and
the adder design is done by using reversible logic gate. Reversible
logics are also the fundamental requirement for the emerging
field of Quantum computing. The Vedic multiplier is used for the
multiplication unit so as to reduce partial products and to get
high performance and lesser area .The reversible logic is used to
get less power. The MAC is designed in Verilog HDL and the
simulation is done in Modelsim, Xilinx 14.2 and synthesis is done
in both RTL compiler using cadence as well as Xilinx. The chip
design for the proposed MAC is also carried out.