Media File Renamer: Rename for better SEO (AI-Powered)

Mô tả

Automatically gives your media files and their details — Title, ALT Text, and Description — a new, better name, for SEO and tidiness. It’s smart enough to offer suggestions using various methods, including AI, and lets you make changes manually too.

Whether you’re uploading new files or want to update your whole media library at once, this plugin makes it easy and does a lot of the work for you.

Your WordPress becomes cleaner, more organized, and more efficient. Please visit the official website for more information: Media File Renamer.


Media File Renamer is compatible with a wide range of WordPress features and plugins, including support for Retina and WebP images, re-scaled images from WP 5.3 onwards, PDF Thumbnails, UTF8 files, and optimized images. It’s designed to handle various encoding types, ensuring your media library is always organized. Some page builders like Avia Layout Builder may limit renaming due to encryption.

Pro Version

In the Pro Version, you’ll find many exciting features, like AI Vision and Suggestions for smart renaming, and anonymize your files for extra privacy. Easily move files across directories in bulk, sync metadata such as ALT texts and titles, and even number your files for better organization.


Renaming or moving files can be risky, so it’s vital to take precautions and make a backup before using Media File Renamer. Start by renaming files individually to ensure page references update correctly, as some plugins might interfere with the process. If issues arise post-renaming, try clearing your cache to fix outdated references. Still facing problems? Utilize the Undo feature to revert filenames. For further assistance or to explore more solutions, visit our Questions & Issues support page.

A Simpler Plugin

If you only need an simple field in order to modify the filename, you can also try Phoenix Media Rename. It’s simpler, and just does that. Yes, we are friends!

Ảnh màn hình

  • Type in the name of your media, that is all.
  • Special screen for bulk actions.
  • This needs to be renamed.
  • The little lock and unlock icons.
  • Options for the automatic renaming (there are more options than just this).

Cài đặt

  1. Upload the plugin to your WordPress.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu.
  3. Try it with one file first! 🙂

Đánh giá

15 Tháng 3, 2025
I always appreciate it when an app is both aesthetic and well made. Here we get the two, with a bunch of usefull features. you get all the options you’d want to have just where they should be, no time spent searching for how to where to aso.That and this Company has a great spirit! that’s the “Cerise sur le gâteau!”
13 Tháng 3, 2025
It’s hard to think off a reason why you would not install media file renamer on every new Wordpress install.  It’s not only the SEO but time wasted on Wordpress sites with poorly names files.. Sure it’s great to go through and make a nice title but a media file renamed means the changes are persistent and the photo or image will be easier to find forever. I find it to be great for client supplied images which usually have useful names like like iosxxx, or DSC… stock images,  ai created images (if you aren’t using ai engine)  Just Install It  ! You won’t regret it… Thanks Jordy 
Завантажив цей плагін для того щоб скористатися функцією автоматичного заповнення ключових слів і описів на зображеннях. Як виявилося він не працює взагалі ця функція. Більше того, написав заявку на лінії підтримки а там взагалі не реагують. Вже десь приблизно 2 місяці навіть не відповідають. Плагін просто поганий. Не рекомендую нікому.
27 Tháng mười một, 2024
Je recommande vraiment Media File Renamer ! L’interface est super simple à utiliser et le paramétrage est un jeu d’enfant. En plus, j’utilise déjà plusieurs plugins de l’auteur et je les trouve tous vraiment pratiques, surtout pour tout ce qui est gestion des images. Si vous avez besoin de mieux organiser vos fichiers sur WordPress, foncez, c’est top !
Đọc tất cả 417 đánh giá

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Nhật ký thay đổi

6.0.7 (2025/03/12)

  • Update: Display Sync and Lock buttons in the Renamed tab for better usability.
  • Add: Introduced a time filter option for media field synchronization.
  • Fix: Corrected stats queries to count distinct attachment IDs accurately.
  • 🥰 Please share some love here by writing a review. It really helps! Thank you!

