Papers by Farai Mushangwe
The political -social and history of Botswana, 2011
The era of rags to riches
Zimbabwe under marshall law, 2019
Democracy in Zimbabwe ,Rights for citizens
Social Forces, 1975
... and subjugation. Rather, social sys-tems were viewed as a mingling of "associative and d... more ... and subjugation. Rather, social sys-tems were viewed as a mingling of "associative and dissociative processes" which were more easily separated in abstract analysis than in empirical fact (Simmel, 1956:23-24). For whatever ...

Women power in Africa, 2019
The violence against women in Zimbabwe continue despite legislation because of various factors so... more The violence against women in Zimbabwe continue despite legislation because of various factors some can be be traced even during the liberation struggle. The UN General Assembly defined violence against women as any act of gender based violence, which results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women including threats of such acts according to Illika .Customary law, patriarchal and culture which is being instrumental in the continual of violence against the women .Also land reform facilitate violence against women and the perpetrators did not face the law which is why women are at the disadvantage. More so the ruling government also discourage the movement for women to gain equality through sabotaging and not financing women such that women will attain autonomy. Women of higher socio economic status in urban areas and do not report abuse and Ndebele and Shona do grant men sexual touching rights short of sexual intercourse which lead to the continual violence against women because the wife young sister will be afraid since guardian had agreed. The other issue for the continual of violence is that of Lobola which in modern sense transferred the women rights into a commodity which means the husband will abuse the wife any cost .Also few spaces are created for women in politics and organisation which means women still being treated as not equal.

Violence faced by women in politics and elections, 2021
The Zimbabwean political context had been argued by most scholars to be an area of masculinity i... more The Zimbabwean political context had been argued by most scholars to be an area of masculinity influence. This was not a surprise since even in pre- independence women have reported to have been subjected to political violence from their male counter parts. As a shock women have played a major key role in voting although they have remained politically less significant. From studying past elections data and statistics it has shown that a pattern of violence can be drawn from pre- independence to the presence. Evidence of mass organized violence have been witnessed in the Zimbabwean politics and lack of education on the side of women cited to be a problem. Issues to do with lack of trust in the security forces of Zimbabwe and the fear of relatives have affected the political terrain of Zimbabwe. In general even those elected female politicians have suffered internal party and external violence in politics which showed a pattern of hate speech which should had been eliminated by now .In addition, lack of female representation in key positions within political parties had resulted in the discrimination of women in general. Some female politicians have cited that even though many laws were passed for gender equality political parties do not follow the guidelines which explains why women suffered violence. Women have been described as their own worst enemy considering the fact that one in power will slander a fellow female to survive in politics.
Female politicians in Zimbabwe, 2020
Grace Mugabe failure's in Politics
Covid and sex workers, 2020
Prostitutes are human beings period

Idi Amin was a Hero, 1971
The expulsion of Asians in Uganda had been blamed on Idi Amin but various facts have shown that m... more The expulsion of Asians in Uganda had been blamed on Idi Amin but various facts have shown that many countries were to blame. It just happen that Asians were not needed anyway even those that have British passports. Idi Amin played a crucial role in act of forcing out Asians from the Uganda for that some scholars has blamed him for being uneducated and troubled leaders. So taking into consideration the fact that Ugandan economy was failing it was justified. The Asians were sending their profits abroad making the situation worse. In addition, the Asians were better off economically than Africans this justified Amin way of trying to create an economy which benefit Africans. Britain played a crucial role in the way it responded to the expulsion of Asians as it rejected them equaling the error of Amin because how can you reject people with citizen passports. Other countries allowed the settlement of expelled Asians in their country.

The Second French Empire, 1852
The success of the second French empire under Napoleon III included the construction of railway l... more The success of the second French empire under Napoleon III included the construction of railway lines, the enlargement of Paris streets, modernization of Paris and the re-establishment of France internationally. Napoleon III was credited for the establishment of credits facilities which enabled French people to borrow money and invest. However the foreign policy Napoleon III antagonize the relationship with other countries such as Britain and Prussia .The unification of Italy where he angered the Italians and he failed to understand that by going to war with Prussia was the downfall of the second French republic .Napoleon III came to the power trough a coup against his own government. Louis Napoleon had planned and executed the coup d'état (1851) that would make him emperor in 1851 and he understood the tactics of street politics according to D.P. Jordan . The way Napoleon III takes power will define the way his government was operated.

