Papers by Santanu Rakshit
Nrttva-The Anthropology, Jun 1, 2014
ABSTRACT The paper is a study for evaluation of the agrarian relation and the economic characteri... more ABSTRACT The paper is a study for evaluation of the agrarian relation and the economic characteristic of peasant classes in West Bengal. It experienced three and a half decades of left federal rule along with a two decades of economic reform pursued by central government of India. Against this contradictory backdrop of political and economic rule, the class differentiation had clearly manifested in terms of concentration of assets, inputs, irrigation and product realised among the different peasant classes. The differentiation had a clear imprint on the structure of investment and production as well, however, interestingly in terms of net surplus and income such an outcome was reversed.
Journal of Political Ecology, Dec 1, 2015
The intervention of global capital through primitive accumulation is causing immense economic and... more The intervention of global capital through primitive accumulation is causing immense economic and ecological suffering, particularly among the poorer areas of the less-developed world. The United Nations has taken various actions in the less-developed regions of the world to deal with these concerns and at the same time to obtain a balance between the environment and the market or capital. This article explores the role of UN in administering the resulting environmental crisis through a process of 'development management' which is more about consolidating 'governmentality' in the developing world than reaching a solution to the poverty and environmental destruction driven by capital.

The Journal of Peasant Studies, 2014
This paper intends to evaluate at the farm level, in the current millennium, the nature of surplu... more This paper intends to evaluate at the farm level, in the current millennium, the nature of surpluses and the emerging exchange processes in agrarian West Bengal through the lenses of socio-economic class differentiation. The paper concentrates on the structure and pattern of gross value added, farm labour and farm-disposable surplus that accrue to the peasants along with their repercussions on farm viability. Finally, it addresses the consequences of stressed commerce (carried out through price shocks) on the ratio of retention of surplus at the farm level as a larger question of farm viability, agrarian transition and conflicts. The study emphasises the region with higher capitalistic1 development. The change in this region is found to be more significant in the context of agrarian transition. The same analysis is also followed for the more backward region, but just to put forward the distinction between the processes working in the two regions.

University of Arizona Library,ISSN: 1073-0451; Vol-22: 199-210, 2015, Jul 2015
The intervention of global capital through primitive accumulation is causing immense ec... more Abstract
The intervention of global capital through primitive accumulation is causing immense economic and
ecological suffering, particularly among the poorer areas of the less-developed world. The United Nations
has taken various actions in the less-developed regions of the world to deal with these concerns and at the
same time to obtain a balance between the environment and the market or capital. This article explores the
role of UN in administering the resulting environmental crisis through a process of 'development
management' which is more about consolidating 'governmentality' in the developing world than reaching a
solution to the poverty and environmental destruction driven by capital.
Key Words: neoliberal capital; governmentality; primitive accumulation; environmental concern;
development management; United Nations
L'intervention de la capitale mondiale grâce à l'accumulation primitive est à l'origine d'immenses
souffrances économique et écologique, en particulier parmi les régions les plus pauvres du monde, les
moins développés. Les Nations Unies ont pris diverses mesures dans les régions les moins développées pour
faire face à ces préoccupations et en même temps d'obtenir un équilibre entre l'environnement et le marché
ou de la capitale. Cet article explore le rôle des Nations unies dans l'administration de la crise
environnementale résultant à travers un processus de «gestion du développement» qui est plus orienté vers
la consolidation de «gouvernementalité» dans le monde en développement que de parvenir à une solution à
la pauvreté et destruction de l'environnement entraînée par le capital.
Mots clés: Capital néolibéral; gouvernementalité; accumulation primitive; préoccupation environnementale;
gestion du développement; Nations Unies
Nrttva-The Anthropology, Jun 2014
The paper is a study for evaluation of the agrarian relation and the economic character... more ABSTRACT
The paper is a study for evaluation of the agrarian relation and the economic characteristic of peasant classes in West Bengal. It experienced three and a half decades of left federal rule along with a two decades of economic reform pursued by central government of India. Against this contradictory backdrop of political and economic rule, the class differentiation had clearly manifested in terms of concentration of assets, inputs, irrigation and product realised among the different peasant classes. The differentiation had a clear imprint on the structure of investment and production as well, however, interestingly in terms of net surplus and income such an outcome was reversed.

