Etiqueta del plugin: version
WP Rollback – Rollback Plugins and Themes
(204 total de valoraciones)Rollback (or forward) any plugin, theme, or block like a boss.
PHP Compatibility Checker
(129 total de valoraciones)Make sure your plugins and themes are compatible with newer PHP versions.
WP Downgrade | Specific Core Version
(166 total de valoraciones)Automáticamente, vuelve a una versión anterior o actualiza a cualquier versión de WP que quieras, directamente desde la administración.
Display PHP Version
(35 total de valoraciones)Displays the currently installed PHP/MySQL version in the "At a Glance" admin dashboard widget.
Audit Trail
(4 total de valoraciones)«Audit Trail» es un plugin para realizar un rastreo de lo que sucede dentro de tu blog mediante la supervisión de las funciones de administración.
Version Info | Show WP, PHP, MySQL & Web Server Versions in Admin Dashboard
(15 total de valoraciones)Easily display the current WP, PHP, Web Server, and MySQL versions in the WP-Admin Footer, Admin bar, or as a widget in screen options.
Meta Generator and Version Info Remover
(27 total de valoraciones)This plugin will remove the version info appended to enqueued style and script urls along with Meta Generator in the head section and in RSS feeds.
Version Control for jQuery
(7 total de valoraciones)Version Control for jQuery is one of the easiest ways to control the version of jQuery used on your website.
Better Plugin Compatibility Control
(19 total de valoraciones)Adds version compatibility info to the plugins page to inform the admin at a glance if a plugin is compatible with the current WP version.
PHP Version
(1 total de valoraciones)You can able to see the current PHP version in WordPress admin dashboard widget.
Plugin Compatibility Checker
(4 total de valoraciones)A Simple plugin to check the Plugin Compatibility with the Latest Stable version of WordPress
WP Revision Master
(8 total de valoraciones)Powerful and best post revision control, compare, restore!
Hide WordPress Version
(3 total de valoraciones)Removes your WordPress version from various places.
Remove WP version everywhere
(0 total de valoraciones)Removes WordPress version from RSS, posts and pages supports network activation.
Remove WP version and shortlink
(2 total de valoraciones)Removes WordPress version number , shortlink, wlwmanifest and RSD
CBX Changelog
(3 total de valoraciones)Changelog manager for digital products or releasable projects
(9 total de valoraciones)Automatic git version control and deployment for your plugins and themes integrated into wp-admin.
(2 total de valoraciones)Changelogger shows the latest changelog right on the plugin listing page, whenever there's a plugin ready to be updated.
CS Remove Version Number From CSS & JS
(1 total de valoraciones)This plugin will remove the version number from CSS and JS files.
Filename based asset cache busting
(5 total de valoraciones)Filename based cache busting for WordPress scripts/styles using last modified date.