Papers by Argelia Muñoz

El siguiente artículo presenta los resultados de un análisis de las plataformas de streaming de v... more El siguiente artículo presenta los resultados de un análisis de las plataformas de streaming de video independientes que están disponibles en México. El objetivo es identificar su función socio-cultural y económica así como los retos a los que se enfrentan. Para ello se creó un directorio de plataformas que permitió obtener estadísticas originales y que fue la base para realizar una investigación cualitativa sustentada en el análisis temático de documentos como páginas web de las plataformas y reportes periodísticos con testimonios de los responsables de las plataformas. El estudio se apoyó además en entrevistas originales a gestores de plataformas, productores y distribuidores audiovisuales. Se encontró que dentro de las funciones de las plataformas independientes están democratizar la distribución audiovisual y retornar ingresos justos a sus creadores así como ofrecer un contenido diverso y resguardarlo. Sin embargo, en el entorno actual de concentración del mercado por parte de l...

Official statistics show that the revenue from film production in Wellington has increased in the... more Official statistics show that the revenue from film production in Wellington has increased in the last decade. However, unofficial debates identify that the Wellington film industry lacks financial capacity and has only intermittent levels of production. I argue that the absence of sustainability, defined here as long-term endogenous viability, underlies the difficulties faced by the film industry in Wellington. However, cultural industries studies have overlooked the issue of sustainability in the film industry, or dealt with it only indirectly. This study draws on theoretical approaches from the political economy of culture and geographical industrialisation theory, suggesting that integrated relations among the value chain phases, and synergistic interactions among the film industry organisations, are crucial to film industry development. Accordingly, this thesis derives from the hypothesis that such relations are key to sustainable outcomes. The main question that this research...

Norteamérica, 2021
El siguiente artículo estudia la internacionalización de las plataformas públicas de streaming de... more El siguiente artículo estudia la internacionalización de las plataformas públicas de streaming de América del Norte como una oportunidad para contribuir a la diversidad cultural a nivel mundial. La expansión geográfica de las plataformas públicas depende de sus objetivos, costes operativos y de las condiciones legales del contenido. Este artículo identifica cinco modalidades de internacionalización de las plataformas de la región: 1) monetización, 2) conexión con la diáspora/migrantes, 3) difusión internacional, 4) internacionalización involuntaria y 5) el bloqueo de contenidos en el extranjero. Se encontró que: i) los mayores obstáculos a la internacionalización son el manejo de derechos y los costos de la infraestructura de distribución y promoción; ii) que las limitantes anteriores y las barreras idiomáticas hacen escasa la disponibilidad de las plataformas públicas de streaming entre los países de América del Norte; y iii) que la modalidad de difusión internacional, que delibera...

Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 2021
This article examines the contribution of streaming platforms in providing financial investment ‐... more This article examines the contribution of streaming platforms in providing financial investment ‐ in the form of co-productions, commissions and acquisitions of audio-visual content ‐ as well as capital returns to local audio-visual producers. It will focus on the North American region, particularly on Mexico and Canada, as gravitating around stronger US audio-visual companies. Studies of traditional audio-visual windows in the countries studied have pointed out the undercapitalization of independent content producers due to financial structures and capital return models that are disadvantageous to them. This article questions: what is streaming’s contribution, as a new commercialization window, to the capitalization of local independent producers? The research conducted a qualitative study of interviews with film producers and distributors as well as an industrial analysis based on previous studies, media and business reports. The research has found that streaming tends to provide:...
Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 2020
Review of: Audiovisual Industries and Diversity: Economics and Policies in the Digital Era, Luis ... more Review of: Audiovisual Industries and Diversity: Economics and Policies in the Digital Era, Luis A. Albornoz and María Trinidad García Leiva (eds) (2019)New York: Routledge, 210 pp.,ISBN 978-1-13838-445-3, h/bk, USD 124
Studies in Australasian Cinema, 2017
This paper examines distribution and delivery outlets of films in New Zealand which have been oft... more This paper examines distribution and delivery outlets of films in New Zealand which have been often ignored by policy, media debates, and academic studies. The paper argues that in New Zealand both sectors are currently controlled by transnational companies and dominated with foreign supply. The paper concludes that the existence of entrenched codependent relations among various film distributors and commercialisation outlets in the country have become de facto economic powers influencing relationships with local film producers and the availability of culturally diverse films in media outlets.
Norteamérica, 2014
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative
Sociologica, 2006
es una recopilación de distintos artículos aparecidos previamente en revistas especializadas y re... more es una recopilación de distintos artículos aparecidos previamente en revistas especializadas y revisados con el fin de cumplir con los propósitos de la obra en cuestión. El Dr.