Output, surpluses and ‘stressed commerce’: a study on farm viability and agrarian transition in West Bengal, India in the new millennium, Apr 17, 2014
"In the current millennium, this paper intends to evaluate at the farm-level the nature of surplu... more "In the current millennium, this paper intends to evaluate at the farm-level the nature of surpluses, and the emerging exchange processes in the agrarian West Bengal through the lenses of socio economic class differentiation. The paper concentrates on the structure and pattern of gross value added, farm labour and farm-disposable surplus that accrue to the peasants along with its repercussion on the farm-viability. Finally, it addresses the consequences of stressed commerce (carried out through price shocks) on the ratio of retention of surplus in the farm level as a larger question of farm viability, agrarian transition and conflicts. The study emphasises more on the region with higher capitalistic1 development. The change in this region is found to be more significant in the context of agrarian transition. The same analysis is also followed for the backward region, but just to put forward the distinction between the processes working in the two regions.
Keywords: stressed commerce; agrarian relations; class differentiation; capitalistic development; farm viability; agrarian transition

Nrttva-The Anthropology, Jun 2013
The process of subjugation by global capital in the context of North-South interaction regarding ... more The process of subjugation by global capital in the context of North-South interaction regarding development or economic reform of the south is found to be quite smooth. This smooth and easy conquest calls for serious investigation on the development and reform process itself. We need a different discourse to address the synthetic hegemony of the global capital. In this context, the reluctance of neo mainstream economists to ventilate views that are critical of economic reform set in motion by the successive central and state governments from 1991 is quite unfortunate. However, it is also exasperating to see respected radical academicians who appears to be critical of the expansion of global capital, find it so convenient to justify the same in case to case basis, and thereby submit before the false logic of market propagated by the agents of global capital. This paper attempts to be critical of the process of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation initiated in the name of economic reforms in 1991 altogether in a different perspective.

Journal of Agrarian Change, Jan 1, 2011
This paper deals with capitalist agricultural development in West Bengal, India. Based on a field... more This paper deals with capitalist agricultural development in West Bengal, India. Based on a field study of two regions at different ends of the development spectrum, it shows the class-specific nature of agrarian development. Farms based on hired labour adopt more capital-intensive techniques, operate on a much larger scale and have higher yields in comparison to farms based on family labour, regardless of their size. Differentiation of the peasantry is intense where the adoption of capital-intensive technology is high. The paper concludes that the arguments of A.V. Chayanov and A.K. Sen, which seek to explain the inverse relation between farm size and productivity in terms of the superior efficiency of farms based on family labour compared to capitalist farms, are not borne out by our findings. Moreover, in the advanced region of Bardhaman, farmers of all economic classes are found to be subject to a form of compulsive exchange or stressed commerce brought about by traders external to the region.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jan 1, 2010
In India the issue of transition from pre-capitalist agrarian societies to capitalism has produce... more In India the issue of transition from pre-capitalist agrarian societies to capitalism has produced many controversies among the Marxist theoreticians. Various depictions of Indian agrarian transition have been attempted, either theoretical or empirical in nature. However, the crucial element of the debate is the diverse nature of agrarian transition that can or has been traversed. This study concentrates on the various expositions and underlying theoretical framework to get a clear knowledge on the issue of agrarian transition, mode of production and undergoing class differentiation in India.
Journal of Social Work and Social Development, 2010
In rural India, nutrition and subsequent energy is primarily derived from the food grain. However... more In rural India, nutrition and subsequent energy is primarily derived from the food grain. However, food grain supply and subsequent consumption level has steadily decreased from independence and the fall is more drastic in the neo-liberal period. This has also given rise to the foodgrain & feed grain controversy. Development initiatives in superstructural level would help little if the primary source of sustenance of human life is not available. N.R.E.G.A., Food for Work Program etc. can ameliorate the problem.
JIS-Management Vista, 2011
Reform process such as liberalization, globalization, etc. initiated by Government of India after... more Reform process such as liberalization, globalization, etc. initiated by Government of India after 1991 are making significant impact on the production activities in agrarian India. However, this study shows that there is differential impact of the policies due to the difference in stages of capitalistic development of agriculture. The reform process has more prominent imprints in the agricultural region with developed technology and market than regions with traditional form of production and under-developed market. In consequence, there is a marked shift in the control of the agricultural produce from producers to traders in the production level in the former region.