The Spanish civil war was a war which was fought between the Nationalist and the Republicans. It ... more The Spanish civil war was a war which was fought between the Nationalist and the Republicans. It was started in 1936 and ended in 1939 many deaths were recorded from both the civilians and soldiers. Nicholas Coni commented on the medical advances which includes injuries and fractures, blood transfusion and medical disorders .These areas witnessed medical advancement which helped to save lots of lives in the second world war two and even today. The Spanish civil war although it started as a civil war it became a European was because Hitler and Mussolini intervened on the side of General Franco. On 18July 1936 Franco’s fascist forces, in collusion with Hitler and Mussolini rose against the legitimate Republic government of Spain according to D. Lethbrigde . Republicans end up receiving help from the Soviet Union while America , Britain and France did not participate .The medical advancement in Spain accelerated during the civil war.

Guatemala Land Reform, 2050
The Guatamela’s land reform can be best described as a failure in the sense that the government o... more The Guatamela’s land reform can be best described as a failure in the sense that the government of Arbenz did not foresee problems encountered in agriculture. The Law of Agrarian Reform which formulated the Arbenz program was passed on June 27, 1952 . Land reform was initiated for several reasons such as the land lying idle, food imports and equality in land ownership. The government established banks to give loans to peasants and much land was going to be taken from private owned companies .Families benefited from the land reform program because prior to that they didn’t have land. However, it was not successful in the sense that it faced much opposition from the church and even the American government. The farmers lacked equipment to produce more agriculture products and communism hindered the developments. A coup was staged to over throw the government and land was returned to the private companies which was a failure. Therefore one could argue that land reform in Guatamela was failure in its own terms.

Socialist Party of Chile why it failed , 2010
The socialist experiment government failed as a result of internal factors and external factors a... more The socialist experiment government failed as a result of internal factors and external factors as
one would peruse as the essay unpack itself. In 1933, Allende was one of the founders of the
Chilean Socialist Party, which was based on Marxist principles but was intended to be
specifically Chilean rather than broadly international in its orientation and parliamentary rather
than revolutionary in its politics 1.The government of Allende who was a founder of a socialist
party in Chile won election in 1970 and the model of his politics was to distribute wealth to
everyone. Also the government of Allende nationalized almost all companies in the country ,the
socialist party lacked a strong unified idea ,failure of transfer of power to people as state agents
benefited ,basic goods become scarce and inflation had a negative impact .The socialist invited
the army into the cabinet a mistake .The congress was against Allende because it was controlled
by the opposition .Policy failure was some of the factors that affected the socialist experiment
.However some factors included the role played by America sabotage the economy Chile under
the socialist and America with hold the aid to Chile .Also blocked the request of the socialist
government to borrow money from the world bank .

Ethnicity Problems in Zimbabwe, 2019
The relationship between the Ndebele and the Shona needs a healing although on the surface it see... more The relationship between the Ndebele and the Shona needs a healing although on the surface it seems normal but the reality paint a different picture .One could even look at the legacy of colonialism as it had a hand in the divisions within the two tribes. Some even point to Gukurahundi another factor for the division that is besides being ethnically different. Also the issue of politics can be considered as Ndebele had high post reserved for vice presidents who to some raise the eyebrows. The major factor which need to be agreed on is that Zimbabwe as country had failed to unite the differences between tribes in the post colonial period which had affected every sector from politics, music, development and national agendas had been failed to be reached which influenced the so called the Mtwakwasi republic .The main point of the paper is that Zimbabwe had failed to construct a identity which accommodates all tribes and unify the country as one.
University Girls not prostitute, 2019
University girls had been stereotyped to be prostitute but the reality is that some of the girls ... more University girls had been stereotyped to be prostitute but the reality is that some of the girls really work hard for themselves to be enterprenuers #Girl power

Muslim as religion in East Africa, 2019
The Arab activities in East Africa had contributed to our understanding of the past and many scho... more The Arab activities in East Africa had contributed to our understanding of the past and many scholars had been engaged in debate about the period before 1890.Arabs spread religion in East Africa and converted huge followers. The Arabs practiced trade in the east African coast and some Arabs becomes rulers for instance in Kilwa .Also some Arabs participated in slavery since this was a lucrative business which was very profitable .Some Arabs become permanent residents in East Africa. Between around 700 and 1500 A. D., a majority of Muslim visitors East Africa were probably concerned with some aspect of trade according to B.G. Martin .Also Arabs had been involved in the raiding in African waters in order to enhance their influence. The converted blacks society who were now Muslims launched wars to the non Muslim society. In the ancient Writing of Roman some scholars mention the activities of the Arabs in East Africa. As the Romans used the trade winds for the first time to trade in Azania, they found that the Arabs had already been in East Africa according to F. Chami .Also some of the Arabs adopted the tradition Swahili clothing ,food and luggage.

