University of Zimbabwe
Twenty fifteen marked the year of assessment for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs that achieved the greatest success were those where evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions were implemented. The ability to practice... more
Twenty fifteen marked the year of assessment for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs that achieved the greatest success were those where evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions were implemented. The ability to practice... more
This is the 15th in a series of articles exploring international trends in health science librarianship in the 21st century. It is the third of four articles pertaining to different regions in the African continent. The present issue... more
Background: Many African countries are investing in medical education to address significant health care workforce shortages and ultimately improve health care. Increasingly, training institutions are establishing medical education... more
Biobanks and human genomics applications are key for understanding health, disease and heredity in Africa and globally. Growing interest in these technologies calls for strengthening relevant legal, ethical and policy systems to address... more
The workshop was made possible with financial support from the National Institute of Health (NIH),under the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI).
Prof Hakim started the workshop by welcoming the guests and thanked them for being punctual and then handed over to the Chair of the morning session Prof Chidzonga who formally welcomed the guests to the workshop making special mention of... more
The construction of journalistic professionalism in Zimbabwe has stirred debate among scholars. Critics have argued that professionalism has been compromised by the stifling media laws in Zimbabwe as well as the extra legal measures the... more
Background: A useful investigation is one in which the result, positive or negative, will alter management or add confidence to the clinician's diagnosis. Applying guidelines reduce radiological requests, waiting times, and costs without... more
Annually, the World reports five hundred million sexually transmitted infections (WHO 2010). Sexually transmitted infections if not treated early have serious consequences to the youth. These effects range from those which are... more
This paper explores the influence of perception on behaviours associated with emptying of faecal sludge from non-sewered sanitation systems using findings from a study on the emptying behaviour of residents of Khulna city, Bangladesh. The... more
Science communication is proliferating in the developing world, however, with respect to science centres, as a whole Africa is being left behind. Here 15 participants in a capacity building program are investigated using traditional... more
Background: Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is a major cause of mortality in HIV programmes in Africa despite increasing access to antiretroviral therapy (ART). Mortality is driven in part by limited availability of amphotericin-based... more