Beth (milk_thief) wrote in va_commonwealth,

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I'm new here...I know my user info says I'm in Daytona Beach Fl, I am, BUT I was born and raised in Bassett, VA (it's near Martinsville, in case you don't know of it).  My hubby and I are considering moving back up to the area.  We don't want to move to Bassett, because honestly the job market there is dead.  We're thinking of moving to Roanoke.  I was looking at some apartments online and I was wanting some opinions of people who live in the area about the following listing:

Please, tell me what you think.  I want to know how the neighborhood is, how the local schools are (we don't have kids yet, but evenually).  If you think that you wouldn't move to this area, please, tell me why and give me a suggestion of where you would move if you were us.

Thanks for all your help!!


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