Between the Lines is an award-winning weekly newspaper in Michigan's for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and friends. We have been Michigan's LGBT news source since 1993. We are members of the Michigan Press Association and the National Gay Newspaper Guild. Each week 20,000 copies of BTL are distributed to hundreds of sites across Michigan.
We are looking for college students that are looking for credit and experience. Must be enrolled in a graphics related degree or certification program. Intern will get one-on-one training from our Art Director and will leave with solid portfolio pieces and a letter of recommendation. Applicants should have strong knowledge of Adobe Indesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. Please send resume and link to online portfolio (please do not send samples via email) to [email protected]
Pride Source Media Group is the publisher of Between the Lines, an award-winning weekly newspaper since 1993. We are members of the Michigan Press Association and the National Gay Newspaper Guild. Each week 20,000 copies of BTL are distributed to hundreds of sites across Michigan. PSMG also publishes the Pride Source LGBT Yellow Pages with over 1000 LBGT owned or friendly businesses and non-profits.
Are you in college or just graduated and looking for work experience? Must have solid knowledge of Adobe Indesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. Must be open to work in an LGBT business (but you do not have to be gay). This is an unpaid internship.
Send resumes to [email protected]
TOMORROW is the 2010 election! VOTE. Projections say that only 50% will show up at the polls. What is up with that? Yes, the president is not on the ballot, but just about everything else is. This is one of the most important Michigan elections. We will be voting for a number of elected officials, including US Congressional seats, the Michigan gubernatorial race, the Secretary of State, The michigan Attorney General, Michigan State House, Michigan State Senate, members of the State Board of Education, local school districts, Regents to the University of Michigan, Wayne State University and Michigan State University, County Commissioners, Michigan Supreme Court Justices, Judges of the Court of Appeals, Judges of the Court of Circuit Court, statewide proposals and other local city and township officials. This election will determine which direction the state will go in the upcoming years.
Find your polling place and what is on your ballot at
Get informed with these voter guides
Get informed ONLINE
We have made it easy for anyone to find information for all the races that will appear on their Nov. 2 ballot, including their U.S. Congressional candidate, State House, State Senate, Supreme Court, Attorney General, Secretary of State and more! Enter your zipcode online to get your customized Pride Source Voter's Guide.
BTL Voter Guide out or at
Get informed in PRINT
Our Pro=Equality Voter Guide is incerted into today's Between the Lines on newstands today, which includes:
• Electoral district Maps
• An Interview with Virg Bernero, Democratic candidate for Michigan Governor
• Top 3 U.S. Congressional Races in Michigan with Mark Schauer, Gary Peters and Natalie Manoogian Mosher
• Dem AG candidate speaks out against UM student stalker
• State supreme court elections looking positive for progressives
• Benson barks back against anti-trans license proposal
• Openly gay State House candidates Garry Post, Ken Rosen and Toni Sessoms
• and more
You can also download the full BTL Voter Guide PDF at
We have made it easy for anyone to find information for all the races that will appear on their Nov. 2 ballot, including their U.S. Congressional candidate, State House, State Senate, Supreme Court, Attorney General, Secretary of State and more! Enter your zipcode online to get your customized Pride Source Voter's Guide.
BTL Voter Guide out or at
or in PRINT
The BTL Pro=Equality Voter Guide includes:
• Electoral district Maps
• An Interview with Virg Bernero, Democratic candidate for Michigan Governor
• Top 3 U.S. Congressional Races in Michigan with Mark Schauer, Gary Peters and Natalie Manoogian Mosher
• Dem AG candidate speaks out against UM student stalker
• State supreme court elections looking positive for progressives
• Benson barks back against anti-trans license proposal
• Openly gay State House candidates Garry Post, Ken Rosen and Toni Sessoms
• and more
Download the full BTL Voter Guide PDF at
BTL needs everyone to help right now. Our 2010 Michigan Voter Guide is now available electronically, and the 24-page printed version will be available this Friday. The printed version will be distributed with BTL newspapers during the next two weeks. Unfortunately, due to budget restraints, we are unable to mass mail the guide after having done so for the past 12 years. We need to count on everyone we can reach through the internet to help distribute this important resource link. And that includes all of you who are receiving this email. Please share the link with everyone you can. Below are a few resources we have for connecting folks.
First, please check out the electronic edition available ( Just put your zip code in and your electronic voter guide will appear. Scroll the page to see the choices we have made available. Please distribute this link to as many people as you can via your Websites, Blogs, Facebook, Email and other social media. Second, please help get the word out by posting any of these button/banner ad links for the voter guide ASAP -
During the next three weeks help us get the word out through this researched Pro-Equality Voter Guide. BTL did its own research and collaborated with Equality Michigan PAC, LAHR-PAC and Kalamazoo Alliance PAC to bring you the most current information about the candidates running in our upcoming election. Please help us make good use of this research by using the guide when you go to the polls on Nov. 2 (and making sure your family, friends and co-workers have this guide too).
BTL needs everyone to help right now. Our 2010 Michigan Voter Guide is now available electronically, and the 24-page printed version will be available this Friday. The printed version will be distributed with BTL newspapers during the next two weeks. Unfortunately, due to budget restraints, we are unable to mass mail the guide after having done so for the past 12 years. We need to count on everyone we can reach through the internet to help distribute this important resource link. And that includes all of you who are receiving this email. Please share the link with everyone you can. Below are a few resources we have for connecting folks.
First, please check out the electronic edition available ( Just put your zip code in and your electronic voter guide will appear. Scroll the page to see the choices we have made available. Please distribute this link to as many people as you can via your Websites, Blogs, Facebook, Email and other social media. Second, please help get the word out by posting any of these button/banner ad links for the voter guide ASAP -
During the next three weeks help us get the word out through this researched Pro-Equality Voter Guide. BTL did its own research and collaborated with Equality Michigan PAC, LAHR-PAC and Kalamazoo Alliance PAC to bring you the most current information about the candidates running in our upcoming election. Please help us make good use of this research by using the guide when you go to the polls on Nov. 2 (and making sure your family, friends and co-workers have this guide too).
I voted .. have you?
For Michigan voters, find out where your polling location is, what will be on your ballot and information about candidates.
According to this Associate Press story, voter turnout is low with the secretary of state estimating only a 23% turnout. Let us proof them wrong! Polls close at 8pm, so get out there people!!! Voters today will decide who will be running for Michigan governor include five Republicans and two Democrats. All 148 seats in the state Legislature are also on the line, along with local millage proposals.
We live in America, people! People have died for the right to vote. If you do not like how the government is going, stop whining and get informed. VOTE!
Michigan's Primary is THIS TUESDAY!!!
Please remember to VOTE! To see your local ballot, go to the 2010 Publius Voter Guide. This website is where Michigan voters will be able to find their ballot, polling location, and information about candidates. Visit,
Once you find out who is on the ballot, learn about the issues. Between the Lines (the paper I work for) has come up with a Voter Guide at
ALSO, check out a list of Michigan LGBT 2010 Primary Endorsements at
Lansing, MICH. - Today Equality Michigan Action Network, the state's largest and most influential LGBT advocacy organization announced their endorsement of Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero's gubernatorial bid. In addition to Equality Michigan Action Network, Bernero announced endorsements received from several other LGBT organizations – including Lansing Association for Human Rights (LAHR), Michigan Democratic Party – LGBTA Caucus, and Between the Lines Newspaper. Read more at
Grand Rapids, MICH. – July 19, 2010 - The Progressive Women’s Alliance (PWA) announced their endorsement of Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero to lead Michigan as our next governor. Read more at