Papers by Tomasz Michta

Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching
Despite the progress made in the study of collocations, their use in specialised languages by and... more Despite the progress made in the study of collocations, their use in specialised languages by and large continues to be underresearched. The present article attempts to go some way towards filling this gap by looking at variation in collocations of a single term (evidence) as extracted from a general corpus and a legal one, and by exploring the implications of such variation for the retrieval of legal collocations. In particular, the study looks at a) the overrepresentation of collocations in the legal corpus, b) the underrepresentation of collocations in the legal corpus, and c) the potential of both corpora for collocation retrieval. The findings suggest that there are striking differences between the use of collocations in each corpus and that such differences can radically affect the lists of collocations obtained from each corpus.
Beyond Philology, 2022
Despite the progress made in the study of collocations, their use in specialised languages by and... more Despite the progress made in the study of collocations, their use in specialised languages by and large continues to be underresearched. The present article attempts to go some way towards filling this gap by looking at variation in collocations of a single term (evidence) as extracted from a general corpus and a legal one, and by exploring the implications of such variation for the retrieval of legal collocations. In particular, the study looks at a) the overrepresentation of collocations in the legal corpus, b) the underrepresentation of collocations in the legal corpus, and c) the potential of both corpora for collocation retrieval. The findings suggest that there are striking differences between the use of collocations in each corpus and that such differences can radically affect the lists of collocations obtained from each corpus.
Narzędzia pracy lingwistycznej, 2014

Streszczenie W rozdziale przedstawiono główne trendy w rozwoju badań terminologicznych w dwóch kr... more Streszczenie W rozdziale przedstawiono główne trendy w rozwoju badań terminologicznych w dwóch krajach anglosaskich: Wielkiej Brytanii i Stanach Zjednoczonych. Aby stworzyć tło do dalszych rozważań, najpierw omówiono szczególną rolę języka angielskiego w globalnej komunikacji oraz przedstawiono uwagi dotyczące istnienia anglosaskiej szkoły terminologicznej. W dalszej kolejności zaprezentowano główną część rozdziału, w której prześledzono ewolucję zainteresowania terminologią w obu krajach począwszy od pionierskich prac W. Whewella aż po współczesność. Nacisk położono na uchwycenie unikalnego charakteru badań terminologicznych w ich współczesnej fazie w obu krajach z osobna.
Abstract Anglo-Saxon terminology studies: the United Kingdom and the United States This chapter outlines major trends in the development of terminology studies in two Anglo-Saxon countries: the United Kingdom and the United States. To set the scene, it opens with a discussion of the special role of English in global communication as well as some remarks about the existence of an Anglo-Saxon school of terminology. Following this is the central part of the chapter which tracks the history of terminology in the two countries, from the pioneering work of W. Whewell to the present. Focus is placed on capturing the unique character of terminology studies in its modern phase in each of the two countries separately.
Providing an adequate representation of a concept system in a specialized dictionary remains a ma... more Providing an adequate representation of a concept system in a specialized dictionary remains a major challenge for terminolographers. Based on a conceptual classification of terms, the systematic dictionary may prove a powerful tool for understanding the relations between the concepts. The paper explores the theoretical foundations for compiling systematic dictionaries of specialized terminology and discusses some practical issues in preparing a systematic dictionary of chemistry.
Dictionaries by Tomasz Michta
Student dictionary of term elements in medical English
Debiuty Naukowe III: Leksykon - tekst - wyraz, 2009
Student dictionary of English medical collocations
Books by Tomasz Michta
Drawing on insights from terminology, linguistics, and lexicography, the present book brings into... more Drawing on insights from terminology, linguistics, and lexicography, the present book brings into focus the idea of a concept system and explores it from two related perspectives. The terminological perspective serves as a starting point for the entire volume and seeks to answer questions about the nature of concept systems, the role they play in structuring terminology, as well as methods for analysing them. The complementary lexicographical perspective, meanwhile, focuses on how various aspects of concept systems can be captured in dictionaries. It considers the
theoretical and practical aspects of representing concept systems in dictionaries and suggests ways of improving such representation.
Towards a dictionary of legal English collocations, 2022
The book explores selected problems relevant to the creation of a dictionary of legal English col... more The book explores selected problems relevant to the creation of a dictionary of legal English collocations, and documents the process of developing a lexicographic description of the collocational behaviour of 100 common nouns used in legal English.
Chapter 1.1 of my book A Model for an English-Polish Systematic Dictionary of Chemical Terminology
A Model for an English-Polish Systematic Dictionary of Chemical Terminology, 2018
The book aims to develop a model for an English-Polish systematic dictionary of chemical terminol... more The book aims to develop a model for an English-Polish systematic dictionary of chemical terminology, a dictionary that focuses on representing the terminology of chemistry as a network of interrelated terms. The model is intended to acquaint the dictionary’s users with the most important terms used in the field of chemistry in a way that will help them not only to understand basic chemical concepts but also to see the link between individual terms, thus providing them with more than a mere list of terms, their definitions, and their equivalents. Additionally, the dictionary will also offer help to its users when it comes to determining the order in which to study terms.
Conference Presentations by Tomasz Michta
Papers by Tomasz Michta
Abstract Anglo-Saxon terminology studies: the United Kingdom and the United States This chapter outlines major trends in the development of terminology studies in two Anglo-Saxon countries: the United Kingdom and the United States. To set the scene, it opens with a discussion of the special role of English in global communication as well as some remarks about the existence of an Anglo-Saxon school of terminology. Following this is the central part of the chapter which tracks the history of terminology in the two countries, from the pioneering work of W. Whewell to the present. Focus is placed on capturing the unique character of terminology studies in its modern phase in each of the two countries separately.
Dictionaries by Tomasz Michta
Books by Tomasz Michta
theoretical and practical aspects of representing concept systems in dictionaries and suggests ways of improving such representation.
Conference Presentations by Tomasz Michta
the 6th Białystok-Kyiv Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
7-8 December 2023, Białystok, Poland
Conference website:
the 6th Białystok-Kyiv Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
7-8 December 2023, Białystok, Poland
For more information please visit:
Abstract Anglo-Saxon terminology studies: the United Kingdom and the United States This chapter outlines major trends in the development of terminology studies in two Anglo-Saxon countries: the United Kingdom and the United States. To set the scene, it opens with a discussion of the special role of English in global communication as well as some remarks about the existence of an Anglo-Saxon school of terminology. Following this is the central part of the chapter which tracks the history of terminology in the two countries, from the pioneering work of W. Whewell to the present. Focus is placed on capturing the unique character of terminology studies in its modern phase in each of the two countries separately.
theoretical and practical aspects of representing concept systems in dictionaries and suggests ways of improving such representation.
the 6th Białystok-Kyiv Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
7-8 December 2023, Białystok, Poland
Conference website:
the 6th Białystok-Kyiv Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
7-8 December 2023, Białystok, Poland
For more information please visit: