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Journal created:
on 12 December 2004 (#5429278)
on 6 December 2012
Video Artists & VJs
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
video art, visuals, & experimental films

Welcome to Video Artists & VJs!
A place devoted to celebrating the power of the pixel.
Participation and involvement with the community is highly encouraged. Share yourself with us!
60's lightshows, 60's op art, acid tests, acid video, algorithms, altered perceptions, analog video, animation, arkaos, artificial intelligence, artmatic, audio-visual, avante garde psychedelia, bliss paint, brain synapse-firing, brain waves, broadcast, bryce, channelling energies, chaos, chaos theory, chemical enhancements, compositing, computerized graphics, cutting edge visuals, cyberpunk, digital occult, digital video, dvd turntables, dvds, dvdvj, eastern philosophy, edirol, entrancer, environmental lighting, expanded consciousness, film, film projections, film projectors, flash, fractals, glitches, goa trance, graphics, hallucinogenic chemicals, hexstatic, holographic tv, hypnotic visuals, imageready, immersive environments, information overload, japanese culture, kaleidoscopic projection, kubrick, laser projections, lasers, lcd displays, lcd screens, led displays, leds, lightshows, macromedia, mandalas, mathmatical art, matrix, midi, midi controllers, motion dive, motion graphics, multimedia, nam june paik, ntsc, old projectors, optical illusions, overhead projectors, pal, panasonic, photoshop, picture elements, pixel pirates, pixellated, pixels, platonic solids, projectors, psychedelic discoteques, psychedelic experience, psychedelic trance, psychedelic visuals, pulsing lights, pulsing rainbows, rave culture, rave parties, rave visuals, reason, revolution, sacred geometry, slide projectors, slide-dissolve, sony, special effects, strobes, subliminal messages, switchers, synaethesia, techno magic, techno visuals, terrence mckenna, timothy leary, trance inducing, trance parties, trance states, tranzendent, ufos, ultrafractal, ultraviolet, video, video art, video artists, video cameras, video effects, video feedback, video installations, video loops, video mandalas, video mixing, video monitors, video performance, video programming, video projectors, video sculptures, video synthesis, video walls, videojockeys, virtual reality, visual expression, visual jockey, vjamm, vjs, web animation, william gibson, wjmx50


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