? ?
Journal created:
on 4 June 2001 (#165058)
on 18 September 2006
vegas sucks donkey balls
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

this is a community for people to vent all they want.
who are (for the moment)
stuck in vegas and hating it.
or for those who just hate it in general. yippie!

if you're going to post happy shit in here don't bother...
go post to somewhere else.

are you trying to make 'lost vagueness' not suck?!
you shall never succeed!!
7-11, aa, alcoholics, anti-tourist, assclowns, asshole taxi, backstabbers, butthole, coochie, country, country listenin', crackheads, current local bands suck, disease, dorks, escorts, fake people, fake tits, full of shit, gambling, gambling while you tweak, hating vegas, idiots, las vegas, liars, lights, line dancing bulldykes, losers, mexican weed havin', pathetic, pee pee, porno sites, poseurs, queens, rednecks, shit kickers, sluts, smelling like an ashtray, smut, stank, stds, streets paved with porn, strippers, stupid bitches, suckers, swerving to hit tourists, think again, think you look good, tweak while you club, tweaked out drivers, ugly, vegas, you ending up homeless
