February began by signing up for a write course on plain language, right here in Wellington. I would throughly recommend the course, it gave me the tools I needed to structure intent through my writing which had been muddled in the past. This issue would often mean a point I thought was clearly expressed was not clear at all.I will endeavour to continue working at this, hopefully the blog is a great place to practice.
A large part of my free time this month has been taken up by writing book pitches for publishers. I really believe passionately in my book but times are hard and I am not a “known” designer in my field so it seems finding a suitable publisher could be harder than I first thought. It is partly my own fault, Through out my career I have had many ideas and think deeply about problems I have encountered. In the past I have convinced myself other people probably wouldn’t be interested in my solutions, so I have not shared them beyond my immediate designer friend group. As I have gotten older I’ve begun to see that other people don’t think quite like I do and I’ve come to realise that maybe my voice is worth sharing a little wider.
Attending the writing course and focusing on my weaknesses helped me find my own voice in my writing. I struggle to write about myself on the blog, finding it far easier to write about design or other occurrences. This is also an issue when I use social media.
It’s my hope as I continue to keep developing my writing capabilities I will get better at sharing new ideas that I previously wouldn’t have shared, which seems like quite a good outcome for this month.