Vanderbilt University
Sixteenth century Asia represented a heavily contested political landscape with the establishment of the Safavid dynasty in Iran, the Uzbek Khanate at Bukhara and the Mughals in the Indo-Gangetic basin, alongside the existence of the two... more
The province of Gujarat, located on the western seaboard of the Indian subcontinent, has served as 'the maritime gateway to India' from the western Indian Ocean region since the 2nd century C.E. The Gulf of Cambay with its deeply indented... more
The Portuguese incursion into the western Indian Ocean in the early sixteenth century posed a severe threat to the overseas commercial interests of the polities located on its rims. The mercantilist nature of the Iberian enterprise... more
With the rapid spread of Islam towards the east and the subsequent establishment of Indo-Islamic states in South Asia from the early thirteenth century, there followed steady waves of immigration from central and west Asia into the Indian... more
This article examines a dispute between the Mughal emperor Akbar and his foster brother Mirzā ʿAzīz Koka in the late sixteenth century through a study of two epistolary compositions (inshāʾ) – a royal mandate ( farmān) issued by Akbar... more
Reading Aphra Behn's Oroonoko (1688) as a creative intervention into philosophical debates about political obligation allows us to understand its critical contribution to the acute crisis confronting English subjects during the Glorious... more
Exoribonuclease I from yeast is a 175 kDa protein that is responsible for the majority of cytoplasmic mRNA degradation. Alignment of the Xrn1p sequence with homologs from yeast as well as from higher eukaryotes suggests that the protein... more
At a meeting of the Aristotelian Society in 1924 London, the Scottish philosopher Sandy Lindsay summed up the state of debate over the meaning and utility of the concept of sovereignty. Lindsay (who was, among other things, an advisor to... more
Public health literacy is an emerging concept necessary to understand and address the broad array of factors, such as climate change, globalization, and poverty, that influence the public's health. Whereas health literacy has... more