Papers by Ewa Guzik-Makaruk

Prawo w Działaniu
Technological progress creates new human living environment and exerts significant influence on i... more Technological progress creates new human living environment and exerts significant influence on its actions, including criminal activities. It is the responsibility of the law enforcement authorities to constantly improve the technical and tactical methods of crime detection. As a consequence, attention is directed towards forensic sciences. Improving technical and tactical solutions is part of ist tasks. Forensic sciences are not passive in the face of expectations regarding the improvement of personal identification methods, as well as other solutions (investigative tools, equipment of forensics). The conducted research projects clearly prove that. Other issue is the process of implementing new solutions, which is often time-consuming and costly. The often skeptical way of perceiving way new achievments by representatives of criminal process does not make the task easier. Generally, successful implementation is determined by many factors. Technical features of the new solutions ar...

Studia Prawnoustrojowe, Jun 16, 2023
Odpowiedzialność karna w kosmetologii Wstęp Wzrost zainteresowania zabiegami mającymi na celu pop... more Odpowiedzialność karna w kosmetologii Wstęp Wzrost zainteresowania zabiegami mającymi na celu poprawę estetyki wyglądu spowodował powstanie wielu nowych gabinetów kosmetologicznych. Oferta dostępnych tam sposobów poprawienia urody może różnić się w zależności od gabinetu. Nie są to jedynie starania kosmetologów o bycie konkurencyjnym na rynku, lecz są wynikiem braku regulacji prawnych odnoszących się w bezpośredni sposób do tego, co wolno kosmetologowi. Wobec powyższego rynek usług kosmetycznych charakteryzuje się samowolą co do osób prowadzących tego rodzaju gabinety, jak i co do rodzaju wykonywanych zabiegów. Mimo braku stosownych regulacji osoby wykonujące tego rodzaju zabiegi ponoszą odpowiedzialność karną za wykonywanie usług, do których nie są uprawnione. Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu wskazanie podstaw prawnych wykonywania zawodu kosmetologa, w tym określenie uprawnień kosmetologów. Ponadto podjęto próbę określenia zasad funkcjonowania gabinetów kosmetycznych, a także podstaw karnoprawnej odpowiedzialności kosmetologów za oszustwa przy wykonywaniu zabiegów.

Internal security, Jan 14, 2019
Reborn in 1918, the Polish state inherited from the partition countries: Russia, Prussia and Aust... more Reborn in 1918, the Polish state inherited from the partition countries: Russia, Prussia and Austria their legal systems. The task of unifying the codification of the law was entrusted to the Codification Commission, established on the basis of the Act of 1919. The Commission was to prepare draft legislation in the field of civil and criminal law. It was a body of 44 lawyers and had a high degree of independence from political factors. As a result of the Commission’s work, more than 20 legal acts were created. In the area of civil law, these were laws mainly related to foreign legal transactions. These included, among others, bills of exchange and cheque law, copyright law, patent law, law on combating unfair competition. The two laws of 1926 were of particular importance: private international law and inter-district law. Three codes of private law were also created: the Code of Obligations (1933, considered the most outstanding civil work of the Commission), the Commercial Code and the Code of Civil Procedure. In the area of criminal law, a full codification was carried out, first by implementing the Code of Criminal Procedure (1928) and then the Criminal Code (1932). These two acts were based on different doctrinal bases, which made criminal law inconsistent. The Criminal Code of Juliusz Makarewicz in particular was an outstanding work, based on the findings of the School of Sociological Criminal Law. The Codification Commission did not finish its work until the outbreak of the war. However, present codes are largely based on the solutions developed within the Commission.

Przegląd Policyjny, Jul 2, 2020
The 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) in Atlanta gathered as many ... more The 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) in Atlanta gathered as many as 3681 participants (including 388 from outside of the USA) from 42 countries, of which a signifi cant proportion (1583) were students and PhD students. This confirms the global interest in this criminological forum for years. At the previous three ASC conferences, the threshold of four thousand participants was exceeded. The proceedings of the 74th ASC Conference were held in 935 sessions and 81 thematic categories. Among the new topic areas, the new themes included complicity, cybercrime, deterrence, law, mental health, sex work and human traffi cking, fear of crime, and the media. For the fi rst time in the almost 80-year history of ASC, the Polish criminological community was represented at this Conference by a record-breaking delegation from Poland of 9 persons. All Polish representatives came from the Białystok School of Criminology, as at the previous ASC conference in Philadelphia. The venue for the next 75th annual ASC Conference in November 2019 is San Francisco, and its main theme will be ‘Criminology in the New Area: Confronting Injustice and Inequalities’.

