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      ArchaeologyHistory of Archaeology
How much does the stone of the Stone Age matter? The perspective of the archaeological record on the Palaeolithic research Prehistoric archaeology researches usually face the difficult challenge of random and heavily fragmented data,... more
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    • Paleolithic Europe
Paléolithique supérieur, Vallée de BistriĠa, nord-est de la Roumanie Résumé: La séquence paléolithique culturelle et chronologique de la Vallée de BistriĠa fut l'objet de plusieurs recherches et de longs débats archéologiques. Quoiqu'on a... more
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    • Paleolithic Europe
Palaeomagnetic investigations were carried out at the archaeological site of Poiana Cireş ului (Romania) to check whether the loess records a reliable palaeomagnetic signal, and to compare this signal to reference data. The sediments are... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologyMagnetic fieldQuaternary
From the initial researches in the 1950's, the geological and archeological sequences preserved on the Bistrița terraces have been constantly thought to provide a remarkably complete chronicle of the Upper Paleolithic in eastern Romania.... more
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    • Prehistoric Archaeology
ISBN print 973-7925-12-2 © Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Târgovişte, 2014 e-mail: [email protected], 19 Pusă tot mai frecvent într-un contrast cu "rudele înstărite" din Europa occidentală, cercetarea preistoriei... more
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    • Theoretical Archaeology
"Previous archaeological research in the Banat area (South-western Romania) resulted in the definition of a chronologically late Krems-Dufour type Aurignacian, followed by the isolated find of several considerably old anatomically... more
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Based on dual-inheritance and macro-evolutionary models, the paper focuses on the conformist dimension of cultural transmission and on the growth limits inherent in foragers' eco-cultural niche building. The apparent lack of innovation... more
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The mismatch between the human paleoanthropological 'tree' and the paleo-cognitive 'ladder' has been recently attributed to epistemological biases affecting the mainstream narratives on cognitive evolution. The present paper takes issue... more
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In the Bistrița valley, a variety of different materials were used for producing knapped tools during the Upper Palaeolithic. Among these, chert is the most common. Previous research carried out in this region has indicated the possible... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyFlint (Archaeology)
Upper Palaeolithic chronological and cultural sequences on the Bistriţa Valley (northeastern Romania) have been in the focus of more than five decades of field work and debates. Despite substantial excavation surfaces and impressively... more
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    • Upper Paleolithic
Previous archaeological research in the Banat area (South-western Romania) resulted in the definition of a chronologically late Krems-Dufour type Aurignacian, followed by the isolated find of several considerably old anatomically modern... more
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    • Upper Paleolithic
Currently, absolute dates for the emergence of the Early Upper Paleolithic and the timing of the earliest dispersal of anatomically modern humans (AMH) into Europe are sparse. This is especially true for regions adjoining the Eastern... more
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      Upper PaleolithicMiddle to Upper Palaeolithic Transition
The key position held by Romania's territory for the available scenarios regarding the expansion of the Upper Paleolithic "cultural package" in Europe has been recently reinforced by the finds of the oldest European Homo sapiens sapiens... more
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    • Upper Paleolithic
The Paleolithic sites Româneş ti and Coş ava, situated at the foothills of the Banat Mountains in Romania, provide an important testament of life of the first European modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) during Middle Pleniglacial. Even... more
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      Quaternary Sedimentology and GeomorphologyQuaternary environmentsUpper Palaeolithic
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    • Quaternary environments
Despite its richness, the Romanian Paleolithic record has remained for decades relatively poorly known to the broader scientific community. The situation swiftly changed after the find at Oase Cave, which brought the Romanian... more
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      Middle to Upper Paleolithic TransitionUpper Paleolithic
Previous works focused on optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz extracted from Romanian and Serbian loess reported significant discrepancies between ages obtained on fine (4e11 mm) and coarse (63e90 mm) quartz. The present... more
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      Upper PaleolithicLuminiscence Dating
During the 1983 UISPP congress in Liège, F. Mogoșanu presented the results of his earlier investigations on the Paleolithic in the Romanian Banat. The Upper Paleolithic of this area was viewed as a chronologically late manifestation of... more
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      Early Upper Paleolithic technocomplex (Archaeology)Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition
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    • Upper Palaeolithic