Vestavia Hills, Alabama
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Saturday, February 9th, 2008

Posted by:janestrange.
Time:4:47 am.
I'm looking for a bar, club, or restaurant
(in either Birmingham/Southside, Hoover, Vestavia, Homewood, Mtn Brook, Pelham, or nearby, you get the idea)

With a young crowd (B-day girl will be 23), dancing area (that people actually use), kind of busy/lively on Fridays, ...

and maybe a private/VIP area also (but that's not as important)
maybe Kareoke too?

for an upcoming birthday party that's also kind of a Girls' night out.

Any suggestions for a great location would be great

Thanks ahead of time for any help :)
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Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

Subject:URGENT please read all the way down
Posted by:janestrange.
Time:9:21 pm.
Please don't report this as Spam

I have two kittens
so sweet and playful
In need of a adoptive Home
or Foster home

There is a black male with a heart shapped tuft of white fur under his chest,
And a seal point? siamese female with blue eyes

They are still skittish of people
but warming up everyday
they were born outside,
and trapped after a few weeks

They are about 5 months old now, and small

THEY CAN NOT GO OUTSIDE, because they will run away

They need shots/fixing (spay/neuter which can be at a discount)

I can not keep them anymore (they are not my kittens, they were abandoned)
and I can not find a rescue for them, =(

my husband is saying he's going to release them into the wild
(I do not want this to happen)

If someone can please help let me know
In Irondale/Birmingham/Hoover
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Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

Posted by:ferretsnax.
Time:8:25 pm.
Does anyone know a place with a commerical kitchen(Church, Caterer, small eatery, etc) That would be willing to let me rent part of the kitchen (and maybe use some of the equipment).

The lower the rent, the better (of course).

Anywhere near Irondale, Leeds, Birmingham, Hoover, Vestavia,... or close by (Alabama)

This is x-posted to the millionth
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Saturday, August 12th, 2006

Posted by:ferretsnax.
Time:3:40 pm.
This is NOT SPAM

The TWO of the kittens (plus 3 new kittens) are still in urgent need of a home:

their Mother is believed to be a seal point or flamepoint siamese

Adorable Kittens behind the cut:
They can be picked up in:
Hoover, Irondale, Leeds, Vestavia. Robuck, Birmingham (or nearby areas) Alabama
if you live further away we will consider meeting half-way or shipping through a rescue service (must pay for shots/alteration ahead of time if this method is used)

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Monday, July 10th, 2006

Posted by:ferretsnax.
Time:7:13 pm.
due to recent spam reports
(yes someone actually reported me for trying to find homeless kittens homes in their community)
this entry is NOT spam under livejournal guidelines,
if this entry is unwanted, please comment
I am not in violation.

THREE of the four kittens are still in extremely URGENT need of a home:

their Mother is believed to be a seal point or flamepoint siamese

Adorable Kittens behind the cut:

They can be picked up in:
Hoover, Irondale, Leeds, Vestavia. Robuck, Birmingham (or nearby areas)
if you live further away we will consider meeting half-way

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Saturday, June 24th, 2006

Posted by:ferretsnax.
Time:10:29 am.
the FOUR kittens are still in urgent need of a home:

their Mother is believed to be a seal point or flamepoint siamese

Adorable Kittens behind the cut:
They can be picked up in:
Hoover, Irondale, Leeds, Vestavia. Robuck, Birmingham (or nearby areas)
if you live further away we will consider meeting half-way

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Saturday, June 17th, 2006

Posted by:ferretsnax.
Time:7:01 pm.

I'm looking for homes for four kittens:

here are the pix:
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Wednesday, February 8th, 2006

Posted by:_____lastnite.
Time:1:55 pm.
For any members of 4 Square Club:

for announcements, information, and picture posts
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Friday, November 25th, 2005

Posted by:blueyed_turtle.
Time:11:27 pm.
Mood: accomplished.
Ok...Happy Halloween and Happy Thanksgiving...and any other holiday I might have missed in-between...

since no one has said anything lately...:-P
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Friday, September 30th, 2005

Posted by:blueyed_turtle.
Time:1:13 pm.
Hey, good luck, REBELS!!!!

