Wines we Have Known and Loved's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in
Wines we Have Known and Loved's LiveJournal:
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Monday, October 9th, 2006 | 1:52 am [corkr]
What a corkr!
Corkr Discovering the world of wine, one day at a time! Do you want to discover New, Interesting and Unusual Wines? Everyday at midnight, Corkr brings you a new wine - complete with tasting notes and lively discussion on our forums. What are you waiting for? | Wednesday, September 20th, 2006 | 6:08 pm [tammylc]
| Monday, February 13th, 2006 | 1:57 am [funkyplaid]
Paso Robles Pilgrimage. January 2006
With half of our numbers culled due to the intractable plague that's currently incapacitating much of our fair, bevined country, the still-healthy portion of this intrepid band of devout turned four wheels southward, this time, for a drive down the 101 toward the City of Angels. Since no grapes grow in the smoggy doom below – ironically – The Grapevine, we settled on the dustier earth of the Paso Robles environs to slake our unyielding thirst. Just south of Monterey and north of San Luis Obispo sits Paso Robles, where a nexus of fine vineyards rests on the rolling land, parted by lines of old oaks bursting with mistletoe clusters galore.
The drive from San Francisco is about four hours, so while a day trip is possible from the Greater Bay Area, it certainly must be a lightning one. Being fond of electrical current, we settled upon the proud banner of Turley as our beacon and hoped to find other gems beneath the fertile fields there. We were not wholly disappointed.
 As promised after our return from Napa last fall, Turley was the glimmering lure with which we cast our alcohol-soaked nets to start the new year right. The facility sits in the southern Paso Robles area, off the beaten path but still highly renowned enough to have a two-year waiting list even for membership offers. Rather than allowing tours of the vineyards and processing areas as does Ladera and Girard, the Turley tasting was holed up in a single room that doubled as a register and a bar, finely furnished with rustic knick-knacks and crunchy snacks. 
( That's no spot, that's only a reflection...Collapse )
X-posted to our wine travelogue, grapes_traipse Current Mood: satisfied | Monday, February 6th, 2006 | 4:06 pm [club_spaceland]
| Saturday, January 28th, 2006 | 8:38 pm [______v]
xposted to wine
Hi. I'm doing something special for my boyfriend for valentines day and it includes choloate fondue and such, and I was wondering what wine would go best with this? I'm kind of on a budget but I would like to find something reasonably priced and good tasting. I'm from Northern California if that helps to narrow down the responses. Thank you. | Sunday, January 8th, 2006 | 11:14 pm [funkyplaid]
Labor Day of Love. X-posted to our new wine-swilling community, grapes_traipse Feel free to join or comment!
Our first deep-strike infiltration of Napa Valley in the guise of this particular wry cadre of degenerates happened just last September. Ryan’s a good chap as is, but his occupation as a cunning wine monger and the connections that position conveys really made this trip a special one. I’m new to this here travel-for-decadence thing, and though my tastebuds are ever-opinionated and self-righteous, I got a good schooling on a beautiful day in the midst of this particular California fall.
 Five of us piled into the van far earlier in the morning than I had hoped, taking Highway 37 northward to Oakville and St. Helena and then onto the golden strip of Highway 29 and its environs. It was Labor Day Weekend, and we thought it would be pretty packed along the Silverado Trail, but Ryan managed to finagle some really good audiences at a handful of exquisite wineries there and up on Howell Mountain. 
If you can believe it, we hadn’t even started drinking yet. This is how we always look in the morning.We wanted to start off a bit light, and after a brimming feast of delectable foodstuffs from Oakville Grocery, we meandered back-and-forth past Boswell more than a few times to finally find the snugly-nestled Benessere villa between the great, grape gauntlet of the Trail and 29. It was a lazy, warm Saturday at the lovely plot of succulent vineyards, and it was a pleasure to take in the surroundings and stroll the rows of lovely grape varietals before popping inside for our medicine. 
