This community was created for all the people who go to the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, those who have graduated from UWGB and those who are looking towards UWGB as their future.
UWGB doesn't get much recognition. A little information: UWGB was originally a 2 year school, its been around for about 30 years. It is now a 4 year. The Weidner Center for performing arts gets billed pretty heavily. The girls basketball team is going to the NCAA for the 5th time in 6 years. The mens basketball team is in the Horizon League with UW-Milwaukee. There are 5,420 students enrolled; a smaller university. One of the most environmental campuses in the UW system and is set off from the rest of the city. It has the largest building in the midwest that heats and air conditions its own air (due to the season at hand)and lights itself through solar power.
Wisconsin's current Poet Laureate, Denise Sweet, professes at UWGB.
Aiding in the Tsunami relief efforts has become a big deal on campus because one of our students has brought her experience with the Tsunami back to us. Penny wars in the Community Center, a bake sale and hemp jewelry are being used to raise money.