Books by Witold Borysiak

Dziedziczenie - konstrukcja prawna i ochrona, 2013
A free sample taken from the published work.
The monograph “Dziedziczenie. Konstrukcja prawna ... more A free sample taken from the published work.
The monograph “Dziedziczenie. Konstrukcja prawna i ochrona” [Legal construction and the protection of inheritance] (p. 556) published by Lexis Nexis Publishing Company in 2013, is the only study of Polish legal doctrine that comprehensively discusses legal constructions related to inheritance and all legal consequences resulting from the death of a deceased. The concept of inheritance is the most important aspect of inheritance law. The book aimed to fully present the principles relating to inheritance and its protection in Polish law and comparative law.
The monograph was a revised and updated version of a doctoral dissertation, which in June 2013 received the first prize in the category of PhD Dissertations in XLVIII “Państwo i Prawo” Contest for the best Doctoral and Habilitation Dissertations in Legal Sciences (the oldest and the most prestigious competition in Poland for habilitations and PhD’s in the field of legal sciences). This book also received a distinction in the 6th edition of the competition organised by the journal “Przegląd Sądowy” for the most useful law book for judicial practice in 2013.

Medical law, 2019
"Medical law" (p. 572) edited by L. Bosek and published by C. H. Beck Publishing Company in 2019.... more "Medical law" (p. 572) edited by L. Bosek and published by C. H. Beck Publishing Company in 2019. Doctor Witold Borysiak was co-author of the book and author of the chapters: An Act-in-Law as a Fundamental Source of Medical Law Relations (pp. 75-118); Status of the Patient (The end of life) (pp. 209-229, with L. Bosek); Patient’s Duties (pp. 337-366) - total pp. 95.
Medical law offers an insightful and comprehensive overview of the field of medical law. The book has a very clear and well-designed structure and it is organised around the concept of the legal relation. The volume opens with a short but informative excursion into the history of medical law, which provides a broad background for the following considerations. Next, a thorough analysis of the sources of medical law is provided; importantly, this part of the book places an emphasis on both the constitutional and European foundations of medical law. The remaining part of the book (16 out of 18 chapters) is devoted to an in-depth consideration of the legal-medical relation: its structure and sources (elements of the relation, consent, representation of the incapacitated), subjects (patients, the beginning and end of the human life, the legal status of the human body), content (rights and duties of patients and health services providers), and objects (including a general analysis of the healthcare service, as well as an analysis of more specific issues, such as transplantation, genetics, aesthetic procedures and medical experiment). This way of organising the volume's material is both innovative and extremely useful (from a peer-review of prof. Bartosz Brożek, Jagiellonian University).
Ius et Ratio. Ksiega jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesor Elzbiecie Skowronskiej Bocian [Ius et Ratio. Anniversary Book dedicated to Professor Elżbieta Skowrońska-Bocian], 2022
A free sample taken from the published work. The book: Ius et Ratio. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowa... more A free sample taken from the published work. The book: Ius et Ratio. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesor Elżbiecie Skowrońskiej-Bocian [Ius et Ratio. Anniversary Book dedicated to Professor Elżbieta Skowrońska-Bocian] (pp. 1080), was edited by W. Borysiak, J. Wierciński, A. Gołaszewska and M. Olechowski, published by Wolters Kluwer in 2022.

