Tag của Plugin: paging
List category posts with pagination
(1 tổng đánh giá)List Category Posts with pagination allows you to list posts from a category into a post or page using the [mycatlist] shortcode.
Simplistic page navi
(1 tổng đánh giá)This plugin displays a linked list by page number. It is simple but has several features.
Back and Forward Button
(4 tổng đánh giá)Add ◄ and ► button anywhere in website matching theme color and style. Check the Live Preview first, then Install.
Custom Pagination Permalinks
(0 tổng đánh giá)Custom listing pagination URLs instead default WordPress permalinks like "[..]/page/[number]/"
Widget Pagination
(0 tổng đánh giá)This plugin lets you add a stylable pagination for the widgets: Archives, Categories, Links, Meta, Pages, Individual Pages, Recent Posts and Recent Co …
Pagination Translator
(1 tổng đánh giá)Simple plugin wich allows you to set your pagination name in URL.
AJAX Comment Pager
(0 tổng đánh giá)AJAX paging plugin for comment pages in WordPress 2.7 or higher versions.
View All Pages
(0 tổng đánh giá)Adds a "All Pages" link to the wp_link_pages() output that will show all pages for a post on singe page. Requires PHP 5+
Page Translator
(1 tổng đánh giá)Simple plugin which allows you to set your pagination name in URL.