( More Juicin' Below...Collapse ) Current Mood: groggy | Tuesday, November 1st, 2005 | 3:50 pm [jjaacc]
First visit to Napa
I'll be visiting Napa for the first time this Saturday and would like suggestions on where to go. This is my first time in US, and I"m not very familiar with the wines here, or actually wines in general. I heard that it is more expensive to buy from the wineries direct sometimes - is this true? | Wednesday, October 5th, 2005 | 11:39 pm [tax]
I'm considering starting to produce some pieces of Wine Journalism. What sort of things are you lot interested in? Would you enjoy something that was about a region/wine or something more anecdotal about an experience of mine at a tasting, or meeting? | Friday, September 2nd, 2005 | 9:50 am [littlehounddog]
| Monday, June 20th, 2005 | 8:14 pm [decomposuer]
US WINE MARKETI hope this is the right place to post this, but seeing as though you all are wine lovers I guess you will probably be able to help. I am a Business Studies student currently doing a marketing assesment. It has to be a marketing plan specifically from Fosters perspective developing a new wine product for the US market. It is particularly difficult for me seeing as though I dont drink wine and am from Australia. This is where you guys come in. It doesnt matter what age you are, just as long as you are from the US. I would appreciate it so much if you could just tell me a little bit about what you know, or fill out these few questions behind the cut. I really need this info for my research and possibly appendix, and would appreciate it so much! ( Quick SurveyCollapse ) | Monday, April 18th, 2005 | 2:16 pm [thiscantbesoy]
Hello, I have perhaps the most random question ever to grace this page. Humor me. Do any of you know of any wine or champagne (preferably one easy to come by) that has a name even REMOTELY like "Cody" or "Kody" or even "Code"? Or contains that as part of its name? Thanks to all. X-posted all about. | Thursday, April 7th, 2005 | 4:02 pm [skyefin] |
Hello, everyone! I wonder if you can help me with advice or a suggestion. I am from Belarus and interested in wine-making. I want to go to the south of France to work for and learn from a wine-maker. I do not want to work with a wine-producing company. I'd like to work at a grape farm and participate in all the wine-making processes from grape-gathering to wine-bottling. Maybe you happen to know such a wine-maker or someone, who knows, or just a link to a website or community where I can research this opportunity. I'll be happy to receive any information here. Thanks you very much in advance. | Tuesday, November 9th, 2004 | 9:36 pm [iscoto]
A dillema
I'm new to the community, I'll be the first to admit I don't know jack about wine, other than some taste better than others and they're made from fermented grapes. That's about it. But I need some advice, my fiance is coming back into town after a week long convention for her work and I want to set a romantic setting in front of the fireplace with some wine. The problem is, I don't know what kind is fitting for this, so please, any input would be a BIG help | Thursday, September 23rd, 2004 | 7:09 pm [nebula31]
Romanelli 2000 Chianti Riserva
After work I stopped at a local liquor store out of curiosity to browse their selection of Italian wines. It was pretty sparse, but I did pick up a 2000 Romanelli Chianti Riserva for $7.99. It seems like most Riservas I've seen have been priced in the $12.00 and up range. When I got home I Googled for reviews and didn't find many. Is it simply a wine made following the Riserva requirements, but not of high quality? It says "Bottled by Chianti Trabusti s.r.l., Firenze, Italy", but I haven't heard of them. I Googled them also, but the sell wine under a different label. I was also surprised to find it on the wine list of a California restaurant at $34.00 per bottle: ROMANELLI Toscana, Riserva '00 $34.00 (glass $8.50) I realize that restaurants frequently price bottles higher, but that seems like a huge difference. Any ideas? | Thursday, July 29th, 2004 | 7:44 pm [tax]
A hello to fellow winelovers! A typical 'newbie' hello, though I am wondering if people still use this community... | Monday, February 23rd, 2004 | 11:55 pm [angel_thane]
| Friday, January 16th, 2004 | 10:10 am [starkewpie]
I am quite fond of the Sangiovese variety, from the Tuscany region of Italy. My favorite wine for the past year has been "Sabbie Di Nuvola Vecchia Toscana 2000": 90% Sangiovese and 10% Merlot. It's fairly cheap (~$7) at Trader Joe's. So smooth and mellow and slightly fruity, not bitter at all. Some wines have kind of a vinegar taste, but this has none of that. Mmm. Something about this particular wine makes me more purry and lovey-dovey than most. Italians know how to make it! | Friday, November 28th, 2003 | 4:13 am [angel_thane]
Beaujolais Nouveau Montmessin
LCBO, $13.95 (canadian) Beaujolais Region, Gamay Noir grapes Carbonically macerated. Call me a wine geek, but I'm still a big fan of the nouveaux. First wines of the summer, fresh, ready to drink. The montmessin was a great example of everything that is good about BNs. Soft, fruity, lots of candied fruits (red fruit) on both the nose and the palatte. Clean and fresh, little if any tannins. A delightful pale ruby red colour. I didn't take any notes, but 2003 looks like a good year for fun fruity wines. | Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 | 11:45 am [sunkistsoda]
I'm going shopping tonight to pick up stuff for tomorrow, and I need to know what kind of wine would go well with Turkey and potatoes and whatnot, and it relatively inexpensive, especially since I'm not going to be able to go anywhere else to look beside the grocery store. I'm not really sure what to look for, as my wine knowledge is not very extensive. My favorites in the price range that I'm trying to find one in are White Merlot and Cafe Zinfendel (by Gallo, I think). Any suggestions? | Sunday, November 16th, 2003 | 11:16 am [okoge]
help the noob
I'm looking for a good, cheap wine ($15 or less thereabouts) to serve with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner -- but I'm really inexperienced when it comes to understanding and choosing wines. I'm looking at two wines in particular: Bernard Griffin 2001 Merlot and Masi 1999 Campofiorin Ripasso. What do you think? Good, bad match w/ turkey? Personal experiences? Will I be able to find either of these, or similar wines, in my local grocery store? (There's no way I'm setting foot in a wine shop. Imagine my noob shame!) Am I on the wrong path altogether here, or what? :) |
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