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just joined [30 Jul 2008|10:28am]

[ mood | sleepy ]

hey! i just joined the community..
Im Lauren, im sixteen and i go to boarding school in australia. I have been vegetarian for 1 1/2 years now, msg me, add me to say hi!

Have a carrot

Hey Guys [18 Nov 2007|01:05pm]

[ mood | hungry ]

I joined this a little while ago but just figured out how to post. Teehee.

I've been a vegetarian for about a year and a half (since April 2006). My dad calls me a "boxatarian" because most of my food comes in boxes. I'm a busy teenager, and I don't have time to prepare elaborate food with fresh foods. I live on Boca Burgers, Morningstar burgers, Progresso minestrone soup, peanut butter of all kinds, and cheese-and-some-vegetables sandwiches. And the microwavable meals that don't have meat in them.

I joined to find some quick, easy, cheap-to-make, tasty, protein-laden foods or suggestions of ready-to-eat foods. 

Have a carrot

Info. Post [05 Sep 2006|03:32pm]

Hello! My name is Kat, and I have been a vegetarian for about a year and a half. I have been very sucessful with the transition from carnivore -> pollo/ovo -> lacto/ovo in eating all of the proteins I need (all of the essential amino acids).

I would like to make sure I get the top four 'conditionally essential' amino acids in my diet, and I am unable to find direct food sources for two of them. Help?

Tyrosine: cheese.

Glycine: beans, lentils, and legumes.

Are there any more/more efficient ways of obtaining these two amino acids?


a fun recipe from my favorite meal, breakfast!Collapse )
Have a carrot

Alton Brown recipe query [31 Aug 2006|02:31am]

I am a loyal "Good Eats" viewer. I am currently watching the episode "Give Peas a Chance," and Alton is making my DREAM veggie burger.

Here's the recipe:,1977,FOOD_9936_30859,00.html

I am pretty sure it would work if I use mixed lentils (because I have a lot of unused lentil soup mix).

I thought, before I actually tried it that I'd ask my culinary buddies, because, as my very food-savvy fiance has told me many times, "Your cooking is good until you get experimental." Hence, I am wary of monkeying with recipes. =X

So, this recipe with mixed lentils (that include split peas) instead of split peas alone? Let the jury deliberate.

Thanks for the advice in advance,
Have a carrot

[13 Sep 2005|05:52pm]

awesome recipe! I like to call it eggplant suprise (because when i made it, i didnt think it would turn out as yummy as it did!!) Heres to being experimental (can easily be made vegan!)

1 eggplant
1 large tomato
1 zuchinni
mrs. dash
mozzerella cheese
butter or margarine

Preheat oven to 350F
Slice up an eggplant into however many slices, not to thin or not to thick either
Slice up a zuchinni into the same thickness and number of eggplant
Slice up tomato in same fashion
Place tomato slice ontop of eggplant, sprinkle cheese ontop of tomato, place zuchinni ontop of cheese
Sprinkle mrs. dash and place a dab of butter ontop of zuchinni
Throw it into the oven and bake for 30 minutes or until eggplant is easily pierced with fork

Place ontop of rice (i prefer sushi rice, but use youre favorite)
and voila! you have a yummy meal!
2 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

vegetarian weight loss supplements [x-posted] [29 Jun 2005|02:15pm]

I know this might be slightly off-topic, but I'm not sure where else to go for the answer to this question... I've googled it and everything.

I'm currently on a diet. I've been watching my caloric intake and exercising and I've already lost 7 pounds. I'd like to add another dimension to my diet by taking a supplement. I have been looking for an appetite suppressant/energy supplement that doesn't contain gelatin... every pill I've looked at does, but I know there has to be a vegetarian-friendly diet pill out there somewhere.... help, please?
2 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

[14 Apr 2006|09:54pm]

[ mood | happy ]

hi hi all .X .. i just joined this community.. and i so exited about it ^_^ well i am at preparations to be veggie so.. i hope you guys can gear me up with some good recipes for me ^^''
wish me luck guys .D

3 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

Chickpea Salad [10 Apr 2005|04:38pm]
This is very yummy in a sandwich or on crackers.

15 ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed or fresh, soaked.
1/3 to 1/2 cup tofu mayonnaise
1 1/2 stalks celery, cut into small pieces
1/2 ish (depending on how much you like onions) of chopped onions
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste

1.) In a bowl, mash chickpeas with potato masher or fork. It does not have to be that smooth, chunks are fine by me, if you don't like chunks then mush it more.

2.) Stir in the rest of the ingredients until well combined. Keep it in your refrigerator for a few days, it makes for good snacks.
Have a carrot

delicious *Deviled* eggs [10 Apr 2005|12:48pm]

[ mood | IcanMAKEthemLOOKjustLIKEeggs ]

I wish I new how to post a picture
cause it looks adorable on a plate

This is all tofu.
Ok, the lettuce and tomatoes are real.

It cracks me up how many people say they hate tofu but want to eat egg whites as a healthy alternative to eggs. Anyway, here is a recipe you could try:

1 t. salt
2 C. (480 ml) warm water
1 lb. (450 g) firm tofu (for egg whites)
1/2 lb. (225 g) firm tofu (for filling)
1/2 C. (120 ml) + 1 T. Vegenaise
or other soy mayonnaise
1/2 t. dry mustard
3/4 t. salt
1/8 t. pepper
3/4 t. turmeric
2t. rice vinegar
(some use 1/2 sp of vegan worcestershire sauce, too, I don't. I've never even seen any.)

