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Preface to the volume (essays by J. Paul Hunter, Cynthia Wall, Deidre Lynch, Margaret Ezell, Jerome McGann, Aubrey Williams, Jill Campbell, David Marshall, David Gies, David Vander Meulen, Margery Sabin, Deborah Kaplan, Gordon Turnbull).
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    • Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Literature
"Abstract: Eliza Haywood's 1741 novel narrativizes the object-centered discourse of the visual field as described by contemporary optical theory. In eighteenth-century visual theory, the "object" of the gaze is not the one who is seen... more
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      OpticsGender StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureNarrative
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      Scottish LiteratureEighteenth-Century literatureNarrativeEighteenth Century History
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      Theatre StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureNarrativeEighteenth Century History
Our introduction to our co-edited Special Issue (essays by Helen Thompson, David Brewer, Al Coppola, Julie Park, Kristin Girten, Ruth Mack, Richard Barney, Crystal Lake, Noelle Chao).
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureHistory of ScienceHistory of the SensesEighteenth-Century British History and Culture
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureNarrativeEighteenth Century HistoryRestoration and Eighteenth-Century English Literature
Generic boundaries were creatively limned during the period, and we should hesitate to embrace expectations about gender and genre. Demonstrating the benefits of critical flexibility, I focus on a single fascinating example of "historical... more
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureEighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century British History and CultureEighteenth-Century French Studies
John Locke asked, “since all things that exist are merely particulars, how come we by general terms?” Essential Scots and the Idea of Unionism in Anglo-Scottish Literature, 1603–1832 tells a story about aesthetics and politics that looks... more
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      Scottish LiteratureRomanticismEighteenth-Century literatureMaterial Culture Studies
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Scholars consistently read the texts of Eliza Haywood through a culturally defined heteronormative lens. Yet Haywood’s texts in multiple genres throughout the course of her career structurally and descriptively present same-sex... more
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      Queer StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureQueer Theory (Literature)Eliza Haywood
Essays by a wonderful group of fourteen scholars.
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      Women's StudiesWomen's writingEighteenth-Century literatureBritish Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture
In their life writing, Elizabeth Thomas (1675Thomas ( -1731 and Laetitia Pilkington (c.1709-50) strategically use the book (as a material object, literary commodity and cultural currency) and the library (as both a physical space and a... more
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      Women WritersBook trade HistoryLiterary Marketplace
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesHuman Computer InteractionPhilosophy of Mind
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      Cultural StudiesCultural Critique
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesNew MediaMarxism
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      History of LinguisticsCultural StudiesIndigenous StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGame studiesMedia Studies
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyAnalytic PhilosophyDeconstruction
The influence of feminist theory on philosophy has been less pervasive than it might have been. This is due in part to inherent tensions between feminist critique and the university as an institution, and to philosophy's place in the... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ScienceHypatia
With regard to both the self-characterizations and the material substance of modernity, there are few more suggestive distinctions than the one between standardized practices and nonstandard ones, or more properly between practices which... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesCultural StudiesPrint Culture