Papers by Konrad K T Turkowski
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2016
Spis treści Część 2. Problemy regulacji i korzystania z zasobów środowiska Bartosz Bartniczak: Wp... more Spis treści Część 2. Problemy regulacji i korzystania z zasobów środowiska Bartosz Bartniczak: Wpływ programów pomocy publicznej na wdrażanie koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju / The impact of state aid schemes on the implementation of sustainable development concept .
Prime Archives in Molecular Biology, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Encyclopaedia of terms related with freshwater fishery, angling, fish biology, limnology and hydr... more Encyclopaedia of terms related with freshwater fishery, angling, fish biology, limnology and hydrobiology (about 2400 descriptions), characterizing physical and chemical elements of water environment, water organisms (plants and animals), fishery and angling activity, fish culture, and biographies of known persons realted with Polish fisheries. Book in Polish, 476 pp.

Zaprezentowano stosowany w wielu krajach model zintegrowanego zlewniowego zarządzania jeziorami. ... more Zaprezentowano stosowany w wielu krajach model zintegrowanego zlewniowego zarządzania jeziorami. Jeziora i ich funkcje charakteryzowano na tle innych zasobów wodnych. Zwrócono uwagę na wyjątkowy charakter jezior, który wymusza stosowanie właściwych dla tych zasobów metod zarządzania. Spośród źródeł wielu problemów dotyczących jezior za kluczowe uznano czynniki socjoekonomiczne kształtujące stan i sposób zagospodarowania ich zlewni. Omówiono zagadnienie własności publicznej i prywatnej wód, wskazując na współczesną tendencję zastępowania tradycyjnych form własności ograniczonymi prawami do wód. Przedstawiono podstawowe zasady zintegrowanego zarządzania, którego głównym celem jest zapewnienie zrównoważonego użytkowania jezior. Wymaga to integracji instytucji, strategii i polityk, zaangażowania aktualnych i potencjalnych użytkowników jezior, technologii, informacji oraz finansów. Zaprezentowano typowe strategie i działania podejmowane w ramach zintegrowanego zarządzania zlewniami jezior oraz wstępnie omówiono
możliwości zastosowania tego modelu w zarządzaniu jeziorami w Polsce.
The profitability of rearing larval asp, Aspius aspius (L.), ide, Leuciscus idus (L.), and dace, ... more The profitability of rearing larval asp, Aspius aspius (L.), ide, Leuciscus idus (L.), and dace, Leuciscus leuciscus (L.), was assessed in a system of 12 aquaria with a combined volume of 600 dm3. Two feeding variants were used: a) natural feed exclusively; b) natural feed plus formulated feed after seven days of rearing. All rearing variants were profitable and posed
Unpublished manuscript from 20th International Symposium on Protection and Management of Water th... more Unpublished manuscript from 20th International Symposium on Protection and Management of Water through Land Use Planning, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, France, 16-17 June 1994.
![Research paper thumbnail of Rybactwo śródladowe - rolnicza i pozarolnicza forma zagospodarowania terenów wiejskich [Inland fisheries - agricultural and non-agricultural forms of the development of rural areas]](
Streszczenie. Rybactwo śródlądowe to jedno z najstarszych zajęc człowieka. Podobnie jak rolnictwo... more Streszczenie. Rybactwo śródlądowe to jedno z najstarszych zajęc człowieka. Podobnie jak rolnictwo uzale¿nione jest w du¿ym stopniu od czynników przyrodniczych i s³u¿y dostarczaniu wysokowartociowej ¿ywnoci. W administracji pañstwowej rybactwo ródl¹dowe reprezentuje Departament Rybo³ówstwa przyporz¹dkowany Ministerstwu Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi. Uwarunkowania rodowiskowe powoduj¹, ¿e rybactwo ród-l¹dowe i rolnictwo podlegaj¹ jednak odmiennym regulacjom prawnym. Na rybactwo ródl¹dowe sk³adaj¹ siê elementy rybo³ówstwa, jak równie¿ klasycznego chowu i ho-dowli zwanego akwakultur¹. Rybo³ówstwo ogranicza siê do po³awiania organizmów wodnych, natomiast w rybactwie podejmowanych jest szereg dzia³añ na rzecz stanu ryb oraz ekosystemów wodnych, takich jak ochrona tarlisk, kontrolowany rozród ryb, zary-bianie wód, ich ochrona i monitoring. Rybactwo ródl¹dowe prowadzone jest w jezio-rach i rzekach stanowi¹cych wody publiczne, a tak¿e w wodach prywatnych, g³ównie w stawach o przeznaczeniu p...

