Papers by Alexandra Tanner
Bericht der Koldewey-Gesellschaft 51, 2023, 83-90

In: W. Gauß (Hrsg.), Forschungen im Bereich des Theaters von Aigeira 2011 bis 2018. Aigeira 3 (Wien 2022), 183-202
The two so-called naiskoi D and E are situated side by side north of the theatre at Aigeira. They... more The two so-called naiskoi D and E are situated side by side north of the theatre at Aigeira. They have been excavated mainly in the 1970s and 1980s by the Austrian Archaeological Institute, however, they were only rudimentary studied. The architecture, building history and function of the building type ›naiskos‹, that is present by several buildings in the theatre area, as well as the development and role of the entire theatre ensemble was not yet clarified and is therefore in the focus of the current research project. As a basis for the present study of the two buildings D and E that were in use from Hellenistic to Roman times, new detailed plans were drawn. As first results, the relative chronology of the two buildings and in relation to the theatre could be determined. ›Naiskos‹ E is in close relation with the theatre building because of the use of the same measuring unit. It was built before ›Naiskos‹ D, from which it differs considerably in terms of building tech- nique, measuring unit, typology and interior layout. Those characteristics suggest design and construction of the two ›naiskoi‹ at a different point in time and by different people. Furthermore, due to its interior design, ›Naiskos‹ D is probably a building with multiple functions. The reason for the differences in the typology and function seem to be changing requirements to the architecture of the two buildings over the course of Hellenistic times. This indicates a possible changing role of the entire theatre ensemble.

Antike Kunst 64, 2021
The recent discovery of a series of dressed blocks led to a re-examination of the podium built in... more The recent discovery of a series of dressed blocks led to a re-examination of the podium built into the northwest corner of the North Stoa. The remains of the small structure preserved in situ were excavated in the 1990s and interpreted as a tribunal, a later addition to the building. The newly discovered blocks now added important architectural details to the information already known. Moreover, it could be confirmed that the carved blocks, which were found in the immediate vicinity of the tribunal, had formed its crown moulding. A close examination revealed, however, that the blocks had originally belonged to a base and had been re-used for the construction of the tribunal. The rest of the structure, apart from the euthynteria, was built of only roughly dressed stone, and the re-used crown moulding had obviously been used to finish it off. Occupying a prominent position next to the agora, this is one of the few known and best preserved stone-built tribunal in exis- tence.

In: P. Sapirstein – D. Scahill (Hrsg.), New Directions and Paradigms for the Study of Greek Architecture: Interdisciplinary Dialogues in the Field (Leiden 2020), 74-87
The three small Buildings D, E, and F, usually identified as naiskoi, are located on both sides o... more The three small Buildings D, E, and F, usually identified as naiskoi, are located on both sides of the theater building at Aigeira. Together with the adjacent buildings they form a substantial complex erected in the Hellenistic period that remained in use until Roman times. The prominent location of multiple examples of the relatively small “naiskos” building type is striking. However, during the excavations in the 1970s and 1980s, neither the chronology nor the function of these buildings could be identified.
The new study aims to reveal the architectural layout, the chronology, and the function of these small buildings. The first results of this research are presented in this paper. The clarifying of the relative chronology between Buildings D and E is crucial for understanding the development of the building arrangement. Differences in building technique, measuring units and construction dates of the individual “naiskoi” lead to considerations about different groups of people responsible for designing as well as building them. Moreover, several modifications that took place over the course of time on the three buildings hint to the history of their use, while interior design suggests multi-functionality.
In: K. Piesker – U. Wulf-Rheidt (Hrsg.), Umgebaut. Umbau-, Umnutzungs- und Umwertungsprozesse in der antiken Architektur (Regensburg 2020), 111-126
In: G. Ackermann – T. Krapf – L. Pop (Hrsg.), ἀποβάτης. Mélanges eubéens offerts à Karl Reber par ses étudiant·e·s à l'occasion de son 65 ème anniversaire (Lausanne 2020) 28-35, 2020
In: L. Berger – F. Lang – C. Reinholdt – B. Tober - J. Weilhartner (Hrsg.), Gedenkschrift für Wolfgang Wohlmayr (Salzburg 2020) 431-437, 2020
This is the preliminary report on the studies at Aegina Kolonne undertaken in the years 2011-2014... more This is the preliminary report on the studies at Aegina Kolonne undertaken in the years 2011-2014, including the architectural analysis of the prehistoric eastern suburbs.
in: F. Lang - W. Wohlmayr (Hrsg.), 50 Jahre Archäologie and der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Workshop Salzburg, 14. Dezember 2016 (Salzburg 2017), 2017
Books by Alexandra Tanner

Temple-like small buildings played an important role in the ensemble of buildings constructed in ... more Temple-like small buildings played an important role in the ensemble of buildings constructed in Hellenistic times in the theatre area at Aigeira, due to their remarkable multiple presence. The three best preserved – Naiskoi D, E and F – are the main focus of this project. The book presents new detailed plans, a photogrammetric 3D-model, the analysis of the architectural and archaeological evidence, reconstruction drawings as well as the interpretations of the three small buildings that have been excavated mainly in the 1970s and 1980s by the Austrian Archaeological Institute. The architectural and typological study of the three buildings has led to new results concerning their building history, architectural design and function. The prostyloi that were built in the course of the third and second centuries BCE show differences in proportions, building techniques and interior features. The evidence regarding the interior layout indicates that additionally to the initial main function as temples, the use as dining halls was added, and could even have played the main role in later times. New conclusions for the entire theatre area can be drawn: Rather than planned and built in a single building programme, the ensemble that is now interpreted as a sanctuary was gradually developed during the Hellenistic period, probably accompanied by a shift of meaning. Using the case study of Aigeira, the role of the relatively frequent naiskos building type in Hellenistic sanctuaries could be explored in-depth in its context.
Papers by Alexandra Tanner
The new study aims to reveal the architectural layout, the chronology, and the function of these small buildings. The first results of this research are presented in this paper. The clarifying of the relative chronology between Buildings D and E is crucial for understanding the development of the building arrangement. Differences in building technique, measuring units and construction dates of the individual “naiskoi” lead to considerations about different groups of people responsible for designing as well as building them. Moreover, several modifications that took place over the course of time on the three buildings hint to the history of their use, while interior design suggests multi-functionality.
Books by Alexandra Tanner
The new study aims to reveal the architectural layout, the chronology, and the function of these small buildings. The first results of this research are presented in this paper. The clarifying of the relative chronology between Buildings D and E is crucial for understanding the development of the building arrangement. Differences in building technique, measuring units and construction dates of the individual “naiskoi” lead to considerations about different groups of people responsible for designing as well as building them. Moreover, several modifications that took place over the course of time on the three buildings hint to the history of their use, while interior design suggests multi-functionality.