University of Bialystok
Department of Philology
The aim of this paper is to identify and systematize the functions of clearly in academic discourse. The adverb shows a continuum of manner and modal meanings, and signals the existence of reliable evidence for claims, which makes it a... more
This paper is an attempt to compare the forms and usage of proverb introducers in English and in Polish. It has often been observed that the word proverb is used less often to introduce proverbs in English than its equivalents in other... more
Cross-Cultural Perspective. A contrastive study of English and Polish tags used to introduce proverbs Abstract. This paper is an attempt to compare the forms and usage of proverb introducers in English and in Polish. It has often been... more
Studies of linguistic manifestations of cross-cultural differences between speech communities constitute a relatively recent development within contrastive linguistics. They have been initiated by Anna Wierzbicka, who has studied both the... more
This project is financed from the grant received from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the Regional Initiative of Excellence programme for the years 2019-2022; project number 009/RID/2018/19, the amount of... more
Epistemic modality has received a significant amount of scholarly at-tention in Anglophone linguistics. However, for many years, most of the research focused on modal verbs, while other means of expressing modal-ity remained considerably... more
The discursive practices of individual academic disciplines differ in many ways, which is why numerous studies of academic discourse adopt cross-disciplinary perspectives to explore the character and extent of those differences. Less... more
This study is concerned with the translation of address terms in serial storytelling. It adopts the interpersonal pragmatics perspective on address terms and treats them as elements of fictional charactersʼ relational work, i.e. the work... more
Artykuł podsumowuje 10 lat funkcjonowania czasopisma "Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies" wydawanego na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku i współpracy jego redakcji z Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.... more
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.
w: "Szkoła ukraińska w romantyzmie polskim. Szkice polsko-ukraińskie", pod red. S. Makowskiego oraz U. Makowskiej i M. Nesteruk, Warszawa 2012.
w: Stolice i prowincje kultury. Księga Jubileuszowa ofiarowana Profesor Alinie Kowalczykowej", pod red. J. Brzozowskiego, M. Skrzypczaka i M. Stanisza, Warszawa 2012. s. 524-541.
w: "Czas Apokalipsy", pod red. K. Kopani, Warszawa 2012.
Kiedy poeta staje się poetą, kiedy mistrzem, pretendentem do prestiżowej nagrody lite-rackiej, choćby do nagrody Nobla? Czy po napisaniu pierwszego tomiku wierszy, czy dopiero po wydaniu pięciu tomów, a może po napisaniu tego pierwszego... more
1. Czy Juliusz lubił Boże Narodzenie? To pytanie pojawia się oczywiście jako jawna prowokacja, zwłaszcza dlatego, że w Złotej Czaszce Boże Narodzenie stanowi ważny motyw, by nie powie-dzieć, że jeden z głównych elementów tła, a może nawet... more
I Nieśmiałość towarzyszy mi-jeśli można na samym wstępie pozwolić so-bie na uwagi aż tak osobiste-od pierwszego spotkania z poezją Jana Leończu-ka. Nie idzie oczywiście o taką nieśmiałość, która wynika z ostrożności, wyco-fania, z... more