Alzheimers & Dementia, Jul 1, 2018
what to do or what to expect. When care is more than a family can manage they turn to long-term c... more what to do or what to expect. When care is more than a family can manage they turn to long-term care as the experts to provide that care. Many families lack experience with long-term care and are unaware of what to expect for themselves and those they love. They are often exhausted, defeated, frightened and guilt-ridden. Research and experience has shown that an initial and ongoing family education and support programcan easeguilt, improve care, communication and relationships with staff, and overall family satisfaction. This session will share an organization – wide, proactive program designed to inform, enhance knowledge of disease progression, and facilitate communication and incorporate related recommendations from the Alzheimer’sAssociation 2018DementiaCarePracticeRecommendations based on review of current evidence, best practice and expert opinion. This session will address: 1) market research on why/how families make the decision for long-term care; 2) providing dementia education and resources to families in need; 3) addressing preadmission fears and desires; 4) a family-oriented admission process; 5) developing systems for collecting from families and disseminating person-centered information; 6) ongoing mechanisms for communication; 7) a proactive approach for concerns and complaints; 8) effective care conferences; 9) educational and informational family meetings;10) promoting andencouraging resident, staff and family relationships; 11) Evaluating systems and progress routinely for continuous improvement; and 12) family surveys. This session will offer practical methods for replication, share the research methods as well as the beneficial outcomes for families, residents, staff and facility.

Artykuł zawiera rozważania na temat możliwości wykorzystywania partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego w... more Artykuł zawiera rozważania na temat możliwości wykorzystywania partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego w systemie penitencjarnym. Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne (PPP-Public Private Partnership) to znana formuła współpracy sektora publicznego i sektora prywatnego szeroko wykorzystywana na świecie także w wykonywaniu kary pozbawienia wolności. W opracowaniu wskazano na prawne podstawy PPP w Polsce, praktykę wykorzystywania PPP w Polsce, a także na doświadczenia innych krajów. Słowa kluczowe: partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne, PPP, system penitencjarny, kara pozbawienia wolności, dozór elektroniczny. The article contains reflections on the possibility of using public-private partnership in the penitentiary system. Public-private partnership (PPP-Public Private Partnership) is a worldwide formula of cooperation between the public sector and the private sector, widely used in the world in the execution of imprisonment. The study indicates the legal basis of PPP in Poland, the practice of using PPP in Poland, as well as the experience of other countries.
Studia Prawnoustrojowe, Jun 23, 2022
Wybrane aspekty stosowania toksyny botulinowej z perspektywy prawa karnego i kryminologii Uwagi w... more Wybrane aspekty stosowania toksyny botulinowej z perspektywy prawa karnego i kryminologii Uwagi wstępne Od odkrycia toksyny botulinowej oraz szczepu Clostridium botulinum odpowiedzialnego za jej syntezę minęły już dwa wieki, a wiedza na temat botulizmu oraz wykorzystania toksyny w medycynie ciągle rozszerza się 1. Toksyna botulinowa została odkryta w 1817 r. przez lekarza niemieckiego pochodzenia Justina Kernera podczas oględzin ciała pacjenta, który zmarł na skutek zatrucia po spożyciu spleśniałej kiełbasy 2. Jednak w 1897 r. bakterię Bacillus botulinus oraz wytwarzaną przez nią toksynę po raz pierwszy wyizolował i nazwał mikrobiolog Emil Pierre Marie van Ermengem. Współcześnie szczep bakterii Bacillus botulinus znany jest pod nazwą systematyczną Clostridium botulinum 3. Współcześnie, wskutek rozwoju medycyny, toksyna botulinowa

Archiwum Kryminologii, 2002
The past fifteen years or so have been a time of significant changes in Polish religious life. Th... more The past fifteen years or so have been a time of significant changes in Polish religious life. The most notable feature has been a growth in the significance of the native religion which for the overwhelming vast majority of Poles is Catholicism. According to official statistics members of the Catholic Church in Poland constitute 95% of the population, other Christian faiths account for just under 3% and adherents of other religions, sects, religious and pseudo-religious or world view-based movements, including atheism, for only about 2%. However, another phenomenon has been taking place in the shadow of the process of change: the appearance and spread of new religious and para-religious movements. In Poland these movements appeared at a somewhat later date than in the West where their first wave of popularity coincided with the rise of the youth counter-culture movement at the turn of the sixties and seventies. New religious movements began to appear in Poland in the seventies and ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2018

