Geology by Mbane Biouele César

The prevailing idea so far about why the rainfall occurs was that after agglutination of water dr... more The prevailing idea so far about why the rainfall occurs was that after agglutination of water droplets with condensation nuclei, the size of the particle formed by the condensation nuclei connected with droplets of water increased considerably and caused its fall. This idea has led to numerous scientific publications in which empirical distribution functions of clouds’ water droplets sizes were proposed. Estimates values provided by these empirical distribution functions, in most cases, were validated by comparison with UHF Radar measurements. The condensation nuclei concept has not been sufficiently exploited and this has led meteorologists to error, in their attempt to describe the clouds, thinking that clouds were formed by liquid water droplets. Indeed, MBANE BIOUELE paradox (2005) confirms this embarrassing situation. In fact, when applying Archimedes theorem to a liquid water droplet suspended in the atmosphere, we obtain a meaningless inequality which makes believe that the densities of pure water in liquid and solid phases are much lower than that of the atmosphere considered at the sea level. This meaningless inequality is easy to contradict: of course, if you empty a bottle of pure liquid water in the ocean (where z is equal to 0), this water will not remain suspended in the air, i.e., application of Archimedes’ theorem allows realizing that there is no liquid (or solid) water droplet, suspended in the clouds. Indeed, all liquid (or solid) water droplets which are formed in clouds, fall under the effect of gravity and produce rains. This means that our current description of the clouds is totally wrong. In this study, we describe the clouds as a gas composed of dry air and saturated water vapor whose optical properties depend on temperature, i.e., when the temperature of a cloud decreases, the color of this gaseous system tends towards white.
Papers by Mbane Biouele César
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Dec 25, 2023

International Journal of Physical Sciences, Jun 23, 2013
Juxtaposing Clausius-Clapeyron relation derived in 1832 with Hydrodynamic concept of atmosphere p... more Juxtaposing Clausius-Clapeyron relation derived in 1832 with Hydrodynamic concept of atmosphere parcel of air leads to the discovery of an essential property of the troposphere that will deeply ameliorates information contained in literature and audiovisual productions on tropical weather. It is indeed a rectification of the use of an ideal gas principle which enshrined the idea that, hot air is lighter than cold air throughout the atmosphere. In other words, contrary to what has been taught in schools and universities of the world, hot air is not lighter than cold air in all parts of the troposphere. Taking into account this troposphere thermodynamics reality improves our understanding of complex weather phenomena such as cyclones and hurricanes. The two equal level surfaces of water vapor and temperature rating respectively at 6.11 mb and 0.0098°C separate without any ambiguity parts of the troposphere where ideal gas assumption can be applied to parts of the troposphere where this assumption is banned.

International Journal of Physical Sciences, Apr 30, 2009
Contrary to popular understanding, tropical storms are not just weather events that can easily be... more Contrary to popular understanding, tropical storms are not just weather events that can easily be described by ground-or space-based observations. Instead the phenomena are a combination of complex physical processes that occur under the accuracy of temperature and humidity conditions. The water vapour originally produced by high temperatures, serves as a source of energy that maintains tropical storms, since this water vapour have managed to reach to the 0.0098°C isotherm level which is located about 4.5 km in tropical latitudes. The electrical capacitors and particle accelerators are sources of acceleration and electric fields similar to those triggered by tropical storms. Both devices (mechanical and electrical) provide a good opportunity to better understand the nature of winds and electric fields that triggers the cold front as it passes over a region.

