Highlight Sitewide Notice, Text, Button Menu

Mô tả

Highlight Sitewide Notice, Highlight text, or Highlight WordPress Navigation Menus as Button Menus.

Support, Bug Report, Feature Requests | Highlight Pro Demo | Upgrade to Highlight Pro!

Highlight Sitewide Notices

Add a sitewide notice or small message bar to the top or bottom of each page of your website to display notice messages or notification such as sales, notices, coupons and any text messages.

Sitewide notice features

  • Enable/Disable Notice bar in one click
  • Display or Hide Notice On Mobile
  • Hide Notice For Logged-in Users
  • Show Notice Position Top or Bottom
  • Enable Sticky Notification bar
  • 2 Notice Styles. Standard and Gradient Box
  • Assign Background and Font Color
  • Select Text Alignment
  • Display Front Page Only
  • Set cookie for 24 hours (If enabled, the notice will not show for 24 hours when closed)
  • Show or Hide the Close Icon
  • Supports Visual Editor for Notice text
  • Supports Action Button with link
  • Customize Action Button Colors
  • Define distance from browser top position
  • Custom CSS override to customize your sitewide notice bar

Highlight WordPress Menu

Show your WordPress navigation menus anywhere on any page using a shortcode as buttons. Supports up to 3 levels of menus. Beautiful button styles and animations.

Button menu displays the navigation menus you created in Appearance->Menus in an intuitive and useful way.
Place the following shortcode on your page or post where you want to show the Button menu. [qc-button-menu menu=’menu_name’]

Copy the menu name exactly as you set under Appearance->Menus->Your selected menu.

Highlight Text Contents

Use shortcode to highlight any text snippet with animation inside your blog post or WordPres pages. Helpful to draw user attention to particular text or paragraph that are deemed important by the admin. Supports different types of highlight animation shortcodes including highlight text on hover.

Speed reading or Bionic Reading

Speed reading is a Pro version feature for now. We are working on bringing this feature to the free version soon!

Speed reading is the process of rapidly recognizing and absorbing phrases or sentences on a page all at once, rather than identifying individual words. This feature is available with the Highlight Pro version. With speed reading humans are capable of absorbing information at speeds much faster than standard reading rates with the same level of comprehension.

Allow your website users to convert blog or article text from your webpage into the bionic reading style. Converting the first half of each word to bold text improves reading speed for most readers!

Upgrade to Highlight Pro

Highlight Pro Sitewide Notice Features

Global site wide notice for entire website
* Enable/Disable Notice bar in one click
* Display or Hide Notice On Mobile
* Hide Notice For Logged-in Users
* Show Notice Position Top or Bottom
* Enable Sticky Notification bar
* 2 Notice Styles. Standard and Gradient Box
* Assign Background and Font Color
* Select Text Alignment
* Display Front Page Only
* Set cookie for 24 hours (If enabled, the notice will not show for 24 hours when closed)
* Show or Hide the Close Icon
* Supports Visual Editor for Notice
* Supports Action Button with link
* Customize Action Button Colors
* Define distance from browser top position
* Custom CSS override to customize your sitewide notice bar
Create Multiple Advanced notices for different pages and user roles
General options
Visual editor for notice messages
* Enable action button with link for each notices
* Icons with Action buttons
* Icon animation – choose from dozens of effects
Display Options
* Show Notice Position Bottom Top Left Right
* Enable Sticky Notice
* Set cookie for 24 hours, If enabled, the notice will not show for 24 hours when closed
* Show or Hide the Close Icon
* Close Icon Position Default or Center
* Hide notice based on scrolling
* How many times to show this notice
* Disable Display Notice On Mobile
* Hide Notice For Logged-in Users
* Choose from 2 different styles
* Customize colors
* Slect quickly from predefined colors
* Action button alignment
* Select max width for content
Activity Controls
* Select Start date and End date for your notices
* Select what time of the day to show the notice for each day of the week
User controls
* Select to show for all users
* Select to show for specific User roles only
Page Control
* Select exactly on which page to display which notices. Support display control on custom post types as well

Highlight Text
* Highlight scroll
* Highlight hover
* Highlight underline vertical
* Highlight underline horizontal
* Share icons
* Speed reading or Bionic reading

Highlight Navigation Menus
* Show your WordPress menus as buttons anywhere on any page
* Show unlimited number of menus and submenu levels
* Easily Duplicate Menus
* 2 different styles – default and circles
* Add Icons to your button menu items
* Add animations on button hover – select from 17 different animations
* Individually Color Customize each menu items for button color, hover color, button background and button hover background color

Support, Bug Report, Feature Requests | Highlight Pro Demo | Upgrade to Highlight Pro!

Ảnh màn hình

  • Highlight Text Settings
  • Highlight Sitewide Notice
  • Highlight Notice
  • Highlight Button Menu
  • Highlight Button Menu
  • Highlight Button Menu

Cài đặt

Unzip and Upload the plugin folder to /wp-content/plugins/
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Đánh giá

10 Tháng 12, 2022
Totally impressed by this plugin. I run an e-learning website that has pretty much of textual content in the form of study notes and explanation. And the plugin is very useful for grabbing the attention of the readers to parts of the text that you want to highlight. Also, the speed reading feature of the plugin is quite a wonderful feature for helping your learners get excited with your content.
Đọc tất cả 1 đánh giá

Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên

“Highlight Sitewide Notice, Text, Button Menu” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

Nhật ký thay đổi


Improved security


Fixed a plugin redirect issue on activation


End Eid sale


Eid sale


Removed New year sale


New year sale


Christmas sale


Halloween sale


Pro version released


Fixed some PHP and JS bugs


Highlight sitewide notices


Added RTL support


Added Admin Notice


Added upgrade to pro button


Cleaned up presentation


Replaced CDN file with local file


Removed unneded jquery file


Sanitized custom CSS box


Improved scroll effect