Transplantation Proceedings, 2018
In 2016 the total number of solid organ transplantations in Poland was 1469; the number of patien... more In 2016 the total number of solid organ transplantations in Poland was 1469; the number of patients on waiting lists was approximately 1600 every month, and demand for organs is increasing every year. Transplantation has achieved increasing support and acceptance among Polish people; however, there are still many ethical, moral, and legal barriers related to this form of treatment of end-stage organ failure. MATERIAL AND METHODS The research method is a diagnostic survey of 347 law students from the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok, Poland. The research tool was the authors' questionnaire. RESULTS Responders were 21.172 ± 1.34 years old (67.4% female, 74.4% urban residence). Organ procurement and transplantation from living donors are accepted by 95.6% of respondents; 97.4% are accepted from deceased donors. More than 80.4% of the respondents would agree to organ donation from their family members after death and to be donors after their death. The majority of students (80.1%) believe that the final decision of deceased organ donation should be made by the family. Despite positive attitude towards transplantation (97%), about 2% have submitted their objection to the central registry. Refusal of organ donation was associated mainly with emotions related to death (89%) and religion (47.6%). According to responders, the transplantation should be managed by patients and donors (42.1%) and universities (31.7%). CONCLUSIONS Law students generally accept procurement of organs from deceased and living donors, but in situations related to family members, their acceptance rates drop significantly. According to future lawyers, patients, donors, and universities should educate society about issues related to organ transplantation.

Internal Security, 2018
The aim of this article is to bring the most important achievements of Bialystok School of Crimin... more The aim of this article is to bring the most important achievements of Bialystok School of Criminology closer to the readers. The Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok, specifically the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, is one of the leading Polish academic entities conducting extensive research in the field of criminology. In 2016, in the ranking organized by the Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper, the Faculty received the highest score of all the evaluated Polish universities which have law faculties, both state and private, in the area of international cooperation. What is more, Bialystok is the leader in the 2017 ranking of the 25 faculties of law of Polish universities, prepared as a result of the most important evaluation performed every four years by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and was awarded the highest (A) category. The paper presents not only the international criminology conferences and research that Bialystok School of Criminology has been...
Internal security, Oct 25, 2023

Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2021
The study indicates the solutions introduced by the amendment to the Penal Code during the pandem... more The study indicates the solutions introduced by the amendment to the Penal Code during the pandemic. These are the so-called anti-crisis shields - shield 1.0, shield 3.0 and shield 4.0. The primary role of these laws was to respond to the crises related to the COVID-19 epidemic. Amendments to the Penal Code were introduced in a manner inconsistent with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Regulations of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. The mere legislative change and increasing punitiveness of the criminal law system and penal policy will not significantly reduce crime. The work is of a presentative and systematising character. The assumed hypothesis boils down to the assertion that the changes to the penal code made pursuant to the so-called anti-Covid laws are irrational and introduced without the required legislative procedure. The study mainly used the formal-dogmatic method.
Trends in the Judiciary, 2021
Rekomendacje przedstawiają aktualny sposob postepowania, ktory moze byc zmieniony w uzasadnionych... more Rekomendacje przedstawiają aktualny sposob postepowania, ktory moze byc zmieniony w uzasadnionych przypadkach, po wnikliwej analizie danej sytuacji klinicznej, co w przyszlości moze stanowic podstawe do ich modyfikacji i aktualizacji.

Internal Security, 2020
The purpose of the article is to familiarise the readers with the issues related to the theoretic... more The purpose of the article is to familiarise the readers with the issues related to the theoretical grounds involving penal responsibility for violating the provisions of the Penal Code concerning environmental protection, and to show the statistics connected with this type of crimes. The article is of dogmatic-empirical nature. The dogmatic part includes provisions of the 1997 Penal Code and the acts not covered by the code. The empirical part is based on the statistical data provided by the Ministry of Justice and the National Police Headquarters. The data shows a discrepancy between the statistics and the real situation, as well as the importance of the so-called dark figure of crimes against the natural environment. It should be note, that the environmental protection system in Poland is very imperfect and contains numerous gaps that are taken advantage of by perpetrators who cause numerous violations and hazards to the natural environment. The public awareness in the area of an...

Internal Security, 2020
The article on Polish Criminology from Historical and Current Perspective is divided into four pa... more The article on Polish Criminology from Historical and Current Perspective is divided into four parts. There are: Introduction — historical Perspective, Białystok School of Criminology, National Forum of Young Criminologists, International Centre for Criminological Research and Expertise. In the final part of article the authors stressed, that activities of Białystok School of Criminology have much more broad-spectrum, than described. The International Centre of Criminological Research and Expertise conducts interdisciplinary basic research and development works serving both internal security and justice. The Centre aims at entering into cooperation with the State authorities, private sector entities and NGOs, within the country and abroad, along with preparation of expert opinions at their request. It will also conduct publishing and popularizing activities. The representatives of Białystok School of Criminology are also members of such scientific initiatives like: the Academic Foru...
Papers by Ewa Guzik-Makaruk