Research Square (Research Square), Jun 22, 2022
Extreme rainfall events are a serious threat to the well-being of Cameroon's society. The reliabi... more Extreme rainfall events are a serious threat to the well-being of Cameroon's society. The reliability of studies on extreme events such as oods depends on the quality of the data and their distribution in time and space. Although these topics are still incomplete in many countries. This present work focuses on the action of extreme rainfall variability and changes on ground tra c in Cameroon using the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) estimation data in the simulation of precipitation at the intra-seasonal scale. For this, the performance veri cation of the CFSv2 model was rst made on the basis of two mathematical techniques such as the Generalized Relative Operating Characteristics (GROC) score and the Ranked Probability Skill Score (RPSS). Then, based on this calculation of the different performance scores, the analysis and interpretations of the model outputs, the study is carried out on the extreme events (oods) of the rst three (03) weeks of August 2021 to understand the impact of extreme rainfall over road transport in Cameroon. The results suggest that the CFSv2 model is the best performance for rainfall simulation at this intra-seasonal scale with CHIRPS satellite estimation data for the rst three weeks of August 2021 in Cameroon and is adequate to improve the prevention of accidents and road transport infrastructure caused by extreme events (ooding) to heavy rainfall in Cameroon.
Atmospheric and climate science, 2022
In this study, the weather conditions of the accident at Maroua-Salak airport on 02 August 2020 a... more In this study, the weather conditions of the accident at Maroua-Salak airport on 02 August 2020 are analyzed. This C130 aircraft accident took place under bad weather conditions. This bad weather is diagnosed using the models as CFS, GFS and GEFS that reanalyze outputs of the results. At the end of this re-analysis, the result obtained shows that the event which took place at the Maroua-Salak airport was predictable. However, the analysis of these results has made it possible to present the rainfall cumul between 05 and 10 mm for this day. In addition, a comparative study of the rainfall cumul obtained by the CFS, GFS and GEFS models and that estimated by the satellites has been carried out. These models can significantly improve the prevention of such disasters in the region.

International Journal of Geosciences, 2014
The geomagnetic data obtained from Amber Network station in Cameroon have been used for this stud... more The geomagnetic data obtained from Amber Network station in Cameroon have been used for this study. The variability of H component of geomagnetic field has been examined by using geomagnetic field data of X and Y components recorded at AMBER magnetometer station hosted by the Department of Physics of University of Yaoundé (3.87˚N, 11.52˚E). The day-today variability of the horizontal intensity of the geomagnetic field was examined and shows that the scattering of H component of magnetic field variation is more on disturbed than that on quiet condition. The signatures H of geomagnetic Sq and Sd variations in intensities in the geomagnetic element, has been studied. This study shows that the daytime variations in intensities of geomagnetic elements H, Sq(H) and Sd(H) respectively are generally greater than night-time ones. This paper interests answering the two questions: 1) how can geomagnetic variations be used to study the equatorial ionosphere electrodynamics and electrojet equatorial over Africa in general and Cameroon in particular? 2) How can geomagnetic variations be used to monitor and predict space weather events in Cameroon? This paper presents and interprets the results of H component of geomagnetic field variations during magnetic storms and on quiet days.
Advances in Space Research, Aug 1, 2023

Journal of extreme events, Jan 25, 2023
In this study, the wind shear vector variability likely to mitigate the flights activities at the... more In this study, the wind shear vector variability likely to mitigate the flights activities at the Cameroon Airport and in particular Garoua has been analyzed. This research is based on a statistical method R of pilot probe and observation synoptic station data, April–July 2021 period. The results show that Garoua Airport has recorded more than 55[Formula: see text]percent of the intensities of the wind shear vector greater than 10[Formula: see text]kt/100[Formula: see text]ft with dominant directions in the North-South sector. The intensities of the headwind/tailwind shear vector are at 60[Formula: see text]percent moderate; the probability density distribution shows 40[Formula: see text]percent strong to very strong shear with moderate to strong probability. This fact may represent a problem for lighter aircrafts, whose crosswind rates are lower. In this context, the forecast of high wind speed values and directions becomes very important. The schedule distribution of the various wind during this period displays that the most sheared month is the month of May, the sounding that presents the strongest to very strong shears is that of 5 p.m. and the most sheared slice is the ground surface layer where the frictional force has a very large impact on the wind. In addition, the convective system’s formation and the geographical discontinuities effects contributed to the recording of shear types during the period not only at ground level but also at the superior levels.

