Papers by Shelley Dawson
Springer International Publishing eBooks, 2022

This thesis examines the discursive negotiation of identities in study abroad (SA) settings, exam... more This thesis examines the discursive negotiation of identities in study abroad (SA) settings, examining how university exchange students in New Zealand and France use language to enact, reflect on, and problematise social identities in interaction. I push beyond the more common focus on language learning as the end goal of identity scholarship in SA, focusing instead on an emergent approach to social identities for participants as they encounter ‘new’ Discourses and norms in their exchange settings. The post-structural perspective of identities as multiple, dynamic, and a site of struggle is enriched by attending closely to how identities are discursively co-constructed at ‘ground level’ in interactions with attention to wider sociocultural Discourses and ideologies. I approach this complexity by weaving a strong theoretical thread throughout the thesis, acknowledging (and problematising) the social categories, knowledge, Discourses and ideologies we (re)construct for ourselves, yet ...

Gender and Language, 2021
During Covid-19 lockdown in New Zealand from March to June 2020, gendered discourses appeared in ... more During Covid-19 lockdown in New Zealand from March to June 2020, gendered discourses appeared in artistic and commercial products featuring Ashley Bloomfield, New Zealand’s Director General of Health and ‘hero of quarantine’. Using an analytical framework combining Foucauldian discourse analysis with critical multimodality, we explore how Ashley is shaped into existence through discourses portraying him as a superhero, love interest/sex symbol, national treasure, saviour, saint and authority figure. These emergent discourses ride on the wave of longstanding dominant discourses relating to gender and sexuality, alongside nation, class and ethnicity. While dominant discourses may provide reassurance when established realities are under threat, they simultaneously cause harm by reproducing unequal power relations between social groups. We contend that, even in periods of crisis, we should consider what broader messages we are sending when we latch onto the latest discursive trend.
The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics, 2021

Gender and Language, 2019
This paper explores the gender order and heteronormativity as salient ideologicalstructures affec... more This paper explores the gender order and heteronormativity as salient ideologicalstructures affecting identity construction and agency in a study abroadcontext. Drawing on a multi-layered case study of Hugo (a French universityexchange student in New Zealand), I examine interactional and ethnographicdata to shine light on processes involved in negotiating sexuality and genderidentities in both the host and home contexts. Specifically, the analysis allowsinsights into the development of agency within changing structural environmentsduring and after study abroad, and makes the case for a recognitionof the force of ideological constraints. At the same time, I show that 'seeds ofagency', sparked by a destabilisation of habitus, are planted in the study abroadcontext and argue that crossing borders can be the impetus for a liberatingontological excavation of what might be possible.
Language in Society, 2019
Slag merupakan limbah hasil pengolahan nikel yang dapat mencemari lingkungan perairan yang diseba... more Slag merupakan limbah hasil pengolahan nikel yang dapat mencemari lingkungan perairan yang disebabkan karena limbah slag tersebut dapat terlindi oleh liquid. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengetahui kualitas air lindian slag ferronickel, nickel matte dan nickel pig iron. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu uji kinetik (Free Draining Column Leach Test), uji sifat fisik dan kimia. Pengambilan data menggunakan alat intelegent meter, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) dan X-ray Flourosence (XRF). Diperoleh hasil penelitian dari tiga sampel air lindian yaitu slag ferronickel, nickel matte dan nickel pig iron. Air lindian slag ferronickel diperoleh parameter-parameter dengan nilai pH 8,24,

'Bitch I'm back, by popular demand: Agency and structure in a study abroad setting, 2019
This paper explores the gender order and heteronormativity as salient ideological structures affe... more This paper explores the gender order and heteronormativity as salient ideological structures affecting identity construction and agency in a study abroad context. Drawing on a multi-layered case study of Hugo (a French university exchange student in New Zealand), I examine interactional and ethnographic data to shine light on processes involved in negotiating sexuality and gender identities in both the host and home contexts. Specifically, the analysis allows insights into the development of agency within changing structural environments during and after study abroad, and makes the case for a recognition of the force of ideological constraints. At the same time, I show that 'seeds of agency', sparked by a destabilisation of habitus, are planted in the study abroad context and argue that crossing borders can be the impetus for a liberating ontological excavation of what might be possible.
Book Reviews by Shelley Dawson
Review of Marjorie Faulstich Orellana Immigrant children in transcultural spaces: Language, learning and love, 2019
Papers by Shelley Dawson
Book Reviews by Shelley Dawson