6.0.6 (2025/02/17)

  • Add: Introduced CLI commands (info, unlock, lock, lock_all) for better automation.
  • Add: Added the mfrh CLI command to simplify Media File Renamer usage.
  • Add: Implemented AI Vision support for media resync to enhance automation.
  • Fix: Handled fatal errors in Vision queries for improved stability.
  • Fix: Resolved force rename issues, improved meta warnings, and refined sensitive file checks.
  • Update: Added filters for on-upload sync fields to improve customization.

6.0.5 (2025/01/04)

  • Fix: Force Rename was not working properly.
  • Update: Refactored History, and enhanced its UI.
  • Fix: Renaming on Attachment Update enhanced, with an option for it.
  • Fix: Translation issues resolved.
  • Fix: Status in the Parsers.
  • Add: New field to test the filename rules.

6.0.4 (2024/12/22)

  • Add: Tooltip messages for auto rename methods in the renamer component.
  • Add: Message displayed before “Auto” when no rename methods are selected.
  • Update: Parser settings UI with a toggle functionality and improved design.
  • Update: Moved Builders from Side Updates to Parsers for better organization.
  • Fix: Sanitized options on script load and ensured parsers are updated with defaults.
  • Fix: CSS regenerated for Elementor Parser to resolve formatting issues.
  • Update: Disabled the AI Vision option instead of hiding it for clarity.

6.0.3 (2024/12/09)

  • Add: Support for new parsers.
  • Add: Parser for Elementor.

6.0.1 (2024/11/04)

  • Add: Renaming of the PDF thumbnails.
  • Add: Little enhancements.
  • Update: Better logging.
  • Fix: Optimized IDs retrieving for bulk queries.

6.0.0 (2024/10/18)

  • Add: New “Hide Locked” option.
  • Fix: Toggle Lock works better.
  • Update: Enhancement related to warnings, and server-related issues.
  • Fix: Avoid history to crash the UI if it’s null.
  • 💬 Don’t hesitate to join our Discord Channel.

5.9.8 (2024/09/18)

  • Update: Enhanced locking system.
  • Fix: Minor issues.

5.9.7 (2024/08/11)

  • Fix: Removed lodash dependency for better compatibility with other plugins using it.
  • Fix: Make sure AI Engine is enabled before using it.
  • Fix: Avoid writing logs if they are disabled.

5.9.5 (2024/08/08)

  • Add: Options for Suffix & Prefix.
  • Update: Better logging related to non-existent files.

5.9.4 (2024/08/01)

  • Add: Better settings for AI.
  • Update: Sanitize Manual enabled by default.
  • Fix: Minor fixes in the admin, and internal improvements.

5.9.3 (2024/06/05)

  • Update: Refresh the UI, and the common librairies.
  • Fix: Potential issue during the plugin’s initialization.

5.9.2 (2024/05/24)

  • Fix: Many fixes behind the scene, and how the filters are used.
  • Update: Maintain casing on sync by Post Title and Alt.
  • Update: Better logs.

5.9.1 (2024/04/27)

  • Fix: Corrected metadata display issue when using AI suggest all feature.
  • Fix: Resolved potential renaming loop triggered by “On Post Save” event.
  • Update: Initialized core at “init” to ensure apply_filters functions correctly.
  • Optimization: Removed unnecessary attributes from rename response.
  • Fix: Fixed media retrieval filtering with a sub-request for improved accuracy.

5.9.0 (2024/04/06)

  • Update: Better error messages.
  • Fix: Issue with action_update_postmeta action.
  • Fix: Issue with Sync Fields.

5.8.9 (2024/03/26)

  • Update: Create five increasingly creative AI-generated filenames to ensure at least one is usable and available.

5.8.8 (2024/03/22)

  • Add: New “EXIF Context” option to help AI Vision to understand better the context of the image.
  • Fix: “On Save” option was not working properly.
  • Fix: Better handling of errors.
  • Fix: Better handling of mime types.

