Virginia Commonwealth University
The bacteriologic and clinical effects of early antibiotic treatment of Campylobacter jejuni enteritis were studied. Erythromycin rapidly eliminated C. jejuni from stools, whereas trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole did not. Despite its... more
Human parvovirus B19 infection is occasionally associated with acute lymphocytic myocarditis (ALM). Three infants with B19 virus-associated ALM were followed up clinically, histologically, and immunovirologically. Each infant had B19... more
The long-term consequences of parvovirus 61 9 infection in transfusion recipients are not known, and thus the value of 619 screening of blood donors remains unresolved. Hemophiliacs, at risk for 61 9 through their chronic exposure to... more
Five hundred thirty-three liver transplant recipients were seen for follow-up care over a 6-month period. Of these, 23 (4.3%) had a hemoglobin level of < or = 9 g/dl, with 19 being eligible for inclusion in this study. The median... more
Pharmacopeial Forum 33(3) [May-June 2007] included a Stimuli article titled "Proposed Change to Acceptance Criteria for Dissolution Performance Verification Testing." This Stimuli article proposed changing the form of the acceptance... more
A 13-month-old Caucasian female presented with erythema, swelling, and pain of the left periorbital region. On admission, her vital signs were normal, and complete blood count did not reveal abnormalities. Blood and eye cultures were... more
Guidelines and recommendations developed and/or endorsed by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) are intended to provide guidance for particular patterns of practice and not to dictate the care of a particular patient. The ACR... more
We applied a machine learning method of model-based boosting to select clinical parameters which have a relevant impact on treatment decisions in each of the three episodes and compared the results with multiple logistic regression... more
Objectives-To use consensus methods and the considerable expertise contained within the Children's Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) organization, to extend the 3 previously developed treatment plans for moderate... more
Background: The prognosis of children with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) has improved remarkably since the 1960's with the use of corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy. Yet there remain a minority of children who have refractory... more
Objective: To characterize uterine mast cells and investigate uterine muscle strips contractile responses to challenge with an allergen in nonpregnant and pregnant women. Study design: A double-antibody labeling technique was used to... more
tween groups was observed. Olfactory threshold levels between rhinitis subtypes and control subjects independent of nasal congestion were similar ) and did not vary with age or sex (data not shown).
observed in 8 specimens, suggesting possible mast cell degranulation.
Background: Allergic eye disease is common, but little is known about the underlying disease mechanisms. Conjunctival allergen challenge causes symptoms similar to those of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis and is a useful model to study.... more
Objective: To assess the role of basophils in allergic asthma, we measured the number of basophils in the bronchial mucosa and their capacity to express IL-4 mRNA and protein during allergen-induced late asthmatic responses. Methods:... more
The immunohistology of the nasal mucosa was examined in 13 grass pollen-sensitive patients and in seven normal nonatopic control subjects before and during the pollen season. Cryostut sections (6 km) of biopsy specimens from the inferior... more