1. EGG WHITES: Combine salt and water in a large baking dish, and stir well to dissolve the salt. Set aside.
2. Drain and rinse the 1 lb. (450 g) of tofu. Cut tofu into one-half-inch (1 cm) thick slices vertically, Cut each slice in half to become 2 pieces that are almost square. Using a small paring knife, form each square into an oval, imitating the shape of a hard-boiled egg cut in half.
3. Then, with a small spoon, carefully scoop out the centers of each of the ovals to form a cavity. Marinate all the prepared ovals in the salt water while preparing the filling. Add cut-away pieces to filling.
4. FILLING: Drain and rinse the 1/2 lb. (225 g) tofu. Using the fingers, crumble the tofu into a medium-size mixing bowl.
5. Add remaining ingredients except the paprika and cherry tomatoes, and stir well to blend thoroughly. Adjust seasonings to taste if needed.
6. Drain "egg whites" on several layers of paper towels, and fill cavities with prepared filling.
7. Sprinkle the tops with paprika and arrange on a lettuce-lined platter leaving the center open. Fill the center with cherry tomatoes. Makes about 16 halves.

I should post recipes more often. I have some good ones. If you used to love potato salad, go get some vegenaise and love it again. Cut pieces of firm tofu in there and no one will be able to tell you it's not egg white.

I wish i would have posted this around easter but Im so lazy
did you know painting eggs is a tradition the christians stole from the pagens

2 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

[06 Apr 2005|04:28pm]

kickin' cajun potatoes

i wasnt really paying attention when i was making this so you'll have to pretty much do it to your preferences

You peel and cut as many potatoes as you want, cut them into small chunks, but not too small. cut up an onion into quarter inch pieces, and peel a few cloves of garlic and cut them into tiny slices. Throw it all into a skillet with about an eighth of an inch of olive oil in the bottom, and turn it on medium heat. Add cajun spices, and mrs. dash to your liking. Then you cook the potatoes until theyre almost tender and throw in some medium spiced salsa, and cook on medium heat until the potatoes are tender to your liking.

Serve plain or with sour cream (unless you dont eat sour cream)

theyre soooo yummmy!!
2 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

Very satisfying vegetarian soup [x-posted] [04 Apr 2005|12:45am]

I had a variation of this recipe for dinner tonight.

I used some smaller portions of some ingredients, added a few, and substituted others.

I used only 4 cups of broth (I only had 2 cans) and substituted veggie broth instead of chicken. Used about half an onion (again, it was all I had) and about 5 or 6 cloves of garlic (I LOVE GARLIC!!!). I didn't have any tomatoes, but I had a jar of Newman's Own vodka sauce I used instead. I also added rice (one 2-serving pouch of minute Rice), a mixture of button and shiitake mushrooms (about a quarter cup or so), chopped potato (about 1/2 of one), and Greek olives (they're very strong, so maybe 1/5 of a jar, tops). I also threw in a few extra flavorings: a bit of white wine vinegar in the sautee, as well as oregano, chives, onion powder and garlic powder. I also used a little bit of steak seasoning (meatless - just a mix of salt and spices) as well as a splash of soy sauce to punch it up a little bit.

You basically follow the same recipe with the extra stuff.... you want to fry the potatoes first to soften them up a little, then gradually add all the other veggies, sautee them, then add the veggie broth and rice... I let the veggies and rice cook in the broth for a few minutes before adding the sauce and cheese. Of course, if you don't eat cheese, you can leave it out and I'm sure it will still be great.

It really turned out more like a stew than a soup but it was delicious and very filling. I have some left over, too.... I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

I also took the potato pieces I didn't use in the soup and broiled them with spices, cheese, and a little bit of the vodka sauce on top. It was a fantastic side dish.

This particular recipe, I've noticed, is very adaptable. You can take just about anything from your fridge or pantry and throw it in there. I love improvising soups!
4 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

hooooray [19 Mar 2005|05:51am]

[ mood | jubilant ]

Hi I just joined

I have been a vegan for almost a year now and I still don't have a clue about cooking veggie food from scratch but I'm really excited about finding this LJ community so I can keep trying
I'll get it eventually
I do know some (I don't really know how to cook) tricks fore awesome eats and supper snacks I'll post some soon

1 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

[19 Mar 2005|01:44am]


3 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

[17 Mar 2005|02:53pm]
it's been about a month of vegetarianism.
i've learned the wonder of tofu.
but i need to learn how to make awesome food at home.
using tofu, preferably, and other meatless concoctions.
thank ya, faces.
2 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

[14 Mar 2005|10:21pm]

Yay, this is so cool! I just became a vegetarian exactly a week I have much to learn! Awesome idea for a community, I'm very excited! I'll mostly be sucking up the ideas since I'm new but as I get into it more, I'll contribute as much as I can!
2 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

Nutburgers [14 Mar 2005|06:27pm]
They are the most deliciously delicious food EVER

This makes about...6 burgers ish? Depending on how big you make them, I like mine extra big.

3 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup minced onion
1 cup cooked brown lentils, drained
1 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup chopped unsalted dry-roasted cashews
2 tablespoons almond butter or peanut butter or any kind of nut butter, it doesn't matter they all taste good
1/2 teaspoon salt

1.) Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add onion, cook until softened. Transfer to food processor and add remaining Ingredients except the olive oil. Process until well blended.

2.) Shape the mixture into however many patties you want at the moment. Put the remaining olive oil in the skillet over medium heat and cook until browned on both sides.

3.) Serve hot in a bun with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, ketchup, all that good stuff.
4 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

[14 Mar 2005|06:21pm]
Hello everyone! Welcome to vegheads for us vegheads who are not fortunate enough to have someone cook for us.

Post recipes, ask for recipes, whatever you want. I will post all recipes in the memories until we have ourselves a nice little cookbook.
2 mmmmm carrots| Have a carrot

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