The aim of this study is to present a diagnosis of film production in Mexico City while attemptin... more The aim of this study is to present a diagnosis of film production in Mexico City while attempting to fill the gaps in the knowledge of the endogenous development of this subsector. This article presents the results of research work designed to understand the patterns of labor, industrial, geographic and institutional organization. This examination is based on the geographic industrialization theory proposed by the School of California. Data was obtained through surveys sent to production companies in Mexico City. Due to their determinant importance, we also took into account the links between the production, distribution and exhibition of films. We considered that both approaches, geographic industrialization and political economy of culture (or in other words, the study of endogenous characteristics as well as the exogenous ties of the subsector), would allow us to generate a broader understanding of this Mexican cultural industry. As part of the study we observed the flexible production organization of the film industrial district, its lack of profitability and its dependence on State subsidies. We also noted incipient but significant levels of transactions between production companies and service providers compared with the weak relationships between the labor market and the industry labor unions and between private firms and government institutions (except for State's funds).

Applying geographical industrialization theory and the political economy of culture approach, thi... more Applying geographical industrialization theory and the political economy of culture approach, this study aims to present a diagnosis of film production in Mexico City and attempts to fill gaps in the knowledge of the endogenous development of this subsector. This article presents the results of field work designed to understand the patterns of labor and the industrial, geographic, and institutional organization of the film production. We also take into account previous studies regarding the links among production, distribution, and exhibition of films due to their importance to the welfare of the Mexican film industry. As part of the study we observed the flexible production organization of the film industrial district, its lack of profitability, and its dependence on State subsidies. Introduction 1 In the second half of the 1990s, the Mexican film industry fell into a deep crisis. Film production dropped from an average of 87 films per year in the 1980s to 11 films in 1997, the lowest in Mexican film history (Gómez García, 2006). Previous studies have established that the crisis was the result of multiple causes, but the reregulation designed with free market underpinnings and driven by the Cinematographic

This article examines online video on demand platforms as a new dissemination window for audio-vi... more This article examines online video on demand platforms as a new dissemination window for audio-visual content in North America, specifically, in the less-known cases of Mexico and Canada. The comparative study describes and discusses the markets and industrial organization of these subsectors and highlights the common and distinctive characteristics of their ecologies vis a vis United States’ strong hold over the screen content industry in the region. The main line of inquiry is—what is the contribution of this new window regarding the provision of a more diverse screen outlet ecology in the current context of concentration in the audiovisual sector? In this way, the article connects with the long-standing debate between optimistic and skeptical accounts of whether digital technologies can disrupt traditional concentration tendencies in the cultural industries. To answer the research question, new platform environments were mapped and classified to produce original statistics. These...

Television & New Media, 2022
Netflix, as a tech company, is currently the largest global streaming platform challenging tradit... more Netflix, as a tech company, is currently the largest global streaming platform challenging traditional US studios. This article analyses Netflix’s transnational business strategies disrupting such status quo by focusing, on one local example: Mexico. Literature on Netflix has identified some of the transnational strategies studied here, this article adds to the discussion the use of local elements to infiltrate the power hub of Hollywood. By using the holistic scope of Political Economy, this research presents an integrated examination of: (a) the structural conditions of the Mexican audiovisual system in which Netflix is immersed; (b) the tech company’s expansion strategies; (c) the case of the movie Roma as a pivot-like tactic to push forward different company goals. The article argues that Netflix, by setting a new form of audiovisual circulation through innovation technology, has understood the key areas to break the audiovisual market value chain allowing it to gain global domi...
Applying geographical industrialization theory and the political economy of culture approach, thi... more Applying geographical industrialization theory and the political economy of culture approach, this study aims to present a diagnosis of film production in Mexico City and attempts to fill gaps in the knowledge of the endogenous development of this subsector.

The main objective of this article is to present an analysis of 20 years of the North America Fre... more The main objective of this article is to present an analysis of 20 years of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), both in the specific area of cultural policies and in the cultural industries sectors. We draw on industrial indicators, official documents, media reports and previous research, to provide an overview of the directions concerning cultural industries in the three NAFTA member states. Our main focus is to compare the positions that the Canadian and Mexican governments have taken vis a vis the number one audio-visual power in the world, the U.S. Within this scenario, we have given greater focus to the Mexican case. We aim to contribute to the development of comparative analysis of case studies in cultural industries policy. In the conclusions we argue that cultural policies have been organized and shaped under the logic of the free trade and global capitalist imperatives. We identified big media conglomerates as the major winners in each of the NAFTA states. Furthermore, since NAFTA was signed the role of the State in Mexico and Canada has weakened in different ways and paces regarding cultural public policy.
Artículos en español by Argelia Muñoz
El artículo presenta el desarrollo y la estructura de la industria cinematográfica mexicana duran... more El artículo presenta el desarrollo y la estructura de la industria cinematográfica mexicana durante un periodo de doce años, a partir de sus mercados y de las empresas más importantes que la controlan. Además, se relaciona este desarrollo con la participación del Estado, a través de las políticas de comunicación que ha impulsado. El objetivo principal de la investigación es hacer un análisis de la situación actual de la industria cinematográfica. Finalmente, es importante señalar que esta investigación se hace desde la óptica de la economía política de la comunicación y la cultura.
Papers by Argelia Muñoz
Artículos en español by Argelia Muñoz