Sustainable and environmentally-friendly tourism can provide stable foundations for the developme... more Sustainable and environmentally-friendly tourism can provide stable foundations for the development of rural areas with poor transportation links, poorly-developed tourist infrastructure, insufficient marketing and promotion and no integrated tourist products. Forms of land use associated with the natural values of the tourist space and of those creating potential for development of tourist infrastructure account for approx. 40% of the area of the Koz³owo commune. There are few forests in the rural areas of the commune and it has no outstanding tourist value, but the vicinity of other attractive areas of Warmia and Mazury, as well as the presence of Lakes Kownatka and Szkotowskie can help it to develop its own tourist infrastructure. The development of tourism in the commune requires adopting relevant planning assumptions and a sustainable development programme, taking into account the close association of rural area development with the natural environment. In effect, such actions ...

Polish Journal of Natural Science
Recreational fisheries and dynamically growing aquaculture are the leading disciplines in inland ... more Recreational fisheries and dynamically growing aquaculture are the leading disciplines in inland fisheries. In addition, recreational fisheries (particularly angling) as an element of recreational, active and specialist tourism, generates important social and economic benefits. In many countries, it constitutes a significant part of the gross national product. Recreational fisheries, as a distinct and attractive tourist product, complements the recreational and tourist offer, especially in regions with abundant water ecosystems. This is particularly evident in the case of the province of Warmia and Mazury, where the qualities of the natural environment and numerous water reservoirs create great potential for fisheries and are a very important component of the activities offered by agritourist farms. This paper also presents a proposed division of fishing grounds for anglers by the author and discusses the role of Fisheries Local Action Groups in the development of recreational fishe...

Freshwater resources, water intakes, water pollution and some aspects of freshwater resources man... more Freshwater resources, water intakes, water pollution and some aspects of freshwater resources management are shown. Poland belongs to the European countries most deficient in water resources. Available volume compares unfavourably with the water demand in the country anticipated in the year 2000. Only about 60% of all sewage is treated with different degrees of treatment. 40% of cities there were without sewage treatment plants in 1992. 71% of villages were not provided with water supply system and from the rest 29% only about 6% had sewerage system, and only 2% were provided with sewage treatment plants. Therefore, majority of aquatic ecosystems have experienced serious degradation of water quality in Poland. It is intented to remodel the existing water management system and introduce a new one, autonomous water management in large hydrographic areas. But to solve water pollution problems fundamental changes in whole economy and international cooperation is needed.

From the beginning of history, for humans fishing was one of the main tools for obtaining food. N... more From the beginning of history, for humans fishing was one of the main tools for obtaining food. Nowadays, angling is mainly a component of active, recreational and specialist tourism. The relationship between angling and inland fisheries has evolved with economic and social development. Together with the increase in wealth of societies, the function of obtaining fish is being replaced by its recreational function. The success of fishing is determined not by the quantity and size of fish, but by opportunity to spend leisure time near water and close to nature. The management and preservation of fish resources and aquatic ecosystems are becoming the major goals of contemporary inland commercial fisheries. This process is accompanied by an increasing number of lake users. In Poland, there are approximately 640,000 registered anglers, which constitutes less than 2% of the Polish population. In Europe, the percentage of active anglers in the total population is on average 5% (25 – 30 mil...
Inland water ecosystems constitute for people the source of drinkable water, high grade food, ene... more Inland water ecosystems constitute for people the source of drinkable water, high grade food, energy and raw materials for production. They also meet society’s demand for healthy recreation. Apart from hunting and fruit picking, fishing is the oldest activity of humankind. Presently, widely perceived fishing is the fastest growing and most dynamically developed branch of food industry worldwide. Nutritious value of fish meat is considerably larger than the value of meat of mammals or birds. Simultaneously, unlike other economy branches, fishing may contribute to improvement of the state of natural environment. Purposefully and rationally managed fish economic branch, with particular focus on predatory species, may be an effective instrument reducing negative symptoms of water eutrophication.
Poster presented at: XVIIIth Annual EAFE Conference, 9-11 July 2007, Reykjavik, Iceland.