5.8.7 (2024/03/16)

  • Add: AI Vision Cache for a faster and more efficient workflow.
  • Add: Reset Metadata button to remove the renamed and lock status.
  • Update: Huge improvement of the Settings, the Dashboard, and the Renamer Field.
  • Update: On Upload works much better and is more reliable.
  • Fix: Huge amount of little issues were corrected.

5.8.3 (2024/02/05)

  • Add: New options for fields on upload, including indicators for new media.
  • Add: Option to add logs to PHP logs for enhanced debugging.

5.8.2 (2024/02/02)

  • Add: “On Upload Method” indicator on the media-new page for better clarity during uploads.
  • Add: Auto Rename confirmation for improved user interaction.
  • Add: Security enhancement with Force Rename on null values.
  • Update: On Upload methods now specifically target Metadatas selected in Fields Sync, enhancing precision.
  • Add: Caption Metadata for extended file information handling.

5.8.1 (2024/01/20)

  • Fix: Async upload with AI Vision.
  • Add: Import/Export Settings.

5.8.0 (2024/01/01)

  • Fix: Issue with mfrh_media_renamed.
  • Update: Enhanced UI with selection options for upload and improved AI prompts.
  • Fix: Resolved issues in ‘Rename All’ AI functionality and fixed Sync selection.
  • Optimization: Improved history features with new filters, styling changes, and history limit adjustments.
  • Add: New renaming methods with NekoTabs, history tracking, and AI-enhanced renaming capabilities.
  • Update: Streamlined settings with revised tabs for Manual, Auto, and AI, and better visual indicators for busy fields.
  • Add: Additional media library field options and a new “Cancel” feature for manual renaming.
  • 💫 Happy New Year!

5.7.8 (2023/12/25)

  • Update: Tools related to AI got better.
  • Fix: Little fixes and enhancements for some users.
  • 🎄 Merry Christmas!

5.7.7 (2023/12/05)

  • Update: Enhanced UI, clarified options, unified things.
  • Add: Bulk Rename using AI Vision.
  • Add: AI Vision on Upload.
  • Add: Not Renamed filter in Dashboard.

5.7.4 (2023/11/25)

  • Update: Removed “mfrh_sync_media_meta” filter and added “mfrh_rewrite_title”. Enhanced code quality with cleaning and added more logs for sync functions.
  • Add: Introduced Table filters (for media with no alt text, no description, no title) and improved display for empty metadata.
  • Add: Added “mfrh_clean_upload” filter to customize the clean upload value.
  • Fix: Removed “disabled” status on NekoModal to prevent log spamming.
  • Update: Removed busyOverlay and upgraded the description field to a textarea for better input handling.
  • Fix: Resolved an undefined function call issue in the API.

5.7.3 (2023/11/20)

  • Add: Sync only for selected items and mfrh_sync_media_meta filter for post modification during syncing.
  • Update: New modal for thumbnails with an “open in new tab” button, and enhanced auto-attach warning message.
  • Fix: Adjusted the default behavior of sync functionality.

5.7.2 (2023/11/17)

  • Add: AI suggestion now utilizes Vision for enhanced accuracy.
  • Add: New “Clean Uploads” feature for efficient media management.
  • Add: Magic Wand for Metadata Fields.
  • Update: “Auto-Attach Media” feature now allows selection of target media entries.
  • Update: Created Meow_MFRH_Engine class, consolidating renaming-related code.
  • Update: Conducted various non-code related updates for improved performance.
  • Fix: Resolved extension-related errors in thumbnails for better reliability.

5.7.1 (2023/10/19)

  • Fix: The action_update_postmeta filter was not working properly.
  • Fix: Missing buttons in the modals.

5.7.0 (2023/10/10)

  • Update: For better confidentiality, the logs file is now randomly generated.
  • Fix: Support of Windows servers.

5.6.9 (2023/09/21)

  • Update: The Auto-Attach feature is a bit more robust when using Media Cleaner data.

