Be happy and healthy! Texas is dedicated to providing resources to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Here you can connect with organizations that offer physical and mental health services across the state.
The Texas Veterans Commission Women Veterans Program serves to educate and inform women veterans of their benefits and services and advocate on their behalf by creating public awareness, recognizing and honoring women veterans, and identifying needs and making legislative recommendations.
Provided by: Texas Veterans Commission
2-1-1 Texas helps Texas citizens connect with the services they need, including food, housing, childcare, crisis counseling, substance abuse treatment, and more.
Provided by: Texas Health & Human Services Commission
Veterans Treatment Courts are judicially-supervised court dockets that attempt to keep veterans out of jail and connect them with the benefits and treatment they have earned.
Provided by: TexVet
TexVet provides information and phone numbers for several crisis assistance resources including VA Veterans Crisis Hotline, Vets4Warriors, and Child Help Child Abuse Hotline.
Provided by: TexVet
The Texas Parklands Passport offers free entry to Texas state parks for U.S. veterans with a 60 percent or more service-connected disability or loss of lower extremity.
Provided by: Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
Texas law and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act guarantee the right of a person who is blind or has other disabilities, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), to be accompanied by a trained service animal in all public places. The Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services provides information about the role of trained service animals and the rights of their owners.
Provided by: Texas Workforce Commission
TexVet supports veterans, military members, and their families by providing them with information and referral services. TexVet also serves as the hub for a statewide network of peer to peer support (P2P) specialists.
Provided by: TexVet
The Family Support Services Office of the Texas Military Department offers programs and service partnerships that are available to Texas service members, veterans, and families including: family and youth programs and retreats, resilience and suicide prevention, transition and employment assistance, mental health and counseling services, soldier support services, survivor outreach, and more.
Provided by: Texas Military Department
The Services for Women Veterans page on the TexVet website provides a comprehensive list of resources and services for women veterans.
Provided by: TexVet
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission offers mental health services for veterans and their families. The program offers peer-to-peer counseling, access to licensed mental health professionals, training for peers, Veteran jail diversion services, and women veteran and rural community initiatives.
The Texas Veterans Leadership Program is a resource and referral network that assists returning veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan with employment, training, medical, educational, and other needs.
Provided by: Texas Workforce Commission
The MVPN is made of TVC-Certified Peer Service Coordinators and their peer volunteers strategically placed within the local mental health authorities across Texas to create a statewide peer-to-peer network for any service member, veteran, or family member.
Provided by: Veterans Mental Health Department
Texas VA Locations is a list of resources available for veterans and family members including Health Care Systems, VA Medical Centers, Outpatient Clinics, Community Based Outpatient Clinics, Vet Centers, Veterans Benefits Administration offices, Veterans Affairs offices and National Cemetery Administrative offices.
Provided by: United States Department of Veterans Affairs
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides a wide range of benefits including health care, disability, education and training, vocational rehabilitation and employment, home loan guaranty, dependent and survivor benefits, medical treatment, life insurance, and burial benefits.
Provided by: United States Department of Veterans Affairs