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Previously thought of as a 'hopeless' case by some, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has experienced economic growth, technological progress, and communications leading to revisions about its prowess. For some, the rise of GDP, capacitation and... more
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Mission statements are an important component of marketing audits and marketing plans. Campbell and Yeung's Ashridge mission model is one of the methodologies suggested in academic literature for use in the analysis and design of mission... more
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This study provides the model to be used when estimating the cost of unserved utility especially electricity. It also identified different impacts of outages for different stakeholders. A three model framework has been provided to show... more
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Zimbabwe's mining sector has been hit hard by electricity load shedding from the power utility. Load shedding was seen as a solution to the inability of power utility to supply electricity to meet demand. Electricity supply problems... more
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      ManagementEngineeringMathematicsEnvironmental Science
The study assesses the sectorial cost of electricity outages and cost of expanding own generation to avert outages in Zimbabwe. The main sectors used were agriculture, mining, industry and households. These sectors lost significantly due... more
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The study investigates how consumers use cash or electronic (plastic) money in the multicurrency period. The objective was to find out how easy consumers found plastic money use to be, whether they liked using it and in particular how... more
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Africa has many electricity supply problems with major causes being natural causes (drought), oil price shock, system disruption by conflict, and low investment in electricity generation. To solve the problem, many countries adopted... more
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    • Economics
Banks in Zimbabwe are facing challenges in attracting deposits from customers due to several reasons. The banking sector has implemented a wide range of strategies in a bid to attract deposits. These strategies can be broadly classified... more
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      BusinessCustomer Relationship Management
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are regarded as the seedbed of entrepreneurship development. The government and other support institutions are making efforts to support the growth of the sector. Despite all these efforts and... more
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Virtual Banking is a new phenomenon emerging in the Zimbabwean banking sector. It has assisted in offering low cost and convenient banking solutions to the traditionally unbanked lower end of the market through the use of internet... more
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    • Business
This study investigated the possible impact that trading automation of Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) could have on the development of the local capital market from an ex-ante perspective. An assessment of the current level of development... more
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The mining sector has been the cornerstone of economic growth in Zimbabwe hence funding becomes very crucial to resuscitate the economy. The study aimed to assess the funding mechanisms for the mining sector of Zimbabwe and the effect of... more
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    • Business
This studyaimed at providing the approach to be followed by researchers when estimating cost of unserved utility service mostly electricity. It examined the different cost components that can be used to identify total direct cost using a... more
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Zimbabwe went through an unprecedented political and economic crisis between 1999 and 2009 which had severe effects on its tourism and other productive sectors. The main objective of this study was to identify the critical issues Zimbabwe... more
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      Higher EducationPolitical ScienceInternationalizationAccreditation
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    • Social Media
This research study investigates the factors affecting the financial performance of MFIs in Zimbabwe. The research study is important to Zimbabwe because of the crucial role MFIs are expected to play in the economy which has become to be... more
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Innovative approach to revitalizing Disease Surveillance System in Zimbabwe using cell-phone mediated data transmission has been a huge success. Cell phones have been successfully integrated into disease surveillance system resulting in... more
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    • Accounting
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