Medical law. Cases and commentaries, 2012
A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Medical law. Cases and commentaries (p. 4... more A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Medical law. Cases and commentaries (p. 497), was edited by M. Safjan and published by Wolters Kluwer Poland Publishing Company in 2012
The publication presents several dozen judgements of European and constitutional tribunals and of Polish as well as foreign courts which relate to the main issues of the debate conducted in Poland nowadays. They illustrate current development trends that occur in Polish and European medical law and also reveal the complexity and intricacy of medical issues. Separate statements enclosed to some judgements highlight the broad scope of problems arising in that field.
Glosses to each of the judgements and separate footnotes referring the reader to the literature provide a complete description of the subject matter. They also clarify the normative context of the cases reviewed. Moreover, all comments present problems from legal, ethical, political and even economic perspective. Both theoretical and practical aspects of issues concerning vindication of claims and the range of presentation of claims are highlighted in the book.
The Authors contributing to the publication are affiliated with the University of Warsaw. Their main research interests include medical law, civil law, constitutional law and European law.
The book is recommended for lawyers and physicians as well as all those interested in the field of bioethics and the issues of the health care.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries (total pp. 107) to:
1) Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 1 September 2006, SK 14/05 (pp. 62-68)
2) Judgment of the European Court of Human Rigths of 6 October 2005, appl. No. 1513/03, Draon v. France (pp. 110-114)
3) Judgment of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 28 November 2007, V KK 81/07 (pp. 225-228)
4) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 20 August 1968, II CR 310/68 (pp. 231-234)
5) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 17 December 2004, II CK 300/04 (pp. 235-238)
6) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 11 May 2005, III CK 652/04 (pp. 239-243)
7) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 13 May 2005, I CK 662/04 (pp. 244-249 with B. Janiszewska)
8) Judgment of the House of Lords (United Kingdom) of 14 October 2004, Chester v. Afshar, 1 A.C. 345 (pp. 290-297)
9) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 13 October 2005, IV CK 161/05 (pp. 307-313)
10) Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (First Senate) of 12 November 1997, 1 BvR 479/92 and 1 BvR 307/94 (pp. 322-328)
11) Judgment of the House of Lords (United Kingdom) of 29 September 1999, Macfarlane and Another v. Tayside Health Board, [2000] 2 A.C. 59 (pp. 329-337)
12) Judgment of the full panel of the Civil Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (France) of 17 November 2000, No. 99–13701, Perruche (pp. 338-342)
13) Judgment of the full panel of the Civil Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (France) of 31 May 1991, No. 90–20105 (pp. 361-364)
14) Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (Second Senate) of 28 May 1993, 2 BvF 2/90, 4/92 and 5/92 (pp. 365-371 with L. Bosek)
15) Resolution of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 26 October 2006, I KZP 18/06 (pp. 377-384)
16) Decision of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 14 June 1956, IV KO 17/55 (pp. 392-396)
17) Resolution of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 19 January 1961, VI KO 43/60 (pp. 397-401)
18) Judgment of the Conseil d’État (France) of 2 July 1993, No. 124960 (pp. 463-466)
![Research paper thumbnail of Instytucja wyzysku w prawie cywilnym. Perspektywa krajowa i prawnoporównawcza [Unfair Advantage upon Civil Law. Polish and Comparative Perspectives]](
[PL] Instytucja wyzysku stanowiła od zawsze przedmiot gorących sporów o jej kształt i społeczne o... more [PL] Instytucja wyzysku stanowiła od zawsze przedmiot gorących sporów o jej kształt i społeczne oddziaływanie. Wchodząca właśnie w życie, pierwsza od początku obowiązywania kodeksu cywilnego, nowelizacja jego art. 388 stanowi na to doskonały dowód. Jest też okazją do refleksji nad racjonalnością wyborów ustawodawcy. Autorzy proponują poszerzenie dyskusji dotyczącej instytucji wyzysku przez przedstawienie aktualnej oraz proponowanej regulacji na tle innych porządków prawnych oraz w ich wymiarze historycznym. Swoje wnioski przedstawiają w formie propozycji legislacyjnych.
[EN] The institution of unfair advantage has always been the subject of heated disputes about its shape and social impact. The amendment to its Art. 388 provides perfect proof thereof. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the rationality of the legislator's choices. The authors propose to broaden the discussion on the institution of unfair advantage by presenting the current and proposed regulation against the background of other legal orders and in their historical dimension. They present their conclusions in the form of legislative proposals.

Komentarze Prawa Prywatnego. Tom IIIA. Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Zobowiązania. Część ogólna [Commentaries of Private Law. Volume IIIA. Civil Code. Commentary. Obligations. General Part] , 2017
A free sample taken from the published work (including part of the commentary to the Article 353)... more A free sample taken from the published work (including part of the commentary to the Article 353). The book: Komentarze Prawa Prywatnego. Tom IIIA. Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Zobowiązania. Część ogólna [Commentaries of Private Law. Volume IIIA. Civil Code. Commentary. Obligations. General Part] (pp. 1320), 2nd edition was edited by K. Osajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2017. Doctor Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 353 (Concept of Obligation), 354-357 (General provisions), 365[1] (Termination of continuous obligations), 423-430 (Defences, Vicarious liability), 438-441, 455-457, 471-474 (Contractual liability), and articles 481-485 (Liquidation damages) of the Polish Civil Code (pp. 5-34, 62-113, 202-213, 605-698, 748-808, 930-952, 985-1043, 1065-1143) - total pp. 401
Komentarze Prawa Prywatnego. Tom IVA. Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Spadki [Commentaries of Private Law. Volume IVA. Civil Code. Commentary. Successions], 2019
A free sample taken from the published work (commentary to the Article 923). The book: Komentarze... more A free sample taken from the published work (commentary to the Article 923). The book: Komentarze Prawa Prywatnego. Tom IVA. Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Spadki [Commentaries of Private Law. Volume IVA. Civil Code. Commentary. Successions] (pp. 1546), 2nd edition, was edited by K. Osajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2019. Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 922-940, 1012, 1014-1029(1), 1047-1087 of the Polish Civil Code (pp. 5-336, 974-1214, 1361-1532) - total pp. 741