The character of inland fishing in Poland is changing. Numerous benefits of this economic sector ... more The character of inland fishing in Poland is changing. Numerous benefits of this economic sector are more frequently observed and used. In case of management in open water basins one may observe drawing away from the priority of obtaining protein and drawing close to recreation, maintenance of biodiversity and improvement of water quality. In case of pond fishing (carp production) as the main objective is perceived not only production of fish for consumption purposes, but also environmental functions performed by ponds. Observed changes of the most important objectives realized by fishing are dependent on many external conditionings (among others on the level of economic growth) and internal ones (among others hydrological, ecological and ichthyologic). Realization of strategic aim of fishing, which, in accordance with Polish Fishing Development Strategy, is sustainable development of areas dependent on fishing in the coming years will be enabled by Operational Programme “Sustainabl...
Archives of Polish Fisheries
The profitability of rearing the rheophilic cyprinid fish species asp, Aspius aspius (L.), and id... more The profitability of rearing the rheophilic cyprinid fish species asp, Aspius aspius (L.), and ide, Leuciscus idus (L.), in two independent closed recirculating systems was evaluated. The fish were fed live Artemia nauplii exclusively. The rearing of both species was profitable and the financial risk was relatively low. From the point of view of profitability, the purchase price of stocking material was the most significant factor. The price of juvenile asp was 2.5 times higher than that of ide. Rearing larval asp was the most profitable venture.
Monografia przygotowana w ramach projektu SPO nr 00040-61535-OR1400009/07 "Optymalizacja produkcj... more Monografia przygotowana w ramach projektu SPO nr 00040-61535-OR1400009/07 "Optymalizacja produkcji materiału zarybieniowego karpiowatych ryb reofilnych w warunkach kontrolowanych". Druk monografii sfinansowany z Sektorowego Programu Operacyjnego Rybołówstwo i Przetwórstwo 3. Zarybienia karpiowatymi rybami reofilnymi 54 4. Odłowy karpiowatych ryb reofilnych 61 4.1. Połowy wędkarskie 61 4.2. Odłowy gospodarcze (narzędziami rybackimi) 63

Lakes of temperate climatic zone, origins in majority during postglacial period, are natural ecos... more Lakes of temperate climatic zone, origins in majority during postglacial period, are natural ecosystems with characteristic course of ecological succession, which favours their rapid transformation and disappearance. As ecological habitats they are one of richest biodiversity resources in the Earth, also more endangered to decline. Throughout the ages of human civilization development lakes were and still are the subject of many-sided anthropopression, leading to degradation of natural resources (mainly fishes) and to disappearance of biodiversity, in result of eutrophication, unlimited fishery and angling, introduction of new species and growing tourism activity. Before institutions managing lake resources is extremely hard challenge – how to reconcile economic interests of different water users with superior necessity of longterm protection of biodiversity of natural resources. Presented paper is a continuation problems described by Mamcarz and Skrzypczak (2011) in publication „Be...

The current problems of commercial fisheries in Vistula Lagoon have been discussed against the ba... more The current problems of commercial fisheries in Vistula Lagoon have been discussed against the background of previous legal, political, economic and social conditions. From 1945 to 1963 fishing in Vistula Lagoon was regulated by the Act on Fisheries of 1919, which did not put any limits of the size and power of a fishing vessel or the number of fishing tools used. The legal regulations binding during that time specified only areas and time periods when fish were protected from catching, protection zones in spawning areas, size of net mesh, acceptable volume and guidelines for handling by-catches, and prohibition of certain fishing tools. Until 1963 the commercial fisheries included two sectors: cooperatives and state-owned companies. Fishermen had open access to fishing grounds, which in conjuction with lack of limits on fishing effort and volumes of fish caught as well as increasing pollution of water in Vistula Lagoon were the main reason why in the early 1980s volumes of fish obt...
Polish Journal of Natural Science, 2010
... Anna Hakuć-Błażowska, Krzysztof Kupren, Konrad Turkowski, Katarzyna Targońska, Daniel Żarski,... more ... Anna Hakuć-Błażowska, Krzysztof Kupren, Konrad Turkowski, Katarzyna Targońska, Daniel Żarski, Dariusz Kucharczyk Katedra Rybactwa Jeziorowego i Rzecznego Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie ... 2008a,b, KREJSZEFF et al. 2009, 2010, ŻARSKI et al. ...
Papers by Konrad K T Turkowski
możliwości zastosowania tego modelu w zarządzaniu jeziorami w Polsce.
możliwości zastosowania tego modelu w zarządzaniu jeziorami w Polsce.