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In recent years, the institution of marriage in Muslim Central Asia has undergone profound transformations in terms of religious dynamics, migration patterns, and the impact of globalization. In Kazakhstan between 2014 and 2019, every... more
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      Information TechnologyGender and Sexuality Studies
What is the mobilizing and meaning-making potential of information and communication technologies (ICT s) in non-democratic regimes? This question has been studied globally, with the Arab Spring heightening the urgency and the stakes for... more
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      Digital HumanitiesInformation Communication Technology
In recent years, the institution of marriage in Muslim Central Asia has undergone profound transformations in terms of religious dynamics, migration patterns, and the impact of globalization. In Kazakhstan between 2014 and 2019, every... more
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      ReligionInformation TechnologyGlobalizationGender and Sexuality Studies
Apart from some rare personal accounts where researchers reflect on doing fieldwork in Russia and China, the ethical and methodological challenges of conducting research "under surveillance" are rarely discussed in published form because... more
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      Gender StudiesFieldwork in AnthropologySurveillance StudiesSpying and Intelligence
Apart from some rare personal accounts where researchers reflect on doing fieldwork in Russia and China, the ethical and methodological challenges of conducting research “under surveillance” are rarely discussed in published form because... more
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      SociologyCriminologyGender StudiesFieldwork in Anthropology
Despite Chinese smartphone vendors' track record in successfully developing and selling communication technologies to the Global South, the potential of Chinese communication technologies to boost the China's image remains underexplored... more
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    • Soft Power and International Relations
The special report presents results from the World Internet Project - Switzerland (WIP-CH). It explores the risks of being online, the concerns of the Swiss population related to using the Internet and people’s trust in Internet content.
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Themenbericht aus dem World Internet Project - Switzerland 2013. Der Themenbericht zeigt die Nutzungsmuster von über 40 Internet-Anwendungen in der Schweiz.
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Increasing Internet use is changing the way individuals take part in society. However, a general mobilizing effect of the Internet on political participation has been difficult to demonstrate. This study takes a digital inequality... more
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Based on representative surveys on Internet use, this article advances comparative research on the second-level digital divide by modeling Internet usage disparities for five countries with narrowing access gaps. Four core Internet usage... more
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      Digital DivideNew Media and SocietyMeasurement InvarianceDigital Inclusion
Mass media have long provided general publics with science news. New media such as Twitter have entered this system and provide an additional platform for the dissemination of science information. Based on automated collection and... more
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    • Public Understanding Of Science
Purpose This conceptual contribution is based on the observation that digital inequalities literature has not sufficiently considered digital footprints as an important social differentiator. The purpose of the paper is to inspire current... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceAlgorithmsCommunication
In modern everyday life, individuals experience an abundance of digital information and communication options, and pressure to use them effectively and constantly. While there are many benefits attainable through the use of digital... more
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      Digital SkillsDigital Pressure
How predictable are life trajectories? We investigated this question with a scientific mass collaboration using the common task method; 160 teams built predictive models for six life outcomes using data from the Fragile Families and Child... more
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With every digital interaction, individuals are increasingly subject to algorithmic profiling, understood as the systematic and purposeful recording and classification of data related to individuals. Large Internet firms, such as Facebook... more
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How can we live a good life both thanks to and despite the constant use of digital media? The presented framework describes the nature of and connections between three relevant phenomena – digital media practices, harms/benefits, and... more
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Testing communication theories requires a valid empirical basis, yet especially for usage time measures, retrospective self-reports have shown to be biased. This study draws on a unique data set of 923 Swiss internet users who had their... more
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      Internet UsageDigital Traces
Digital inequalities have real consequences for individuals' everyday lives-this basic assumption drives digital inequality research. Recent efforts have focused on tangible benefits of online engagement, yet subjective quality of life... more
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      PsychologyCommunicationDigital DivideDigital Inequality
Algorithmic profiling has become increasingly prevalent in many social fields and practices, including finance, marketing, law, cultural consumption and production, and social engagement. Although researchers have begun to investigate... more
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      SociologyAlgorithmsCommunicationNew Media
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    • SSR SRG