Komentarze Prawa Prywatnego. Tom IVB. Prawo i postępowanie spadkowe [Commentaries of Private Law. Volume IVB. Law of Successions and Procedural Aspects of Succession], 2018
A free sample taken from the published work. The book: Komentarze Prawa Prywatnego. Tom IVB. Praw... more A free sample taken from the published work. The book: Komentarze Prawa Prywatnego. Tom IVB. Prawo i postępowanie spadkowe. Komentarz. Kodeks postępowania cywilnego (art. 627-691 KPC), Rozporządzenie spadkowe Nr 650/2012 (art. 1, 20-38, 62-63, 69, 75, 83-84), Konwencja haska z 5.10.1961 r. (art. 1-12), Prawo prywatne międzynarodowe (art. 64-66a PrPrywM), Prawo o notariacie (art. 95a-95y PrNot), Prawo bankowe (art. 56, 56a, 59a, 59b, 92ba-92bd, 111c PrBank) [Commentaries of Private Law. Volume IVB. Law of Successions and Procedural Aspects of Succession: Code of Civil Procedure; Regulation (EU) No 650/2012; The Hague Convention of 5 October 1961; Private International Law; Notary Law; Banking Law] (pp. 1197), 1st edition, was edited by K. Osajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2018. Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 95a-95p Notary Law (pp. 913-1085) and Articles: 56, 56a, 59a, 59b, 92ba-92bd, 111c Banking Law (pp. 1103-1186) - total pp. 255
Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy. Komentarz [Family and Guardianship Code. Commentary], 2014
A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy. Komentarz [... more A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy. Komentarz [Family and Guardianship Code. Commentary] (pp. 1096), was edited by J. Wierciński and published by Lexis Nexis Publishing Company in 2014.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 1-22 (Conclusion of Marriage) and articles 23-25, 28-30 (Rights and Obligations of Spouses) of the Polish Family and Guardianship Code (pp. 13-249, 263-306 - total pp. 279).
Umowy o korzystanie z rzeczy, 2016
Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom II. Zobowiązania (art. 353-921[16] KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume II. Obligations (Articles 353-921[16])], 2013
A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom II. Zobo... more A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom II. Zobowiązania (art. 353-921[16] KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume II. Obligations (Articles 353-921[16])] (pp. 1920), was edited by K. OSajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2013.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 353 (Concept of Obligation), 354-357 (General provisions), 365[1] (Termination of continuous obligations), 423-430 (Defences, Vicarious liability), 438-441 , 455-457, 471-474 (Contractual liability), and articles 481-485 (Liquidation damages) of the Polish Civil Code (pp. 5-31, 52-94, 160-168, 492-569, 605-652, 743-762, 776-824, 840-897 - total pp. 324).
Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom III. Spadki (art. 922-1087 KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume III. Successions (art. 922-1087)], 2013
A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom III. Spadk... more A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom III. Spadki (art. 922-1087 KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume III. Successions (art. 922-1087)] (pp. 1237), was edited by K. Osajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2013.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 922-923, 927-940, 1012, 1014-10291, 1047-1060, 1062-1063, 1066-1067, 1070-10701, 1079, 1081-1082, 1086-1087 of the Polish Civil Code (pp. 5-87, 101-249, 789-987; 1103-1228) - total pp. 553

