uwswingkids — LiveJournal
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UW HOUSING TRANSFER OFFER Aug. 18th, 2008 @ 04:11 pm
I'm a freshman and I really want to be living in a double room in Terry or Lander. Stevens court K has way more space and your own kitchen/private bathrooms but it's just not my style. So please, if you're in terry or lander and you want to switch to stevens court contact me!!

You can also reach me by regular e-mail, [email protected] or facebook. look up "Teodora P."


Lessons - Spring Quarter '07 Mar. 12th, 2007 @ 12:20 pm
Member lessons - Tuesdays, 4:30 - 6:30, Hansee Hall
Red Square Jams - Fridays, 12:30 - 1:30, Red Square (usually)
Beginner lessons - Thursdays, 5:30-7:00, Hansee Hall - and yes, beginner lessons will be the same time all quarter.

Stuff will be starting up the last week of March, which is the first week of classes. Add to your schedules accordingly.

Fall Schedule and Upcoming Activities Sep. 14th, 2006 @ 05:09 pm
To my fellow Swing Dancers,

Welcome to a new school year, filled with lots of potential for lots of things. I hope that Swing Kids will be one of those things.

Beginner lessons: Sun, 4:30pm
Intensives: Tue, 5:30 - 6:30pm
Extensives/Tutorials: Tue, 6:30 - 7:30pm
Red Square Jams: Wed, 1 - 2pm
Performance Track: Thurs, 4 - 5:30pm*

These events (excluding Red Square Jams) will be held in Hansee's Leary Ballroom. Red Square Jams will be held in Red Square. ^_^

* For the first two weeks in October, the 5th and the 12th, this time slot will be taken up by a guest teacher, Lilli, who will be coming in to teach us a Polka-based routine for an event on October 22 that we have been invited to perform at.

Intensives for the first few weeks will be learning the Big Apple. We will also be performing this on the Oct. 22 event.

Also, since the school year is just starting, we won't be having organized lessons during the Extensives/Tutorials time slot on Tuesdays until after the 22nd. That will be an open hour to to dance, get to know each other, practice routines for this event, etc. If you're interesting in joining the club proper, please come so that we can talk to you and get to know you!

And a few things to mark on your calendars for the Dawg Daze festivities to mark the beginning of the new school year:
Swing Dance - Sat 9/23, 8 - 11pm (HUB 108)
Workshops - Mon 9/25, 2-3pm (MGH 295) and Tues 9/26, 2 - 3pm (HUB 106B)
Activity Fair - Thurs 9/28, 10:30 - 2:30

Feel free to comment with questions. I'm a nice person, I promise. ^_^ We look forward to seeing you all in the next few weeks!

Jitterbug Jenny
Lessons Coordinator
Swing Kids Dance Club at UW
Current Mood: excitedexcited

Swingkidsupdate Aug. 12th, 2006 @ 01:40 pm
Hello my dear Swing Kids!  I just started another group called swingkidsupdate which I'm devoting to dancing in the community-things like classes, weekend events and dances.  Please join and feel free to post any other opportunities that you know about in the community.  This is not designed for Swing Kids related activities, such as parties and gatherings or Swing Kid classes, but for Swing Kids to know what is going on in the wider dance world. 

...I'm a stranger here myself. Jun. 19th, 2006 @ 01:47 pm
Hello, so I recognize most of you guys from the Russian Center/ Classes etc. So now that I'm going the UW grad school I thought it would be great to get involved with swing kids, help out with events, classes, or whatever.

I haven't heard much about the Swing Kids, except about the Spring, Swing Fling. I think I walked in on a class you guys were giving during student orientation. So let me know.

Current Music: Count Basie
Other entries
» Camp Hollywood 2006
Hey everyone! Camp Hollywood will be July 27-30th 2006!

In case you haven't heard, I'm planning to drive up to Seattle and drive some people down here to LA and even host people at my house!

Weekend pass rates:

$170.00 - Complete weekend package , includes entrance to all classes, dances & competitions (separate competition fees may apply). Must be postmarked or received online by midnight, June 7th for "early bird" rate - after June 7th price increases to $195."

You can register at

See Nate if you are interested and we can figure out the details of the trip.

The former Swing Kids President,
Matthew Hirsch
» Question to my hep friends
Okay, so my fiance is arriving on Saturday morning. I get him for Saturday and Sunday. My plan for part of this visit is to start working on East Coast and maybe the Balboa basic. Currently, I'm thinking of dragging him off to The Century on Sunday night for the free East Coast lesson and practice.
What I want to know is whether there is anything else/better going on this weekend and if there's anyone who wants to join my fiance and myself in this expedition. I know there are several people who would like to meet my fiance and this seems like a good opportunity (possibly the only opportunity before the wedding).

(Note: I am cross-posting this to my lj)
» (No Subject)
Swing/Rock Exchange

The problem: I don't have any swing music. This makes for a sad Brandi.
The solution: You guys!

The trade goes like this- you lend me your favorite album or mix tape, then post four or five of your favorite rock/indie/folk/ska bands. Even country or bluegrass would work. I'll use this information to pick something out of *my* collection that I think might suit you. Then I burn a copy of the swing album for myself and a copy of something else fantastic for you. Voila! Brandi gets music to dance to and you get some unexpected (and potentially spectacular) addition to your music library. I realize, as Johnny pointed out, that you are all awesome people and would lend me your CD's anyhow but this sounds more interesting.

If you wanna play just post. Drop offs and exchanges can happen at RSJ, lessons or the Russian Center.
» Red Square Jams!
Just so you all know, there are Red Square Jams both Thursday AND Friday this week, 12:30-1:30 in Red Square. bring your feet, we'll bring the music.
» Winter Quarter Dance!
Hey All,
Mark Your Calendars! You are all invited to our Winter Quarter Speakeasy!

The details:
When: Friday, February 24th, 6:30-11:30 PM
Where: HUB 108, on the UW’s Seattle Campus
What: Beginner Swing Lessons from 6:30-7:30, dance from 7:30 to 11:30 with blues after 9:30.

In honor of the Speakeasy theme, we will have blackjack tables and free (non-alcoholic) drinks.
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