International Journal of Physical Sciences, Apr 30, 2009
Contrary to popular understanding, tropical storms are not just weather events that can easily be... more Contrary to popular understanding, tropical storms are not just weather events that can easily be described by ground-or space-based observations. Instead the phenomena are a combination of complex physical processes that occur under the accuracy of temperature and humidity conditions. The water vapour originally produced by high temperatures, serves as a source of energy that maintains tropical storms, since this water vapour have managed to reach to the 0.0098°C isotherm level which is located about 4.5 km in tropical latitudes. The electrical capacitors and particle accelerators are sources of acceleration and electric fields similar to those triggered by tropical storms. Both devices (mechanical and electrical) provide a good opportunity to better understand the nature of winds and electric fields that triggers the cold front as it passes over a region.

International Journal of Physical Sciences, Jun 23, 2013
Juxtaposing Clausius-Clapeyron relation derived in 1832 with Hydrodynamic concept of atmosphere p... more Juxtaposing Clausius-Clapeyron relation derived in 1832 with Hydrodynamic concept of atmosphere parcel of air leads to the discovery of an essential property of the troposphere that will deeply ameliorates information contained in literature and audiovisual productions on tropical weather. It is indeed a rectification of the use of an ideal gas principle which enshrined the idea that, hot air is lighter than cold air throughout the atmosphere. In other words, contrary to what has been taught in schools and universities of the world, hot air is not lighter than cold air in all parts of the troposphere. Taking into account this troposphere thermodynamics reality improves our understanding of complex weather phenomena such as cyclones and hurricanes. The two equal level surfaces of water vapor and temperature rating respectively at 6.11 mb and 0.0098°C separate without any ambiguity parts of the troposphere where ideal gas assumption can be applied to parts of the troposphere where this assumption is banned.

International Journal of Geosciences, 2014
The geomagnetic data obtained from Amber Network station in Cameroon have been used for this stud... more The geomagnetic data obtained from Amber Network station in Cameroon have been used for this study. The variability of H component of geomagnetic field has been examined by using geomagnetic field data of X and Y components recorded at AMBER magnetometer station hosted by the Department of Physics of University of Yaoundé (3.87˚N, 11.52˚E). The day-today variability of the horizontal intensity of the geomagnetic field was examined and shows that the scattering of H component of magnetic field variation is more on disturbed than that on quiet condition. The signatures H of geomagnetic Sq and Sd variations in intensities in the geomagnetic element, has been studied. This study shows that the daytime variations in intensities of geomagnetic elements H, Sq(H) and Sd(H) respectively are generally greater than night-time ones. This paper interests answering the two questions: 1) how can geomagnetic variations be used to study the equatorial ionosphere electrodynamics and electrojet equatorial over Africa in general and Cameroon in particular? 2) How can geomagnetic variations be used to monitor and predict space weather events in Cameroon? This paper presents and interprets the results of H component of geomagnetic field variations during magnetic storms and on quiet days.

Given the fact that plots of Troposphere Tricellula r Circulation are only based on weather mean ... more Given the fact that plots of Troposphere Tricellula r Circulation are only based on weather mean conditions measured near the ground (i.e.: pressure and wind fields observed at the surface of the Earth), we want to improve the plots of streaml ines of the general circulation of the troposphere, by using the impacts of thermoelastic properties of saturated water vapor on atmosphere vertical motions. Our results are based on Mbanes’ equation of Atmosphere dynamic balance which shows precisely that, unlike the dry water vapor that can be assimilated to the ideal gas at all circumstances, the saturate d water vapor has, in an air parcel at the same time very cold (temperatures below 0.0098° C) and r ich in moisture (vapor pressure above 6.11 mb), thermoelastic properties diametrically opposed to those of ideal gas (including dry water vapor). Vertical profiles of temperature and water vapor in the troposphere (provided by ground-or space-based observations) lead to the loc ation of the ...