Nrittava 2011
The gravest issue haunting Indian economics and politics is the rising estimates of poverty level... more The gravest issue haunting Indian economics and politics is the rising estimates of poverty level in India. Studies done by Saxena and Tendulkar Committee and that of Utsa Patnaik suggests that poverty situation is a matter of grave concern and are unanimous on the point that poverty is increasing in leaps and bounds, particularly in the rural areas. Given this background, in the neo-liberal era every rural development interventions require emphasis on the aspect of hunger and impoverishment. Without meeting these important sustenance characteristic, no rural development strategy or programmes can remain successful. Our study enquires about the poverty level on the basis of consumption expenditure and that of Kcal estimation and compares the estimates with that of the estimation of Tendulkar Committee and Rural Development Ministry in two villages of district Birbhum, so as to assess the real situation of poverty

PCK-Bulletin, 2010
Viewing reservation just as a phenomenon of the post independent era or as a spin off to constitu... more Viewing reservation just as a phenomenon of the post independent era or as a spin off to constitution building process is merely a parochial understanding of the problem. ‘Reservation’ as a concept is related to power, politics and the economy of the specific conditions of the society, i.e .the political economy. This paper attempts to give a brief depiction of the cross-sectional survey findings of two diversely developed districts of West Bengal, Purulia and Bardhaman in the Year 2002-2003. Our findings show that there is a high degree of association between the characteristics-economic class (E-criterion) and social groups like Scheduled caste or Scheduled tribe. The association between the characteristics is higher in the advanced region (Bardhaman) than the backward region (Purulia). On the basis of the cross-sectional survey findings, we are tempted to conclude in reverse that lower caste or tribe can be a good proxy to lower economic class in both advanced and backward region of the agrarian West Bengal. Therefore present reservation policy can serve as a good instrument in mitigating economic discrimination in lieu of reservation determined on the basis of economic backwardness, which according to many researcher is the ideal form of reservation. Moreover, degree of association between higher caste and higher economic class is higher in the region where agricultural development has been higher or where the executional emphasis of development programme by the state has been given the priority.
IMAGES-Women Christian College, 2005
Talks by Santanu Rakshit

"This paper intends to explain the inclusion process of agricultural sector into the Capital--Non... more "This paper intends to explain the inclusion process of agricultural sector into the Capital--Non-capital complex controlled by global capita.l and interventions through different instruments in order to. Finally, how these interventions help to maintain a systematic surplus appropriation process and influence the trajectories of agrarian transition.
In the process the paper evaluates at the farm-level the nature of output and surpluses, vis-à-vis the emerging exchange processes of the agrarian West Bengal through the lenses of socio economic class differentiation in the current millennium. The paper concentrates on how the Stressed Commerce (Rakshit, 2011, 2014) influences the structure and pattern of farm labour and farm-disposable surplus produced by the peasants. Next, it addresses the consequences of such stressed commerce on the process of accumulation of surplus and how it changes and determinesthe process and structure of Agrarian Transition. It appears that the emerging process of agrarian transition in West Bengal is quite different in structure and essence to that of the classical notion of the transition.
This paper (ǿ) intends to evaluate at the farm-level the nature of output, surplus, and poverty v... more This paper (ǿ) intends to evaluate at the farm-level the nature of output, surplus, and poverty vis-à-vis the emerging exchange processes of the agrarian West Bengal through the lenses of socio economic class differentiation in the current millennium. The paper concentrates on the structure and pattern of gross output, gross value added, farm labour and farm-disposable surplus produced by the peasants. Subsequently this paper highlights the exchange processes and its repercussion on the above variables. Finally, on this backdrop nature of poverty is analysed. The study emphasises more on the region with higher capitalistic1 development. The change in this region is found to be more significant in the context of agrarian transition.

