Vanderbilt University
Graduate Department of Religion
Las Cartas Pastorales están escritas en un contexto de lucha intracomunitaria. La polémica que se produce en el interior de la comunidad entre la doc- trina sana y la «heterodidascalia» es reflejo de las luchas de poder entre dos gru- pos... more
When tackling the issue of homosex, New Testament interpreters either read the bibli- cal text as continuously relevant to our present (continuism) or as completely estranged from contemporary conceptions of desire (alteritism). This... more
La hermenéutica bíblica en el mundo de lengua hispana ha estado dominada por un paradigma de conocimiento objetivista que postula un lector desinteresado y universal. La crítica poscolonial, al incorporar las aportaciones recientes de la... more
The place of eros in Christian theology has always been a contested one, not least because it is positioned as being at odds with agape, the kind of love that embodies gospel ethics. Matthew 25:31–46 calls us to " feed the hungry, " "... more
Many scholars in Biblical and Revelation studies have written at length about the imperial and patriarchal implications of the fi gure of the Whore of Babylon. However, much of the focus has been on the links to the Roman Empire and... more
Queer theology has not paid enough attention to queer sex, how queers understand sexual intimate relationships outside hetero/homonormative frameworks, and more importantly, what notions of relationality with Otherness undergird those... more
ordering a milkshake at the drive-through, buying groceries at the local market, taking the bus to the university, participating in a class discussion, inviting your coworker for a shared lunch, or talking to your friends at the coffee... more
Characterization studies have recently experienced a revival through incorporation of interdisciplinary and processual analyses borrowed, in turn, from the broader field of literary studies. Studies on the Gospel of Luke exemplify a trend... more