Bioñomo Roland Hermann
University Of Yaounde 2 Soa Cameroon, Faculty of Economics and Management Science, research professor
Bioñomo Roland Hermann is a research professor in management sciences at the University of Yaoundé 2. He holds a PhD. D in management sciences in Finance and Accounting. His PhD focuses on the politics of engagement and the performance of professional football clubs in countries under.
To date he has published on the managerial practices of football, the role of infrastructure in the professionalization of football clubs and on the accounting of very small companies. At present, its activities focus on the promotion of sports clubs, the governance of sport, the financial practices of football clubs, the roles of decentralized local authorities in the finality of sport, etc.
His teaching focuses on corporate finance, end-of-life, general accounting, cost accounting, project design and completion, budget management, corporate accounting, marketing, corporate strategy, taxation, etc.
Phone: (+237) 677 20 63 97
Address: Yaoundé - Cameroon
PO .Box : 18
To date he has published on the managerial practices of football, the role of infrastructure in the professionalization of football clubs and on the accounting of very small companies. At present, its activities focus on the promotion of sports clubs, the governance of sport, the financial practices of football clubs, the roles of decentralized local authorities in the finality of sport, etc.
His teaching focuses on corporate finance, end-of-life, general accounting, cost accounting, project design and completion, budget management, corporate accounting, marketing, corporate strategy, taxation, etc.
Phone: (+237) 677 20 63 97
Address: Yaoundé - Cameroon
PO .Box : 18
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Papers by Bioñomo Roland Hermann
infrastructural potential for local competitions. In the sub-Saharan Africa countries and
especially in Cameroon, these competitions which permit to boost economy of several countries
in the world, are not capitalize. At the dawn of the football 2021 ACN (African cup of nation),
this research questions the impact of the development of sports infrastructures particularly
football fields, on the professionalization of local clubs. A prospective approach of the content
analysis, of the speech football actors, permits to solve the question. Good stadiums are one of
the require for football show quality, but rigorous measures must be taken to ensure that a real
professionalization of football clubs.
Key words: Club - Football – Sports infrastructures – Professionnalization
spécificité de certains types d’entreprises. Les sources de management informelles et formelles sont avancées,
mais des nouvelles organisations comme les clubs de football professionnels, ont la particularité de ne faire
recours qu’aux sources informelles dans les pays sous-développés. Cet article montre l’intérêt qu’il y a à mettre
en avant les pratiques managériales formelles. L’approche a visée théorique et conceptuelle, présente le
management des clubs de football comme objet de recherche. Les courants de la complexité managériale et de
la contingence environnementale sont utilisés pour montrer la difficulté qu’il y a à manager le type d’organisations
sportives étudié ici. L’intérêt de ce travail vaut d’autant pour des organisations autour du sport, que pour le
monde académique, notamment en ce qui concerne les facteurs explicatifs des pratiques managériales utilisées
par les clubs professionnels en sport collectif.
infrastructural potential for local competitions. In the sub-Saharan Africa countries and
especially in Cameroon, these competitions which permit to boost economy of several countries
in the world, are not capitalize. At the dawn of the football 2021 ACN (African cup of nation),
this research questions the impact of the development of sports infrastructures particularly
football fields, on the professionalization of local clubs. A prospective approach of the content
analysis, of the speech football actors, permits to solve the question. Good stadiums are one of
the require for football show quality, but rigorous measures must be taken to ensure that a real
professionalization of football clubs.
Key words: Club - Football – Sports infrastructures – Professionnalization
spécificité de certains types d’entreprises. Les sources de management informelles et formelles sont avancées,
mais des nouvelles organisations comme les clubs de football professionnels, ont la particularité de ne faire
recours qu’aux sources informelles dans les pays sous-développés. Cet article montre l’intérêt qu’il y a à mettre
en avant les pratiques managériales formelles. L’approche a visée théorique et conceptuelle, présente le
management des clubs de football comme objet de recherche. Les courants de la complexité managériale et de
la contingence environnementale sont utilisés pour montrer la difficulté qu’il y a à manager le type d’organisations
sportives étudié ici. L’intérêt de ce travail vaut d’autant pour des organisations autour du sport, que pour le
monde académique, notamment en ce qui concerne les facteurs explicatifs des pratiques managériales utilisées
par les clubs professionnels en sport collectif.