New Fic: Live and Let Die

Title: Live and Let Die
Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Summary: Sometimes, there is no happily ever after.
Pairing: Aragorn/Legolas
Genre: slash, darkfic
Rating: M
Warning: AU, character death. This picks up where “Dark Chest of Wonders” ended. Therefore, the same warnings apply here – references to torture and bloodletting, imprisonment, non-con, physical and emotional trauma. Dark themes all around, no happy ending.
Disclaimer: The characters and settings belong to Tolkien. No copyright infringement is intended, no money is being made.
Author’s Note: Title is taken from the Paul McCartney song. “Dark Chest of Wonders” was written in 2006. You should definitely read that story first, because without it, the world of “Live and Let Die” and what happens in it won’t make much sense. I always considered “Dark Chest of Wonders” my darkest story. The whole idea wouldn’t leave me alone, the story needed a resolution. Therefore, I wrote the first draft of “Live and Let Die” back in 2009. There was never any intention of posting it. It was solely written for myself, to get the story out of my head. Now, 15 years later, I feel like I can let go of it and post it. I’ve always been fascinated by Tolkien’s concept of the “Gift of Men” - this is my take on it.

Read "Dark Chest of Wonders" on AO3 || DW

Read the continuation "Live and Let Die" on AO3 || DW


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