汉字分解。 Decomposition of the Chinese Character 脹 zhàng, ‘swell’, |
[09 Aug 2017|08:31am] |
月 yuè, moon, ⺆ jiōng, down box, 二 èr, two, 長 cháng, long, 一 yī, one, 丨 gǔn, line, 二 èr, two, 衣 yī, clothing (without丶 zhǔ dot), 一 yī, one, 匚 fāng, right open box, 一 yī, one, 丿 piě, slash,
脹月 ⺆ 二 長 一 丨 二 衣 一 匚 一 丿
Chinese, Character, Breakdown, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down
More information: http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/the-chinese-character-decomposition-guidance/18847104 and http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/polina985
汉字分解。 Decomposition of the Chinese Character 行 háng ‘profession’ |
[25 Apr 2017|04:51am] |
彳 chì step 丿 piě slash 亻 rén man 一 yī one 丁 dīng man 一 yī one 亅 jué hook
Chinese, Character, Breakdown, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down
More information: http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/the-chinese-character-decomposition-guidance/18847104 and http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/polina985
Female roommate wanted |
[14 May 2006|08:46pm] |
Hey, I'm looking for a female roommate for a 2 bedroom apartment starting Autumn quarter. I have 2 kittens, and a boyfriend who will be around. We're all really mellow, friendly, and well trained =P. I have a couple apartment places in mind, but I don't think I want to live alone, so if anyone is interested just send me a message. =)
Some brief info on me: My name is Melanie I'm a cellular, molecular, and developmental bio major 19 years old 2nd year at UW I'm originally from Sunnyvale, California I play soccer, do karate, and swim (recreationally) I like music, movies, and games My favorite piece of furniture is my bed I'm thinking of minoring in Japanese (but I don't like anime) I play computer and video games (but I try not to much during the school year) Back home I currently have 12 cats, 6 were born 4 weeks ago, 2 of which will be living with me next year. I really really really want a squirrel as a pet... but alas, they seem to have no interest in whole wheat bagels (but they love butterhorns) Ok, so maybe that wasn't akk that brief... oh well.
WASHINGTON-ITES!!!! (x-posted) |
[25 Jan 2006|02:33pm] |
Richard Hugo House: 1634 11th Ave. (11th and Pine, near the Bobby Morris Playfield, Capitol Hill)
February 17th, 2006 @ 8pm...perfomances start at 9pm.
Drag Kings, Drag Queens, Bellydancing, Live DJ
Theme is LAS VEGAS!!! (cuz what happens in vegas, stays in vegas)
22 and under, 3$ Everyone else, 10$.
Tell your friends, damn nit!! XP
ps. anyone that would like to sign up for a performance, please email Celia at [email protected]
[15 Nov 2005|05:15pm] |
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UW 08 represent woo woo! Just thought I would post something on this empty community :)
Elvis Costello/Sondre Lerche TICKET |
[05 Apr 2005|07:23pm] |
ticket for elvis costello and sondre lerche @ the paramount. this THURSDAY 8pm
turns out one of my friends was able to get a seat for me in the 7th row!! so anyone wants this, first come first serve. its a very decent seat just on the left side of the balcony. i bought my ticket for $68.45 and its in the mezzanine aisle 11, row d, seat 7. im thinking $55-$65 especially since the show is now sold out. but yeah, please do hit me up and dont miss this chance to see elvis costello or sondre lerche!
i live in mercer and can easily meet anyone at 1101 or anywhere on campus really.
band members wanted |
[16 Mar 2005|04:06pm] |
hey im danny hahn and i do a solo project bit as Hahn Solo and the
Wookies. with the quarter finally over, ive been looking to get a tad
more serious with my stuff, but just a tad. my music is very jazz,
bossanova, doowop, indie pop oriented.my main influences are sondre
lerche, rilo kiley, 50s motown, and kings of convenience. for live
shows, simply me and a guitar just doesnt cut it when the arrangements
call for multi-vocal harmonies. if anyone is interested, im looking for
drums, keys, guitars, bass...well a whole band basically, and
preferably, everyone can sing. and sing good.
you can hear samples at www.myspace.com/hahnsoloandthewookies or www.purevolume.com/hahnsoloandthewookies
[26 Jan 2005|04:45pm] |
=( |
[13 Jan 2005|11:27pm] |
If I lost something on campus, what are the chances of finding it/ getting it back? =/ Has anyone seen a small silver-ish bracelet with a four leaf clover? It could have been in Kane 130, Bagley 106, Kane 110, or Loew 102... or around campus... or in the HUB. I lost it last Thursday... =(
[12 Jan 2005|11:48pm] |
hey does anybody know why there was an ambulance in front of lander today around 2:30 pm?
[03 Jan 2005|10:37pm] |
anyone in need of the econ200 text [ Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<principles [...] microeconomics,>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.] anyone in need of the econ200 text <principles of microeconomics, 4th ed>? my copy is clean and straight, but with pencil underlining in two chapters (yeah, i gave up reading it a few weeks into the course). i'll sell it well below ubookstore's used price.
[02 Jan 2005|09:57pm] |
I need roommates. I have 2 bedrooms one for 275 and the other for 375. Off 45th behind a petsmart about 5 blocks from UW
[02 Jan 2005|08:39pm] |
Does anyone have a copy of Reading Context (one of the required books for ENGL 131) to spare? I just found out I don't have enough cash for one from the U Bookstore, and I need it ASAP.
I'd love if you wanted to donate it to a poor ol' freshman instead of burning it, but I can pay a small amount if you need an incentive ;-)
*cross posted among uw livejournal communities*
[22 Dec 2004|02:39pm] |
Now that grades are posted, all those classes with prerequisites and cancellation in effect are opening up spots where those who didn't make the grade were dropped. If tou're missing a class or have a crappy schedule, TODAY is the day to amend that!
The above was probably not news to a good number of you; to you, I apologize for taking up an entry on you friends page.
[13 Dec 2004|05:42pm] |
Anyone looking for a room for january thru june. I still need a roommate. Preferably someone anti-social, keeps to themselves, or a couple. email me if your looking for a place at [email protected]
[07 Dec 2004|05:05pm] |
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-X Box -4 controllers -DVD remote -Splinter Cell -Amped 2 -Sega GT 2002 -Jet Set Radio Futur -Midtown Madness 3 -Crimson Skies -Project Gotham Racing -Halo 1
= $370 obo
My credit is going bad, I am selling what I can. If you are interested email me at [email protected]. I am in lander and can deliver anywhere on campus :-p
Math 120 textbook...? |
[29 Nov 2004|12:03pm] |
Hey guys, if any of you are taking Math 120 next qtr and need the textbook, I have one that I would be willing to sell! You can only get them from the copy and print store... and I'm pretty sure the bookstore won't buy them back because of that, so I am stuck with a textbk I wouldn't need anymore... So instead of burning it, does anyone want it? I barely wrote in it at all... and it costs $25 at the copy and print store... just let me know! thanks :)