? ?
Journal created:
on 10 October 2000 (#18972)
on 21 September 2011
Vampy Von Pire
1 July 1983
Toronto, Canada
I'm just your average geek girl in black. Don't worry, my black's not blacker than yours. It's just shinier and better looking, suckah!

In a nutshell, I read too many vampire books and watch too many horror movies. I live in the greater Toronto area and have a BA in Psychology from a major Toronto university. Yes, that translates to: "She's craaaaazy." I'm disgustingly attached to a crazed serial killer Frankenstein lovin' reanimated monster freak. He giggles like a school girl. It's kinda hot. He's the pretty boy in my icon.

Vampires and horror are a big (unhealthy) part of my strange existance. My website,, is an online database of vampire books and movies, galore. If you're a fan of either, you'll feel like a kid in a candy store with a five finger discount. So get your spooky little butts to the site and rate & review your favourite vampire books & movies! You can also learn more about me and see tons of scaaaaary photos of yours truly on

Feel free to add me to your friends list, especially if you're also a vampire fanatic, as I post updates, vampire book & movie additions, release dates, reviews and the occasional post about my sometimes wacky life (but nothing too personal, this is the intarweb afterall). I lead a relatively busy life, so I may not add you back or make comments immediately, but don't worry I'll notice you. And feel free to introduce yourself!

Disclaimer: Respect my property! I don't tolerate people taking my photos, icons, graphics, words or pretending to be me. Everything within my livejournal is under copyright to myself/ If you want to use something, ask and maybe I'll say yes. Otherwise, don't make me bite you!
