Personio Integration Light

Mô tả

Import and display your positions from Personio directly on your website. Get full control over how they are displayed.

Show application forms on your positions and transfer applications from your website to Personio with Personio Integration Pro.


  • manual or automatic import of open positions in German and English (other languages only in Personio Integration Pro)
  • positions are indexable by search engines (SEO)
  • each open position (incl. job description) under its own URL on your website
  • data protection-friendly, as no applicant data is collected and stored
  • multiple Blocks for Block Editor, 2 classic widgets and shortcodes
  • support for classic as well as block themes
  • optionally group the lists by categories, departments, offices etc.
  • some WP CLI commands for simplified handling of data
  • compatible with WCAG
  • compatible with Content Security Policy settings


  • Personio account with enabled XML interface
  • PHP module SimpleXML


The output of the positions is limited to a maximum of 10. Only in Personio Integration Pro there is no limitation.

the Pro license includes:

  • Customization of slugs (URLs) for list and detailed views of positions
  • Multiple and customizable application forms incl. export of them via Personio API
  • Supports all languages Personio offers German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Finnish, Polish
  • Support for multilingual plugins Polylang, WPML, Weglot and TranslatePress
  • Support for subcompanies and additional offices in positions
  • Support for multiple form handler like Contact Form 7, Elementor Forms, Forminator and WPForms
  • Use custom feature image on each position
  • Unlimited custom files for download on each single position
  • Support for tracking of events with Google Analytics 4
  • Support full text search for positions in frontend
  • Multiple Personio-accounts per website
  • Additional import settings, e.g. intervals and partial import for very large lists of open positions and removing of inline styles from position descriptions
  • RichSnippets for optimal findability via search engines like Google Jobs
  • Support for Open Graph (Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp …), Twitter Cards and Dublin Core (optionally configurable for all or single positions)
  • Support to embed positions from your website in other website via oEmbed (optionally configurable for all or single positions)
  • Shortcode generator for individual views of lists and details
  • Extensions for the following PageBuilders: Avada, Beaver Builder, Divi, Elementor, SiteOrigin (SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle necessary), WPBakery
  • Also compatible with Avia (from Enfold) and Kubio AI
  • Every privacy values are encrypted (e.g. applicant data and API credentials)
  • … and much more

get the Pro-Version

The development repository is on GitHub.

We also provide a number of hooks as help for developers.

The Personio logo as part of all distributed icons is a trademark of Personio SE & Co. KG.


This plugin is compatible with ClassicPress.

Ảnh màn hình

  • Field to insert your Personio URL
  • Import-Settings
  • List of imported positions
  • Gutenberg Block for listings


Plugin này cung cấp 7 khối.

  • Personio List Filter Provides a Gutenberg block to show filter as link-based dropdown-list for Personio Positions.
  • Description Provides a Gutenberg Block for the description of a single position managed by Personio.
  • Personio Select Filter Provides a Gutenberg block to show filter as dropdown-list for Personio Positions.
  • Personio Position Provides a Gutenberg Block to show a position managed by Personio.
  • Personio Position Application Button Provides a Gutenberg Block to show the application button for single position.
  • Personio Positions Provides a Gutenberg block to show a list of positions provided by Personio.
  • Details Provides a Gutenberg Block for details of a single position managed by Personio.

Cài đặt

  1. Upload “personio-integration-light” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Enter your Personio URL in the settings.
  4. Include one of the different output options for open positions in your company in your website.

Hỏi đáp

Can I use the plugin without a Personio account?

The plugin can be installed even without Personio account. However, it is not usable without Personio data.

Does this plugin use iframes?

No, no iframe of any kind is used to embed data.

How can I use a form as an application form and submit the applications to Personio?

This is supported by the Pro version of the plugin since version 2.0.0. You can find instructions on how to do this here.

Does this plugin set any cookies or load data from external?

No, this plugin does not set cookies nor does it load data externally within the front end of the website. The exception is when images and videos are embedded in the job descriptions coming from Personio. In this case, please check to what extent this affects the privacy of your own website.

Is this plugin GPRD-compatible?

Yes, it is without any further settings.

Đánh giá

13 Tháng 6, 2024 6 trả lời
Ran into a few issues when setting up the Pro version, which we bought straight from the dev. I installed it without installing the Light version first, then got prompted to do that. Turns out if you install them in that order, a bunch of stuff goes belly-up, so I needed to contact support end ended up uninstalling, then reinstalling in the right order. Apart from that, this is a solid, reliable plugin that works quite well. I love that when using shortcodes (I use Bricks Builder for which there is no integration), the plugin produces clean HTML output with no CSS that I have to battle against. Would have liked a few more classes, but I can still target any element I want with :nth-child and the like so it’s all good.
20 Tháng 12, 2023
This plugin is absolutely spot on; it solves the problem and offers fantastic technical support. I used it to implement global recruitment on a client’s website, which has locations in 10 countries with distinct recruitment processes and languages. When I encountered an issue, I reached out to their support team and received absolutely great assistance.”
21 Tháng mười một, 2023
Das Plugin tut genau das, was es soll und wartet dabei noch mit einer Vielzahl wählbarer Optionen auf (In der Premium-Version natürlich mehr). Der Support ist hervorragend: Ich habe um Rat bei der Entfernung der bei Personio verwendeten Inline-Styles gebeten. Das Feature wurde sofort in das Plugin eingebaut, das Update ging zwei Tage später raus.
5 Tháng 4, 2023
Ein klasse Plugin, um schnell, unkompliziert und DSGVO-konform Personio-Stellenanzeigen auf seiner Website einzublenden. Dadurch, dass die Anzeigen über die Schnittstelle von Personio nach WordPress importiert werden, werden auf der Seite keine externen Verbindungen für den Besucher der Seite aufgebaut, wie es zum Beispiel bei der Einbindung per iFrame der Fall wäre. Zudem bietet das Plugin viele Individualisierungs- und Stylemöglichkeiten durch die Integration von Pagebuildern, wie bspw. Elementor. Wir sind sehr happy darüber, dass wir dieses Plugin gefunden haben!
Đọc tất cả 5 đánh giá

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“Personio Integration Light” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

“Personio Integration Light” đã được dịch qua 3 ngôn ngữ. Cảm ơn những người tham gia dịch vì đóng góp của họ.

Dịch “Personio Integration Light” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.

Muốn tham gia phát triển?

Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.

Nhật ký thay đổi


  • Added support for Secure Custom Fields detection
  • Added link to support forum on plugin in plugin list
  • Added new filter-hook for the terms in any filter
  • Log database errors
  • Renamed support object Secure Custom Fields to Advanced Custom Fields
  • Delete the dismisses transients on uninstallation
  • Fixed wrong usage of plugin name as ID in backend

older changes