Papers by Sonata Vdovinskienė
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, Dec 31, 2022
Specialists in engineering must effectively communicate their ideas using technical drawings. To ... more Specialists in engineering must effectively communicate their ideas using technical drawings. To develop students' technical drawing skills, the subject of engineering graphics aims at using appropriate teaching methods. This study proposes a novel approach to teaching engineering graphics, that is, an active method of Flipped Classroom (FC) that incorporates H5P tools. These tools have been shown to effectively support self-directed learning and enable in-class activities, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of the FC method. The study results demonstrate a positive impact of the FC method on students' knowledge levels. By integrating the FC method with H5P tools, the study establishes a powerful learning environment that promotes deep learning and increases student engagement in engineering graphics.

Integration of Education, Mar 31, 2020
Introduction. The article examines factors for a potential increase in student motivation to theo... more Introduction. The article examines factors for a potential increase in student motivation to theory class attendance. Scientific research presents various factors for students' non-attendance, beginning with personal reasons and nuances of study organization and ending with the teacher approach to their work. This article looks specifically into the factors controlled by the teacher, more precisely, their competences. Materials and Methods. The qualitative study was conducted in the academic year 2018-2019, through the analysis of study motivation opinions of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University students majoring in technology studies. The article presents the analysis of one aspect of the conducted survey, i.e., what teachers could or should do to motivate students to attend theory classes. Results. The processed data indicated that students link motivation to study to three primary teaching competences: the didactic, communicative and personal ones. According to students, the teaching staff's didactic competence should include the ability to create a reasonable balance between theory and practical application, the capability to visually present and impart focal points of the study material, the capacity to plan out lectures, the skill to apply interactive studying methods, and the potential to motivate students by introducing accumulative bonus grades. Discussion and Conclusion. While there was a clear differentiation between three teacher competences, the weight placed on each one differs. The didactic competence carries the most weight, and teachers should, therefore, reflect on whether they establish an optimal state of balance between theory and praxis; prepare visually appealing lectures, and consistently and structurally convey the study material, etc.
Journal Biuletyn of Polish Society for Geometry and Engineering Graphics, 2009
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 11 Saulėtekio st., LT2040 Vilnius, Lithuania email: vdoson... more Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 11 Saulėtekio st., LT2040 Vilnius, Lithuania email: [email protected] Abstract. Development of the engineering graphics performance technologies raises new questions concerning the methodology of the solution of this discipline’s tasks. The article presents peculiarities of computer-aided detection of a simple section view projections based on a 3D model using AutoCAD and SolidWorks computer systems. Moreover, differences between results and standard requirements for sectional views and ways in which more accurate results can be obtained are discussed. Author shows inaccuracies of details sectional views created automatically and analyses the ways of correcting the drawing manually.
Leidinyje pateikiama projekcinės braižybos teorija, praktinio darbo užduotys bei jų pavyzdžiai, t... more Leidinyje pateikiama projekcinės braižybos teorija, praktinio darbo užduotys bei jų pavyzdžiai, taip pat supažindinama su techninių brėžinių atlikimo ir apipavidalinimo naujausiais Lietuvoje taikomais reikalavimais. Leidinys skirtas pirmojo kurso inžinerinių specialybių studentams, studijuojantiems anglų kalba

The 13th International Conference on Engineering and Computer Graphics BALTGRAF-13, 2015
Every day we climb the stairs. The Lithuanian documents such as construction standards and techni... more Every day we climb the stairs. The Lithuanian documents such as construction standards and technical building regulations show the rules of graphical representation of staircase elements. The graphical representation of staircase in the training measures for VGTU students is explained in two ways: old “pencil” methods (such as vertical and horizontal sections of the elements) and the adapted computer program in AutoCAD. Despite the different approaches, it is important to future building engineers to be able to understand and draw relationships between the elements of the stairs in the plan and cut. Students need to draw stairs projections in single family and public building course projects in two semesters. However there is no time to explain the peculiarities of drawing, although it should be done. Therefore, the authors believe that graphical representations .are necessary for additional demos (posters) helping to realize the features of stairs elements. DOI: 10.3846/baltgraf.2015.006
Mokomojoje knygoje pateikti SolidWorks kompiuterinės programos ypatumai. Leidinį sudaro du skyria... more Mokomojoje knygoje pateikti SolidWorks kompiuterinės programos ypatumai. Leidinį sudaro du skyriai. Pirmasis skirtas pagrindinių dvimačio eskizo kūrimo ir redagavimo komandoms aprašyti, antrajame pateikiami parametrinio trimačio kompiuterinio modeliavimo pagrindai. Parodytų pavyzdžių atlikimo algoritmai leidžia geriau įsisavinti aprašytas komandas. Leidinys skirtas pirmojo ir antrojo kurso inžinerinių specialybių studentams, studijuojantiems inžinerinę kompiuterinę grafiką, ir visiems, besidomintiems parametriniu erdviniu modeliavimu

Journal Biuletyn of Polish Society for Geometry and Engineering Graphics, 2008
Collaborative content management systems (CMS) are employed to handle large collections of writte... more Collaborative content management systems (CMS) are employed to handle large collections of written material concurrently generated by multiple authors. A network based infrastructure allows members of a group to interactively and simultaneously create, review, and edit product documentation, web content, or other interrelated documents on-line and in real time. The tools are ideal for providing information to the students of engineering and computer graphics. The platform also invokes certain ethical considerations, including intellectual property and anonymity, to provide students with a valuable first-hand perspective of these issues as they are being studied. The paper defines the role of information system at the educational institution, the expedience to the lecturer of engineering and computer graphics the same as usefulness to the student. It also analyses aspects of CMS creation, validates need for system and goals, describes proposals given by the Student Council of VGTU an...
Kas yra geras dėstytojas, ko reikia šiuolaikiniam studentui, kokiu būdu pateiktos žinios įsisavin... more Kas yra geras dėstytojas, ko reikia šiuolaikiniam studentui, kokiu būdu pateiktos žinios įsisavinamos geriausiaiklausimai, kasdien kirbantys kiekvieno dėstytojo galvoje.
Papers by Sonata Vdovinskienė