5.6.8 (2023/09/14)

  • Add: Auto-Attach feature now use the data from Media Cleaner (if available), which is extremely accurate!
  • Fix: Random issues related to metadata not existing.
  • Fix: Optimize the way the move feature works.
  • Fix: Move didn’t handle the WebP and AVIF files properly.
  • Fix: Was not possible to completely delete the filename to type it from scratch.
  • Fix: When uninstalled, all the data used by the plugin is now removed properly.

5.6.6 (2023/07/21)

  • Fix: Avoid warnings when the metadata isn’t found.
  • Fix: Better handling of metadata synchronization.
  • Update: Enhanced the UI of the Renamer Field.

5.6.5 (2023/06/21)

  • Fix: Issue when automatic renaming was used with the related auto-lock.
  • Update: Latest version of the UI.

5.6.4 (2023/06/02)

  • Fix: Removed a few warnings.
  • Fix: The paging issue.

5.6.3 (2023/05/30)

  • Update: Trying to improve the UI based on your feedback. It might not please everyone, but I am trying to make it better. Please let me know if you have any idea.
  • Fix: There were a few warning issues.
  • Fix: There were some inconsistencies in the UI.

5.6.2 (2023/05/13)

  • Add: Some issues with spacing in some buttons.
  • 🎵 I am struggling a bit to make the Dashboard UI nicer, if you have any idea, don’t hesitate to let me know via the Support Forums.

5.6.1 (2023/05/06)

  • Add: We can now edit the ALT Text.

5.6.0 (2023/05/02)

  • Add: ‘Attached To’ column is now hideable.
  • Add: ‘ALT Text’ data now available if enabled in the options.
  • Update: Minimized the size of the bundle.

5.5.9 (2023/03/18)

  • Fix: Various fixes in the UI.
  • Update: Latest UI framework.

5.5.8 (2023/03/13)

  • Add: AI filename suggestions.
  • Update: Added Unlocked instead of Pending (which was slowing-down the process and was not really useful). Let me know if you preferred it the other way.

5.5.7 (2023/02/09)

  • Add: New option to disable the Dashboard.
  • Note: A bit late on the support, it’s unusual, but very busy these days. I am also trying to gather the feedback/issues to fix them all at once in a good way. Thank you for your patience!

5.5.5 (2023/02/01)

  • Update: Clean the dashboard a bit, depending on the options.
  • Fix: Issue in the Media Library with the Renamer field.
  • Fix: The Edit Title modal wasn’t working on ENTER.

5.5.4 (2023/01/29)

  • Fix: Titting enter in the Edit Title modal wasn’t update with the new title.

5.5.3 (2023/01/27)

  • Update: Better move features and cleaner UI.

5.5.2 (2023/01/06)

  • Update: Slowly (but surely) separating the Rename mode from the Move mode. I will make the UI better and more adapted to the chosen mode. You will find the switch in the Renamer Dashboard.

5.5.1 (2022/12/24)

  • Update: Enhanced the hooks (filters).

5.5.0 (2022/11/12)

  • Fix: Enhanced the behavior of the UI.

5.4.9 (2022/10/30)

  • Fix: The link to the Dashboard was broken.

5.4.8 (2022/10/24)

  • Fix: There was an issue with WP-CLI in the latest versions.

5.4.7 (2022/10/12)

  • Add: Consider WebP as an “Image” (which it is 😏).
  • Fix: The ‘Featured Only’ and ‘Images Only’ were not working perfectly.
  • Update: Optimized the way options are updated and retrieved.
  • Update: Some refactoring to simplify the code.

5.4.5 (2022/09/27)

  • Add: Auto-retry on failure, up to 10 times.
  • Fix: Typos.

5.4.3 (2022/08/11)

  • Add: Handle errors gracefully (with retry, skip or cancel).

5.4.1 (2022/08/03)

  • Fix: Tiny UI bug in Safari.

5.4.0 (2022/07/05)

  • Add: Support for Elementor (update the metadata and CSS).
  • Update: Use the default WordPress font (to avoid loading data from Google Fonts) and a few UI enhancements.

5.3.9 (2022/06/16)

  • Fix: The WebP files weren’t not renamed perfectly.

