Papers by Brian H . Wagner
Aletheias, 2012
Review of Dawkins' arguments.
Aletheias, 2012
Critique of Dawkins book - The God Delusion, 2nd edition
errata - pg 96, fourth sentence, should ... more Critique of Dawkins book - The God Delusion, 2nd edition
errata - pg 96, fourth sentence, should read - "Dawkins does mention the names of the one true God..."
This is an analysis of the Book of Ecclesiastes to support the view that this OT book's main purp... more This is an analysis of the Book of Ecclesiastes to support the view that this OT book's main purpose was evangelistic for a Gentile audience, and that such a purpose makes this book very relevant for today.
Journal of Dispensational Theology, 2011
This is a personal survey and evaluation of the presuppositions, history, and practices used in N... more This is a personal survey and evaluation of the presuppositions, history, and practices used in New Testament textual criticism. An attempt is made to show the importance of the presupposition of divine preservation for widespread use in early versions to help determine which readings among extant Greek manuscripts best reflect the original.
Journel of Dispensational Theology, 2008
A quick survey of Christian History for testimony to the doctrine of Scripture's perspicuity, loo... more A quick survey of Christian History for testimony to the doctrine of Scripture's perspicuity, looking at Paul, Irenaeus, the Paulicians, the Petrobusians, and Balthazar Hubmaier.
Chafer Theological Seminary Journal, 2006
errata in first paragraph - should read A.D. 385, not A.D. 365
An evaluation of the Westminster Confession Chapter 3 presentation of its view of divine election... more An evaluation of the Westminster Confession Chapter 3 presentation of its view of divine election unto salvation and the Scriptures cited in support.
Seminary Paper - Liberty University, 2005
A brief history of Inerrancy in the USA in the 20th century following especially the influence of... more A brief history of Inerrancy in the USA in the 20th century following especially the influence of Warfield, Fosdick, Lindsell, and Pinnock.
This is a survey of the view of Irenaeus' view of Scripture and tradition as detailed in Against ... more This is a survey of the view of Irenaeus' view of Scripture and tradition as detailed in Against Heresies. Also addressed is whether this accurately reflects a major 2nd century view of the relative authority of Scripture and tradition for Christian faith and practice.
An examination of models of Law and Grace as it relates to ethical decisions Christians must make... more An examination of models of Law and Grace as it relates to ethical decisions Christians must make. If you wish to discuss this paper, please feel free to contact me - [email protected]
Exegetical commentary on the third epistle by John
This is a doctrinal statement endeavoring to use only wording from Scripture edited together to b... more This is a doctrinal statement endeavoring to use only wording from Scripture edited together to be a reflection of the Sound Doctrine every elder must profess as true to be qualified to be an elder/pastor. (Titus 1:9)
The following are exegetical insights for one of two passages proposed as the strongest, clearest... more The following are exegetical insights for one of two passages proposed as the strongest, clearest texts teaching the objective perspicuity of Scripture
Papers by Brian H . Wagner
errata - pg 96, fourth sentence, should read - "Dawkins does mention the names of the one true God..."
errata - pg 96, fourth sentence, should read - "Dawkins does mention the names of the one true God..."
Looking at the context and grammar of Acts 13:48, there is more evidence that Luke is recording how the Gentiles got in line to receive everlasting life to make a personal commitment of faith in response to Paul's preaching than there is proof of a pre-creation selection of individuals for everlasting life.
Anyone who is seeking helpful interaction while or after completing these studies may feel free to contact me by email - [email protected]