Neo-liberalism is a higher moment in the broad journey of capital in global economy. Keynesianism... more Neo-liberalism is a higher moment in the broad journey of capital in global economy. Keynesianism is the forgone chapter. Neo-liberalism -the expression of International Finance Capital or Global capital had initiated a multipronged approach towards maintaining its complete hegemony over the political, economic and social spaces. It has numerous faces –perfectly suited for developed world and some other for less developed countries. Even within the LDC’s it have different way of maintaining its hegemony. In LDC’s, it appears to maintain different approaches for its intervention-for rich and poor- broadly. Specifically the process of capitalist accumulation in case of capital (arising), process of primitive accumulation of surplus in case of non-capital and developmental management (governmentality) for the excluded in the process of surplus appropriation. In the process withdrawal of government from active intervention puts a serious question mark over capitalist development in agriculture.
This paper intends to explain first, the process of inclusion of the capital--non-capital complex in agriculture by global capital and intervention through different instruments in order to maintain a systematic surplus appropriation process. Secondly how these leads to collapsing of the process of agrarian transition creating a huge non-farm sector (excluded) and a definite movement away from indigenous capitalist development in agriculture. Finally, how these simultaneous interventions brings forth the larger question of agrarian crisis, resistances and development management.

Is Neo-liberalism withering away after its hegemonic rule of decades in India? This paper attempt... more Is Neo-liberalism withering away after its hegemonic rule of decades in India? This paper attempts to find the trace of the hegemony of neo-liberalism and its seeming fading out from economic, social and political spaces in India. Neo-liberalism, the expression of International Finance Capital (or Global capital), in its continuous hegemonic assertion whenever necessary throttled the much acclaimed demand side management of State (Keynesianism). State seemed to be reduced to mere bystander amidst high dynamism of International Capital in India. However, for some time some role reversal is also being observed. In the sense of Keynesianism-The Return of the State seems to be imminent. At least in states like West Bengal, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh etc. and in central government (ministry of Environment, Rural Development, Finance etc.), State in an active developmental role, creating a delusory moments. In this context the paper would deal with the controversy between Neo-liberalism and Keynesianism in the sense of pure governmental intervention and its political insinuation amidst high volatility in government affairs.
The paper (ǿ) presented is an evaluation of the agrarian work-force relations of peasant classes ... more The paper (ǿ) presented is an evaluation of the agrarian work-force relations of peasant classes in West Bengal through the lenses of socio economic class differentiation in this neo-liberal regime. This gender based study, in paricular concentrates on the stucture of occupation, nature of workforce and work participation rate under the pro-poor policy intervention. The study stresses, especially in the region with higher capitalistic development a distinct pattern of rural labour or occupational transformation is observed. It is all amidst the serious efforts undertaken by the federal state of West Bengal in agrarian reforms, however, constrained by the constitutional obligations and fierce intervention of the global market process.
Papers by Santanu Rakshit
The intervention of global capital through primitive accumulation is causing immense economic and
ecological suffering, particularly among the poorer areas of the less-developed world. The United Nations
has taken various actions in the less-developed regions of the world to deal with these concerns and at the
same time to obtain a balance between the environment and the market or capital. This article explores the
role of UN in administering the resulting environmental crisis through a process of 'development
management' which is more about consolidating 'governmentality' in the developing world than reaching a
solution to the poverty and environmental destruction driven by capital.
Key Words: neoliberal capital; governmentality; primitive accumulation; environmental concern;
development management; United Nations
L'intervention de la capitale mondiale grâce à l'accumulation primitive est à l'origine d'immenses
souffrances économique et écologique, en particulier parmi les régions les plus pauvres du monde, les
moins développés. Les Nations Unies ont pris diverses mesures dans les régions les moins développées pour
faire face à ces préoccupations et en même temps d'obtenir un équilibre entre l'environnement et le marché
ou de la capitale. Cet article explore le rôle des Nations unies dans l'administration de la crise
environnementale résultant à travers un processus de «gestion du développement» qui est plus orienté vers
la consolidation de «gouvernementalité» dans le monde en développement que de parvenir à une solution à
la pauvreté et destruction de l'environnement entraînée par le capital.
Mots clés: Capital néolibéral; gouvernementalité; accumulation primitive; préoccupation environnementale;
gestion du développement; Nations Unies