5.3.8 (2022/03/29)

  • Fix: Support for WebP.
  • Fix: Anonymize (MD5) on upload now works fine.
  • Fix: Decode HTML entities (in the meta, title) when renaming is based on it.
  • Update: I am trying to enhance the UI (the rename field and the actions) depending on the size of the browser. I’ll try to make this better and better, but don’t hesitate to give me some feedback.

5.3.6 (2022/02/01)

  • Update: Fresh build and support for WordPress 5.9.

5.3.5 (2021/11/10)

  • Fix: Renaming of WebP uploaded directly to WordPress.
  • Add: The possibility of locking files automatically after a manual rename (which was always the case previously), and/or after a automatic rename (that was not possible previously). With this last option, users having trouble to “Rename All” will be given the choice to do it on any kind of server. You will find those options in the Advanced tab.
  • Add: “Delay” option, to give a break and a reset to the server between asynchronous requests! Default to 100ms. That will avoid the server to time out, or to slow down on purpose.

5.3.3 (2021/11/09)

  • Fix: Avoid renaming when the URLs (before/after) are empty.
  • Add: New option to update URLs in the excerpts (no need to use it for most users).
  • Update: Avoid double call to the mfrh_url_renamed (seemed to be completely useless).
  • Update: Added a new ‘size’ argument to the mfrh_url_renamed action.
  • Update: Optimized queries.
  • Add: We can change the page (in the dashboard) by typing it.

5.3.2 (2021/10/16)

  • Add: AVIF support.
  • Fix: Avoid the double renaming when different registered sizes actually use the same file.

5.3.0 (2021/10/09)

  • Add: Better Force Rename.
  • Add: Featured Images Only option.
  • Fix: Auto-attach feature wasn’t working properly with Featured Image when attached to Product.

5.2.9 (2021/09/23)

  • Add: Manual Sanitize Option. If the option is checked, the rename feature uses the new_filename function. If not, use the filename user input as it is.

5.2.8 (2021/09/07)

  • Add: Option to clean the plugin data on uninstall.
  • Add: Manual Rename now goes through the cleaning flow to make sure everything is clean and nice.

5.2.7 (2021/09/03)

  • Fix: Security update: access controls to the REST API and the options enforced.
  • Updated: Dependencies update.

5.2.5 (2021/08/25)

  • Fix: Search feature was not always working well.
  • Update: Better technical architecture.

5.2.4 (2021/06/13)

  • Add: Remember the number of entries per page (dashboard).
  • Fix: Limit the length of the manual filename.

5.2.3 (2021/05/29)

  • Fix: The ‘Move’ feature now also works with the original image (in case it has been scaled by WP).

5.2.2 (2021/05/18)

  • Fix: Better Windows support.

5.2.0 (2021/05/15)

  • Add: Move button (this was mainly added for tests, so it’s a beta feature, it will be perfected over time).
  • Add: Images Only option.
  • Fix: Vulnerability report, a standard user access could potentially modify a media title with custom requests.

5.1.9 (2021/04/09)

  • Fix: The Synchronize Alt option wasn’t working logically.

5.1.8 (2021/03/04)

  • Add: Search.
  • Add: Quick rename the title from the dashboard.

5.1.7 (2021/02/21)

  • Fix: The Synchronize Media Title option wasn’t working logically.

5.1.6 (2021/02/12)

  • Fix: References for moved files were not updated.
  • Add: Sanitize filename after they have been through the mfrh_new_filename filter.

5.1.3 (2021/02/06)

  • Add: Greek support.
  • Fix: Better sensitive file check.
  • Fix: Manual rename with WP CLI.

5.1.2 (2021/01/10)

  • Add: Auto attach feature.
  • Add: Added Locked in the filters.
  • Update: Icons position.

5.1.1 (2021/01/05)

  • Fix: Issue with roles overriding and WP-CLI.
  • Fix: Issue with REST in the Common Dashboard.

5.1.0 (2021/01/01)

  • Add: Support overriding roles.
  • Fix: The layout of the dashboard was broken by WPBakery.