Papers by Wojciech Sosnowski

Neofilolog, 2023
“Language space bridge” as a new way to train intercultural
competence and improve the foreign la... more “Language space bridge” as a new way to train intercultural
competence and improve the foreign language teacher’s skills
The shift to distance learning in foreign languages teaching has further
emphasized the need for communication and interaction set
in a context close to authentic experience. The starting point of the research
was the assumption that a new classroom practice developed
during the pandemic – the “language space bridge” – contributes to
the development of language education and influences the improvement
of intercultural competence. This article is based on a study of
the “language space bridge”, a non-institutional educational platform
running between 2020 and 2022 and set up by an international team
of foreign language teachers collaborating under an Erasmus+ project.
The article discusses theoretical aspects of intercultural communication
and forms of training. A description of the research process
is followed by the presentation of the didactic process itself. Having conducted an in-depth analysis of the evaluation questionnaires completed
by the students and teachers, the authors conclude that the
new educational platform might be a way to improve intercultural
competence for both students and teachers.

Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives, 2015
Analytic tendencies in modern Polish and RussianModern Polish and Russian are characterized by so... more Analytic tendencies in modern Polish and RussianModern Polish and Russian are characterized by some features which demonstrate an increasing level of analitism. In the process of transformation from synthetic to analytical language, a crucial role is played by prepositional units. In this research, analitism is understood in a traditional way as a morphological and syntactic phenomenon. The fact that the synthetic structure of a language may, in some conditions, turn into an analytical one, as happened in the case of Bulgarian and Macedonian, has been intriguing linguists ever since, and has made me attempt to answer the question: What is the condition of modern Polish and Russian, which are languages with a rich literary tradition and solid grammatical norms, which belong to a group of synthetic languages? The analytical tendencies in morphology include the following: a decrease in the number of cases in all inflected parts of speech; a more frequent use of uninflected nouns and ad...

XLinguae, 2022
The question of interculturality and the plurilingual and pluricultural competence connected with... more The question of interculturality and the plurilingual and pluricultural competence connected with it is often found at the heart of contemporary language learning debate. The documents drafted by the Council of Europe seem to reflect this fact. Nowadays, language teachers face the challenge of designing a lesson unit which not only contains and practises all aspects of the language but also develops all skills and competences through the process of so-called integrated learning. Language teaching and learning is coupled with cultural and linguistic anthropology which is often termed as anthropological approach in language teaching. The approach calls on the term: cultureme which denotes language items present in any language class material whose cultural embedding requires a more extensive semantic and pragmatic commentary. The methods, means and techniques employed within the eclectic teaching framework aim to eliminate a learner's ethnocentric attitude and existing stereotypes which leads to the development of the plurilingual and pluricultural competence. Our research relies on our extensive experience acquired in the plurilingual and multicultural environment of 30 nationalities and 160 students of the College of Europe in Natolin while teaching Romance (French, Spanish, Italian) and Slavonic languages (Russian, Polish, Ukrainian).
ДОКЛАДИ от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2022 година), 2022
The article deals with the issue of non-equivalent phraseological units in the pair of Bulgarian ... more The article deals with the issue of non-equivalent phraseological units in the pair of Bulgarian and Polish languages. The different views on the types and degrees of interlinguistic equivalence in phraseology are commented on. It is emphasized that in establishing the presence or absence of interlingual equivalence in phraseological units should be based on semantics. The research was conducted on a rich illustrative material, including idioms, stable comparisons and other types of set phrases.
W dniu 22 września 2014 roku w budynku Wydziału Neofilologii odbyła się konferencja "Ewalu a... more W dniu 22 września 2014 roku w budynku Wydziału Neofilologii odbyła się konferencja "Ewalu acja biegłości językowej od pomiaru do sztuki pomiaru" organizowaną przez Radę Koordynacyjną ds. Certyfikacji Biegłości Językowej przy współudziale Pełnomocnika Rektora ds. realizacji Procesu Bolońskiego i organizacji nauczania języków obcych pani Jolanty Urbanikowej oraz we współpracy z Fundacją Systemu Rozwoju Edukacji .
The article discusses the concept behind the The dictionary of active Bulgarian and Polish phrase... more The article discusses the concept behind the The dictionary of active Bulgarian and Polish phraseology [Leksykon aktywnej frazeologii bułgarskiej i polskiej]. The authors outline the theoretical underpinnings of this project, touching on the issue of interlingual equivalence, and explain the process of selecting and verifying phraseological material and the methodology of presenting lexicographical information in the dictionary. The article includes various examples of active phraseological units from both languages.

Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives, 2015
Forms of Address and their Meaning in Contrast in Polish and Russian LanguagesMany studies in con... more Forms of Address and their Meaning in Contrast in Polish and Russian LanguagesMany studies in contemporary linguistics focus on investigating politeness and rudeness in language. This paper, however, has not been intended as a contrastive study of the phenomena in question. Language politeness and rudeness are conveyed by means of expressions of politeness and rudeness which are perceived as entrenched and recurring in specific situations. These expressions convey the expected meaning of politeness and rudeness accepted in the model of social behaviour. If one uses the explicative method such expressions could be reduced to the following formula ‘I inform you that I follow a verbal conduct defined as polite’. Owing to the emergence of parallel corpora of particular languages, it is nowadays easier to collect data for research on forms of address as well as on expressions of politeness in the first half of the 21st century. Investigating the meaning of forms of address, which are par...
Nauczanie języka rosyjskiego studentów na kierunkach filologicznych i niefilologicznych, 2009

Przegląd rusycystyczny, 2021
The article presents the analysis of etiquette formulas (forms of address, greetings and farewell... more The article presents the analysis of etiquette formulas (forms of address, greetings and farewells) used between teachers of Russian as a foreign language and students studying Russian outside Russia. the survey was conducted among 100 teachers of Russian as a foreign language from 30 countries. the authors also analyze examples of the use of speech etiquette in parallel corpora and validate the pragmatics against a number of well-established dictionaries of the Rus-sian language. the authors conclude that during speech acts, different linguistic pictures of the world and the norms of language politeness of teachers and students influence each other. the authors observed the culturally conditioned lacunarity of the forms of address and cases of substitution of speech etiquette. the obtained results of the study can be explained by the dynamic development of Russian speech etiquette and the lack of stable norms that can be offered to students in the teaching process.
PROCEEDINGS of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2020), 2020
The article aims to compare the recent phraseological calques in three Slavic languages – Bulgari... more The article aims to compare the recent phraseological calques in three Slavic languages – Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian. In the cotemporary period the main source of calquing of phraseological units in all three languages is English. The research of the types of phraseological calques in the analyzed languages is based on rich illustrative material.
Papers by Wojciech Sosnowski
competence and improve the foreign language teacher’s skills
The shift to distance learning in foreign languages teaching has further
emphasized the need for communication and interaction set
in a context close to authentic experience. The starting point of the research
was the assumption that a new classroom practice developed
during the pandemic – the “language space bridge” – contributes to
the development of language education and influences the improvement
of intercultural competence. This article is based on a study of
the “language space bridge”, a non-institutional educational platform
running between 2020 and 2022 and set up by an international team
of foreign language teachers collaborating under an Erasmus+ project.
The article discusses theoretical aspects of intercultural communication
and forms of training. A description of the research process
is followed by the presentation of the didactic process itself. Having conducted an in-depth analysis of the evaluation questionnaires completed
by the students and teachers, the authors conclude that the
new educational platform might be a way to improve intercultural
competence for both students and teachers.
competence and improve the foreign language teacher’s skills
The shift to distance learning in foreign languages teaching has further
emphasized the need for communication and interaction set
in a context close to authentic experience. The starting point of the research
was the assumption that a new classroom practice developed
during the pandemic – the “language space bridge” – contributes to
the development of language education and influences the improvement
of intercultural competence. This article is based on a study of
the “language space bridge”, a non-institutional educational platform
running between 2020 and 2022 and set up by an international team
of foreign language teachers collaborating under an Erasmus+ project.
The article discusses theoretical aspects of intercultural communication
and forms of training. A description of the research process