Copyright © 2014 Mbane Biouele César. This is an open access article distributed under the Creati... more Copyright © 2014 Mbane Biouele César. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In accor-dance of the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copyrights © 2014 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the intellectual property Mbane Biouele César. All Copyright © 2014 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian. Monsoon seasons, occasionally also known as wet seasons or trade-wind littoral seasons, are found in the regions where there is a complete seasonal reversal of the prevailing surface winds. Accompanying these shifts in the pre-vailing surface winds are modulations in rainfall activity. Given the fact that our knowledge of the monsoons is mainly based on the interpretation of the mean values of precipitation, cloudiness and winds; relationships be-tween earth’s rotation or revolution and geographical ext...

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 2014
Atmospheric or climate phenomena are usually a combination of elementary events whose scales rang... more Atmospheric or climate phenomena are usually a combination of elementary events whose scales range from the very small (microscopic) to the infinitely large (synoptic). This means that build reasoning from ground-or space-based observations only, regardless of the physics of elementary processes, inevitably leads to erroneous results. Given the fact that plots of Troposphere Tricellular Circulation are only based on weather mean conditions measured near the ground (i.e.: pressure and winds fields observed at the surface of the earth), we want to improve these representations of the general circulation of the atmosphere, by using both Clausius-Clapeyron Relation and Carnot Principle derived respectively in 1832 and 1824. Indeed, Clausius-Clapeyron relation shows precisely that, unlike the dry water vapor that can be assimilated to the ideal gas at many circumstances, the saturated water vapor has, in an air parcel at the same time cold (temperature below 0.0098˚C) and rich in moisture (vapor pressure above 6.11 mb), thermoelastic properties diametrically opposed to those of ideal gas (including dry water vapor). Vertical profiles of temperature and water vapor in the atmosphere provided by ground-or space-based observations lead to the location of a troposphere region in which the ideal gas assumption should be banned: hence appropriate and unique plot of earth's atmosphere tricellular circulation.

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 2015
The prevailing idea so far about why the rainfall occurs was that after agglutination of water dr... more The prevailing idea so far about why the rainfall occurs was that after agglutination of water droplets with condensation nuclei, the size of the particle formed by the condensation nuclei connected with droplets of water increased considerably and caused its fall. This idea has led to numerous scientific publications in which empirical distribution functions of clouds' water droplets sizes were proposed. Estimates values provided by these empirical distribution functions, in most cases, were validated by comparison with UHF Radar measurements. The condensation nuclei concept has not been sufficiently exploited and this has led meteorologists to error, in their attempt to describe the clouds, thinking that clouds were formed by liquid water droplets. Indeed, MBANE BIOUELE paradox (2005) confirms this embarrassing situation. In fact, when applying Archimedes theorem to a liquid water droplet suspended in the atmosphere, we obtain a meaningless inequality () S L A z= < < ρ ρ ρ 0 which makes believe that the densities of pure water in liquid and solid phases are much lower than that of the atmosphere considered at the sea level. This meaningless inequality is easy to contradict: of course, if you empty a bottle of pure liquid water in the ocean (where z is equal to 0), this water will not remain suspended in the air, i.e., application of Archimedes' theorem allows realizing that there is no liquid (or solid) water droplet, suspended in the clouds. Indeed, all liquid (or solid) water droplets which are formed in clouds, fall under the effect of gravity and produce rains. This means that our current description of the clouds is totally wrong. In this study, we describe the clouds as a gas composed of dry air and saturated water vapor whose optical properties depend on temperature, i.e., when the temperature of a cloud decreases, the color of this gaseous system tends towards white.

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2019
Natural decay of pollutants is rarely considered in mass transport equation. This paper develops ... more Natural decay of pollutants is rarely considered in mass transport equation. This paper develops a mathematical model of a filter based on iron oxide-coated sand for the removal of chromium in groundwater and surface water. The natural decay of chromium was analyzed using a zero-order decay reaction. The advection dispersion equation for this purpose is solved analytically using the Laplace transform method and numerically by the Fourth order Runge kutta method to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of the pollutant through the filter. The control parameters are the adsorption coefficient, the initial concentration and the chromium degradation coefficient. It has been proven that the chromium degradation coefficient strongly affects the concentration values of pollutants inside the filter. The results of this work should be used to manufacture low-cost filters based on iron oxide-coated sand.