Beat HOOVER!!!!

(please kick some BUC ass ... )
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Tuesday, September 27th, 2005

Posted by:christie_ish.
Time:10:45 pm.
Mood: bored.

Facebook, Is the new fad. Anyone have one and want to add me?

Click Here.
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Monday, August 29th, 2005

Posted by:live4themoment_.
Time:4:17 pm.
311 at oak mtn. tomorrow
whos going if this huricane doesnt mess everything up?
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Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005

Posted by:live4themoment_.
Time:10:59 pm.
hello everyone.
my name is melissa, and i just joined.

i wanted to remind those who already knew, and inform those who didnt..
there will be a show at moonlight music cafe tomorrow that you wont want to miss.

...and then i found fifty dollars

will be playing at 7:30.
tickets at $10.

hope to see you there :)
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Thursday, August 18th, 2005

Posted by:sheria072488.
Time:12:06 am.
for high schoolers:

if anyone who doesn't live in liberty park needs a ride home from school I'd be willing to take you. I'm too lazy to get an actual job and I enjoy driving. Comment here or give me a call: 566-2424.
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Tuesday, August 16th, 2005

Posted by:emkath18.
Time:4:37 pm.
so how was everyone's first day at school?
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Friday, July 22nd, 2005

Subject:new info on the show at dragon cd on sunday:
Posted by:fuckmynuts.
Time:7:27 pm.
Two bands have been added to the show on sunday. Here's who's playing:

Rhinelander (
And Then I found Fifty Dollars (
The Bloody Undies (
Valign - (

and just a reminder:
the show is on sunday, july 24th at Dragon CD in vestavia next to pier one and alan's music.
all ages!!!!
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Thursday, July 21st, 2005

Posted by:fuckmynuts.
Time:9:55 am.
Sunday, July 24th
Dragon CD/DVD in Vestavia next to Pier One and Alan's Music
all ages

Valign and The Bloody Undies
hopefully one more TBA

My band, valign, has a new bassist and new songs that we really want you to hear.
Support local music
Support Dragon CD for being so awesome cause they have shows right here in Vestavia!!!!!
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Monday, July 18th, 2005

Subject:Jack McDougal
Posted by:albertoknox.
Time:1:27 pm.
Jack McDougal, the old assistant principle of Pizitz, is teaching driving school in Homewood now. He's lost about 20 pounds by the look of it, too.

Who remembers the JackMac show?
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Tuesday, July 12th, 2005

Posted by:masochismworld.
Time:5:10 pm.

Birmingham is starting up another chapter of Food Not Bombs. If you want to get involved, the first meeting is tonight at 7pm, at Highlands Coffee. This is really an awesome thing and its been forever since Birmingham had a Food Not Bombs.

"Food Not Bombs is one of the fastest growing revolutionary movements active today and is gaining momentum. There are hundreds of autonomous chapters sharing free vegetarian food with hungry people and protesting war and poverty throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia. Food Not Bombs is organizing for an end to the occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. We also support actions against the globalization of the economy, restrictions to the movements of people and the destruction of the earth."

for more info about Food Not Bombs, go to

We will be sharing free vegetarian food with hungry people in Birmingham's Southside, as well as protesting war, poverty, and the occutpations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. We hope you will join us in taking direct action towards creating a world free from dominations, coercion and violence.

i hope to see some of you there.
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Wednesday, July 6th, 2005

Posted by:thinkpink490.
Time:12:13 am.
Mood: drained.
hey its madison coulter.
i jsut joined the community thingy.
amazzzzzzzzzing huh.
and i wish somethink like just amzaginly awesome and good would happen here.
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LiveJournal for Vestavia Hills.

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