Padmanabhan K
Dr. Padmanabhan Krishnan took his M.Sc [Engg] and PhD [Engg] in the field of fibre reinforced composites from the Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in the years 1991 and 1995, respectively with distinction. Prior to that he had his work experience in the area of High Tc Ceramic Superconductors and Silicon Semiconductors. After completing his Ph D [Engg] he was a visiting scientist to the National Aerospace Laboratories , Bangalore, in their prestigious HANSA -all composite aircraft programme. He has been a Post Doctoral Fellow with the NSTB/Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, a Guest Researcher with the University of Delaware ,USA, a Guest Faculty at COMPTEC, IIT Madras and a Research Fellow with the Innovations in Manufacturing Systems Technology Programme of Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance, Singapore. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, in June 2005 as a Professor and was shouldering the department’s research initiatives for nearly five years. Presently he is a Professor and till recently he was the Assistant Director of the Centre of Excellence in Nano-composites in the School of Mechanical Engineering at the VIT University at Vellore. His centre secured high funding from government agencies and organizations. He has handled and successfully completed many prestigious projects. He has more than 230 publications in International Journals, International Conference Proceedings, Project Documents and Reports in the area of composite and nano composite materials-their design, processing and fabrication, thermal issues in processing, materials characterization, electron microscopy, micro and meso-mechanics, interfaces, fracture and failure analysis, electronic packaging, thermo-mechanical reliability, thermal analysis, hot-wet behaviour of RP composites composite structures , finite element modeling and analysis. He has also authored a text book on Kevlar Fibre Composites and a few book chapters. He has organized , chaired sessions and delivered lectures in many international and national conferences and workshops. He is listed in three who is who titles in the world, viz. Marquis who is who, American Biographical Institute and International Biographical Centre, Cambridge. He is also a recipient of many best presentation awards and research excellence awards. Dr. K. Padmanabhan is a life fellow of the Indian Institution of Production Engineers, Bangalore, Institution of Engineers(India), Kolkata, The Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers, Chennai, and the Indian Association of Structural Engineers, New Delhi. He is also a life member and a chartered engineer with the Confederation of Engineers (India). Instrumental in signing of many international and national MOUs for mutual progress of the institutions, he has a firm vision of exploiting Science and Technology for the utilitarian and eco conscious fraternity. He has guided four PhDs and is currently guiding many PhD Scholars, Masters Students and B. Tech students. He is also profiled in Linked In, Research Gate and Slide Share.
Address: Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Address: Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
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