Open Journal of Marine Science, Oct 15, 2014
The existence of rogue (or freak) waves is now universally recognized and material proofs on the ... more The existence of rogue (or freak) waves is now universally recognized and material proofs on the extent of damage caused by these ocean's phenomena are available. Marine observations as well as laboratory experiments show exactly that rogue waves occur in deep and shallow water. To study the behavior of freak waves in terms of their space and time evolution, that is, their motion and also in terms of mechanical transformations that these systems may suffer in their dealings with other systems, we derive a modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation modeling the propagation of rogue waves in deep water in order to seek analytic solutions of this nonlinear partial differential equation by using generalized extended G'/G-expansion method with the aid of mathematica. Particular attentions have been paid to the behavior of rogue wave's amplitude which highlights rogue wave's destructive power.

International Journal of Geosciences, 2017
This paper presents the earth's magnetic field variations on quiet days using data from 2011 to 2... more This paper presents the earth's magnetic field variations on quiet days using data from 2011 to 2014 provided by the AMBER station located at the University of Yaoundé 1 (Cameroon), whose geographic and geomagnetic coordinates are respectively: (3.87˚N, 11.52˚E) and (5.8˚S, 83.1˚E). The variability of the H horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field was examined using the North (X) and East (Y) components of the earth's magnetic field. The H component is then used to calculate and analyze the diurnal, monthly and seasonal Solar quiet variations Sq (H) observed in Yaoundé-Cameroon during quiet magnetic days. The results obtained show that the Sq (H) variations are seasonal. e.g., in Spring the Sq (H) amplitude (~72 nT) is larger than that of Autumn (~69 nT). The maximum values of Sq (H) vary from 48.8 nT to 57.12 nT in summer and from 41 nT to 60 nT in winter from the years 2011 to 2014. In general, these maximum values are observed around 12:00 and 13:00 in local time. These results show that the morphology of Sq (H) in Yaoundé is presented as a function of seasons. Moreover, the Sq (H) values are negative during morning hours (01:00-06:00) and afternoon hours (18:00-24:00) in local time throughout all months and all seasons. This significant negative excursion of Sq (H) in Yaoundé during the night time might be due to other physical processes such as storms or thunderclouds or to the existence of a strong induced current in Yaoundé which can affect the ground-based instruments. By referring to the solar cycle 24, our results show that the Sq (H) amplitude varies with the solar activity. The aim of this work is to analyze the diurnal, monthly and seasonal variations of Sq (H) observed in Yaoundé from 2011 to 2014.

Open Journal of Marine Science, 2015
In a fluid (liquid or gas) at rest, the isobars are horizontal surface. This fluid dynamic balanc... more In a fluid (liquid or gas) at rest, the isobars are horizontal surface. This fluid dynamic balance theorem provides adequate advance to tools and techniques for Water Quality Interpretation. We deal in this paper, with an effective way of exploiting the familiar communicating containers' principle. That formally consists on providing water samples from desired depths of rivers, oceans, retention dams, etc. The prevailing limiting factor to achieve this feat is the length of our sampling pipes named Mbane Bathymetric Tube (MBT) designed for this purpose when rivers or retention dams are very deep. Providing drinking water to urban growing populations is a challenge that no government can escape. Therefore, improving the tools and techniques for water quality interpretation is an adequate advance for drinking water managerial techniques because this allows the recovery of contaminated water which abounds on the earth by acquiring appropriate wastewater treatment stations. The aim of the manuscript is to provide a brief theoretical description of our designed sampling equipment to allow everyone who is going to use it to solve in advance problems brought by Archimedes' pressure force when experiencing the sampling pipes. Archimedes' pressure force acts mainly when moving the sampling pipes to water lower levels and then opening its protective cover which allows the communication with the supply dam.
Geology by Mbane Biouele César
Papers by Mbane Biouele César