The paper is a study for evaluation of the agrarian relation and the economic characteristic of peasant classes in West Bengal. It experienced three and a half decades of left federal rule along with a two decades of economic reform pursued by central government of India. Against this contradictory backdrop of political and economic rule, the class differentiation had clearly manifested in terms of concentration of assets, inputs, irrigation and product realised among the different peasant classes. The differentiation had a clear imprint on the structure of investment and production as well, however, interestingly in terms of net surplus and income such an outcome was reversed.
Keywords: stressed commerce; agrarian relations; class differentiation; capitalistic development; farm viability; agrarian transition
Talks by Santanu Rakshit
In the process the paper evaluates at the farm-level the nature of output and surpluses, vis-à-vis the emerging exchange processes of the agrarian West Bengal through the lenses of socio economic class differentiation in the current millennium. The paper concentrates on how the Stressed Commerce (Rakshit, 2011, 2014) influences the structure and pattern of farm labour and farm-disposable surplus produced by the peasants. Next, it addresses the consequences of such stressed commerce on the process of accumulation of surplus and how it changes and determinesthe process and structure of Agrarian Transition. It appears that the emerging process of agrarian transition in West Bengal is quite different in structure and essence to that of the classical notion of the transition.
This paper intends to explain first, the process of inclusion of the capital--non-capital complex in agriculture by global capital and intervention through different instruments in order to maintain a systematic surplus appropriation process. Secondly how these leads to collapsing of the process of agrarian transition creating a huge non-farm sector (excluded) and a definite movement away from indigenous capitalist development in agriculture. Finally, how these simultaneous interventions brings forth the larger question of agrarian crisis, resistances and development management.
The intervention of global capital through primitive accumulation is causing immense economic and
ecological suffering, particularly among the poorer areas of the less-developed world. The United Nations
has taken various actions in the less-developed regions of the world to deal with these concerns and at the
same time to obtain a balance between the environment and the market or capital. This article explores the
role of UN in administering the resulting environmental crisis through a process of 'development
management' which is more about consolidating 'governmentality' in the developing world than reaching a
solution to the poverty and environmental destruction driven by capital.
Key Words: neoliberal capital; governmentality; primitive accumulation; environmental concern;
development management; United Nations
L'intervention de la capitale mondiale grâce à l'accumulation primitive est à l'origine d'immenses
souffrances économique et écologique, en particulier parmi les régions les plus pauvres du monde, les
moins développés. Les Nations Unies ont pris diverses mesures dans les régions les moins développées pour
faire face à ces préoccupations et en même temps d'obtenir un équilibre entre l'environnement et le marché
ou de la capitale. Cet article explore le rôle des Nations unies dans l'administration de la crise
environnementale résultant à travers un processus de «gestion du développement» qui est plus orienté vers
la consolidation de «gouvernementalité» dans le monde en développement que de parvenir à une solution à
la pauvreté et destruction de l'environnement entraînée par le capital.
Mots clés: Capital néolibéral; gouvernementalité; accumulation primitive; préoccupation environnementale;
gestion du développement; Nations Unies
The paper is a study for evaluation of the agrarian relation and the economic characteristic of peasant classes in West Bengal. It experienced three and a half decades of left federal rule along with a two decades of economic reform pursued by central government of India. Against this contradictory backdrop of political and economic rule, the class differentiation had clearly manifested in terms of concentration of assets, inputs, irrigation and product realised among the different peasant classes. The differentiation had a clear imprint on the structure of investment and production as well, however, interestingly in terms of net surplus and income such an outcome was reversed.
Keywords: stressed commerce; agrarian relations; class differentiation; capitalistic development; farm viability; agrarian transition
In the process the paper evaluates at the farm-level the nature of output and surpluses, vis-à-vis the emerging exchange processes of the agrarian West Bengal through the lenses of socio economic class differentiation in the current millennium. The paper concentrates on how the Stressed Commerce (Rakshit, 2011, 2014) influences the structure and pattern of farm labour and farm-disposable surplus produced by the peasants. Next, it addresses the consequences of such stressed commerce on the process of accumulation of surplus and how it changes and determinesthe process and structure of Agrarian Transition. It appears that the emerging process of agrarian transition in West Bengal is quite different in structure and essence to that of the classical notion of the transition.
This paper intends to explain first, the process of inclusion of the capital--non-capital complex in agriculture by global capital and intervention through different instruments in order to maintain a systematic surplus appropriation process. Secondly how these leads to collapsing of the process of agrarian transition creating a huge non-farm sector (excluded) and a definite movement away from indigenous capitalist development in agriculture. Finally, how these simultaneous interventions brings forth the larger question of agrarian crisis, resistances and development management.