Catholic Peace Movement, 2019
Firstly, for us to understand how the CCJPZ work towards Zimbabwe’s Breaking the silence, we have... more Firstly, for us to understand how the CCJPZ work towards Zimbabwe’s Breaking the silence, we have to identify the central terms in the question, which we will use as a foundation to determine whether the question has been adequately answered. For that one has to pick three main concepts from the question, the first concept or term is good governance the second is Zimbabwe and the third presents the period which the study will focus which is from 1990-2000. Good governance reflects the focus of the study, Zimbabwe represents the context and 1990-2000 is the period in which the activities took place. Of the three concepts or terms good governance is the central term or concept of the question. The Human Rights Web page highlight that there is no single and exhaustive definition of good governance but there is however a consensus which relate good governance to political and institutional processes and out comes that are deemed necessary to achieve the goals of development. Looking at the Zimbabwean context within the period stated that is 1990 to 2000 we recognize five categories of terms which are associated with good governance in both negative and positive ways. The first two terms are the constitution and elections. The former represents a system of laws and basic principles that a state, country or organisation is governed. Thus, it can safely be said that the CCJPZ, from 1990-2000 exuded certain indications of self-consciousness. It should then be asked as to why Zimbabwe has not changed for the better.

Latin America today, 2019
The Spanish economic life in the Latin America included the mining of silver and gold, and the me... more The Spanish economic life in the Latin America included the mining of silver and gold, and the mercantile system which was introduced and the slavery which introduced to maximize profits. Also plantations were introduced in Latin America especially sugar cane and tobacco with aim for trading it international. The main idea which influenced the economic activities was the fact Spain was supposed to get rich by exploiting its colonies. Trade was controlled by the Spanish who had the monopoly to trade with colonies. Also mining was very important in the sense that gold and silver being accumulated by Spain as bullion. Slavery was also the other economic activity which produces high profits and low cost to Spain. In economic terms, this ensured a moderately high productivity in many regions of the Spanish colonial empire, constituting a major source of revenue for Spain according to Karl W. Butzer . Also Agriculture was another economic foundation which results in plantations and crops such as sugar cane and tobacco. Such control was essential to gain access to American resources and raw materials (such as metals, cattle, and sugar), which were the primary sources of wealth

MAASAI Today, 2019
The socio-economic life of the Maasai had raised much debate in the discipline of academics since... more The socio-economic life of the Maasai had raised much debate in the discipline of academics since most scholars had the view that the Maasai were the pastoralist tribe who depend on cattle and its products. Trade was another economic activity of the Maasai and rituals were performed such as circumcision or slaughter of lions. Also decision making was done by the old men in the Maasai culture. A Maasai prayer “Meishoo iyiook enkai inkishu” (May the Creator give us cattle and children) demonstrates the importance of livestock to the Maasai economy according to R.B. Anderson and L.Dana . The type of marriage which was practiced in Maasai was polygamous that is having more than one wife. The Maasai did perceive themselves only as pastoralists and they perceived their involvement in hunting and gathering or agriculture as being incompatible with their pastoral ideal according to John L. Berntsen . Maasai subsistence is ideally derived from the products of livestock including meat, milk, and blood. However to lesser extent the Maasai cannot be termed exclusively pastoralist because there is evidence the Maasai were involved in trade of ivory and fighting warriors to defend and crush weaker tribes
Papers by Farai Mushangwe
one would peruse as the essay unpack itself. In 1933, Allende was one of the founders of the
Chilean Socialist Party, which was based on Marxist principles but was intended to be
specifically Chilean rather than broadly international in its orientation and parliamentary rather
than revolutionary in its politics 1.The government of Allende who was a founder of a socialist
party in Chile won election in 1970 and the model of his politics was to distribute wealth to
everyone. Also the government of Allende nationalized almost all companies in the country ,the
socialist party lacked a strong unified idea ,failure of transfer of power to people as state agents
benefited ,basic goods become scarce and inflation had a negative impact .The socialist invited
the army into the cabinet a mistake .The congress was against Allende because it was controlled
by the opposition .Policy failure was some of the factors that affected the socialist experiment
.However some factors included the role played by America sabotage the economy Chile under
the socialist and America with hold the aid to Chile .Also blocked the request of the socialist
government to borrow money from the world bank .
one would peruse as the essay unpack itself. In 1933, Allende was one of the founders of the
Chilean Socialist Party, which was based on Marxist principles but was intended to be
specifically Chilean rather than broadly international in its orientation and parliamentary rather
than revolutionary in its politics 1.The government of Allende who was a founder of a socialist
party in Chile won election in 1970 and the model of his politics was to distribute wealth to
everyone. Also the government of Allende nationalized almost all companies in the country ,the
socialist party lacked a strong unified idea ,failure of transfer of power to people as state agents
benefited ,basic goods become scarce and inflation had a negative impact .The socialist invited
the army into the cabinet a mistake .The congress was against Allende because it was controlled
by the opposition .Policy failure was some of the factors that affected the socialist experiment
.However some factors included the role played by America sabotage the economy Chile under
the socialist and America with hold the aid to Chile .Also blocked the request of the socialist
government to borrow money from the world bank .