is followed by the presentation of the didactic process itself. Having conducted an in-depth analysis of the evaluation questionnaires completed
by the students and teachers, the authors conclude that the
new educational platform might be a way to improve intercultural
competence for both students and teachers.
This book is devoted to research on the latest phraseological resources of Slavic languages which so far have not been compared in terms of potential similarities in their developmental tendencies. The study identifies the course of tendencies in the development of phraseological resources, pinpoints the units which are highly active in the languages under discussion, and examines similarities and differences in the creation and use of their phraseological resources. The analysis considers two groups of phraseologisms: active general phraseology and the latest phraseology. Contrastive analysis as the adopted study method has come as a compromise between different linguistic schools, in this case Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian. This is reflected in specification of many important linguistic terms and in the search for their common denominator. In accordance with the adopted assumptions, the study examines relatively stable semantically indivisible phraseological units which express meanings that are not the sum of the meanings of their components and are reproduced in speech as ready-made word combinations. Thanks to the description of these units by means of definition models on the one hand, and to proceeding from meaning to form on the other, it was possible to analyse material from the three languages at the same time, applying quantitative and qualitative criteria. The work considers about 1,500 phraseological units, 500 from each language. An index of the most frequently used phraseologisms compiled as part of the study includes phraseological units which are not recorded in any other works. The principal aim was to compare and contrast Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian phraseologisms in terms of such important aspects as: – types of lexicographic description; – the role of corpora in recording phraseologisms; – linguistic homonymy; – ways of enriching the phraseological resources (e.g. calquing and borrowing phraseological units from different varieties of English); – the presence and vitality of phraseologisms with a cultural component; – the emergence of the latest phraseologisms and the attendant derivational processes, as well as similarities and differences observed in the process of enriching the phraseological resources. This contrastive analysis indicates that the Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian languages react to changes in socio-economic and cultural reality in a similar way, and that they describe and interpret these changes by means of many new phraseologisms which emerge following similar derivational processes.
В сборнике использованы различные приемы, технологии и преподавательские находки, в том числе с учетом нужд и потребностей таких категорий учащихся, как аудиалы, визуалы, кинестетики и дигиталы.
Сценарии сгруппированы по тематическим блокам, которые можно изучать независимо друг от друга и в любой последовательности.
Построенная по принципу "язык через культуру", книга поможет преподавателям посредством ярких и запоминающихся уроков познакомить учащихся с культурой и традициями России, сформировать у них интерес к дальнейшему изучению русского языка.
Zaletą Leksykonu jest to, że poza frazeologią ogólną, znalazły się w nim też wybrane neologizmy frazeologiczne oraz aktywne w języku współczesnym kulturemy frazeologiczne, które często nie mają odpowiedników w innym języku, dlatego, że odzwierciedlają kulturę danego narodu i jego językowy obraz świata. Publikacja jest przeznaczona zarówno dla polskiego, jak i ukraińskiego odbiorcy oraz dla wszystkich użytkowników tych języków na świecie - specjalistów slawistów, badaczy języków słowiańskich, leksykografów, encyklopedystów, tłumaczy, nauczycieli akademickich, studentów kierunków filologicznych i in.
“The Dictionary of Semantic Equivalents in Polish, Bulgarian and Russian” is Polish language’s first lexicon presenting semantic equivalents in three biggest Slavic languages from the western (Polish), southern (Bulgarian) and eastern (Russian) subgroups. The dictionary accounts for most recent phenomena and areas of social life. Apart from general lexis, it also features neologisms, including words that are difficult and often lack full equivalents but reflect the culture of the given nation (realogisms). The dictionary is equipped with semantic and syntactic qualifiers of the newest generation, which are the result of many years of work by Polish Slavic philologists in the field of aspectology and semantics. The innovative character of the dictionary lies in the possibility of supplementing it with lexicons of other (not only Slavic) languages. Owing to its use of the newest methodologies, this dictionary can serve as a basis for other modern lexicographical projects.