University of Bialystok
Faculty of Law
The Internet is a great tool for exchanging information. However there are people who want to take advantage of it in order to commit crimes. The main goal of this paper is to answer following question: How the Internet could be and is... more
"The paper presents the results of a study conducted in 2010 among public prosecutors of district and appellate prosecutor offices regarding their opinions on technical aspects of fighting organized crime. That was one of the groups of... more
"The paper presents the results of a research conducted among the Central Bureau of Investigation’s officers. They were asked to express their points of view about selected legal and organizational means of fighting organized crime... more
The present study discusses new directions of research - legal, criminological and in the sphere of criminalistics - on security. This area of research was the subject of numerous projects realized at the Law Faculty of Bialystok... more
W niniejszym rozdziale przyblizono zasady rz adz ace procederem prania pieniedzy3. Nastepnie przedstawiono typologie cech lub okolicznosci, które powinny byc brane pod uwage w procesie dokonywania typowania transakcji podejrzanych i... more
The papers is about presenting the data mining approach from the point of view of forensic science. The main focus is on the potential use of it for fighting cyber crimes. The DM may help to detect anomalies in user behavior, the known... more
The studies the author has been involved concern the acquisition and the use of technology by law enforcement agencies, special security services, and criminal justice for the needs of operational or criminal procedures conducted by them... more
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Niniejsze opracowanie stawia sobie za cel przedstawienie założeń Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) jako przykładu właśnie takiego kompleksowego podejścia do zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa systemów teleinformatycznych oraz ujęcie go w kategorie... more