Prawo wobec medycyny i biotechnologii. Zbiór orzeczeń z komentarzami [Medical law. Cases and commentaries], 2011
A free sample taken from the published work. The book: Medical law. Cases and commentaries (p. 49... more A free sample taken from the published work. The book: Medical law. Cases and commentaries (p. 497), was edited by M. Safjan and published by Wolters Kluwer Poland Publishing Company in 2011. The publication presents several dozen judgements of European and constitutional tribunals and of Polish as well as foreign courts which relate to the main issues of the debate conducted in Poland nowadays. They illustrate current development trends that occur in Polish and European medical law and also reveal the complexity and intricacy of medical issues. Separate statements enclosed to some judgements highlight the broad scope of problems arising in that field. Glosses to each of the judgements and separate footnotes referring the reader to the literature provide a complete description of the subject matter. They also clarify the normative context of the cases reviewed. Moreover, all comments present problems from legal, ethical, political and even economic perspective. Both theoretical and practical aspects of issues concerning vindication of claims and the range of presentation of claims are highlighted in the book. The Authors contributing to the publication are affiliated with the University of Warsaw. Their main research interests include medical law, civil law, constitutional law and European law. The book is recommended for lawyers and physicians as well as all those interested in the field of bioethics and the issues of the health care. Witold Borysiak was the co-author of the monography with M. Safjan, Z. Banaszczyk, M. Boratyńska, L. Bosek, B. Janiszewska oraz P. Sobolewski, pp. 59-65, 106-111, 223-247, 286-294, 302-308, 317-339, 362-373, 379-386, 394-404, 467-470 (total pp. 111)
Prace z prawa cywilnego [Dissertations from Civil law], 2010
A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Prace z prawa cywilnego [Dissertations fr... more A free sample taken from the published work.
The book: Prace z prawa cywilnego [Dissertations from Civil law] (pp. 534), was edited by E. Skowrońska-Bocian and W. Borysiak, and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2010.

Commentary to Polish Civil Code. vol. 1 and 3a-3b
komentarz do art. I p.w.k.c. [kodyfikacja po... more Commentary to Polish Civil Code. vol. 1 and 3a-3b
komentarz do art. I p.w.k.c. [kodyfikacja polskiego prawa cywilnego], art. XXVIII-XXXII p.w.k.c. [uznanie za zmarłego], art. XVLVIII p.w.k.c. [zasada intertemporalna przy posiadaniu
komentarz do art. 364 k.c. [zabezpieczenie], art. 365 k.c. [zobowiązania przemienne], art. 422 k.c. [odpowiedzialność za podżeganie, pomocnictwo i skorzystanie z czynu niedozwolonego], 431-434 k.c. [odpowiedzialność za zwierzęta, za wypadnięcie lub wylanie, za zawalenie się budowli], art. 475 k.c. [następcza niemożliwość świadczenia], art. 476-480 k.c. [zwłoka dłużnika], art. 486 k.c. [zwłoka wierzyciela], art. 487-497 k.c. [wykonanie i skutki niewykonania zobowiązań z umów wzajemnych
komentarz do art. 805-834 k.c. [umowa ubezpieczenia], art. 853-859(9) k.c. [umowa składu]
Commentary to art. I, XXVIII-XXXII and art. XVLVIII p.w.k.c. [Provisions Introducing to Civil Code]
Commentary to art. 364, 365, 422 k.c., 431-434, 475, art. 476-480, 486 487-497, 805-834, 853-859[9] Polish CC
Papers by Witold Borysiak
V&R unipress eBooks, Sep 2, 2023
V&R unipress eBooks, Sep 2, 2023

Zasada neminem laedere a ochrona dóbr osobistych osoby fizycznej [The ‘Neminem Laedere’ Principle and the Protection of an Individual’s Personality Rights], 2023
Polish and foreign case-law as well as legal doctrine sometimes present the opinion that in the l... more Polish and foreign case-law as well as legal doctrine sometimes present the opinion that in the law of torts a universally binding duty exists not to cause harm to others (the neminem laedere principle). Its breach is supposed to determine the wrongfulness of the tortfeasor’s behaviour. The purpose of the article is to analyse whether this principle may be applicable to the protection of personality rights. Due to different ways of understanding in jurisprudence what this principle consists of, the potential application of two concepts was considered. Firstly, if in the legal system there is a general norm of behaviour prohibiting the infringement of another individual’s personality rights. Secondly, if there is a general norm of behaviour not to cause others non-pecuniary damage (including immaterial harm – pain and suffering). The neminem laedere principle is not a general principle of Polish law and is also not applicable to the protection of personality rights. This principle can be regarded only as a moral imperative and a postulate for the harmonious coexistence of individuals in society rather than a legal duty.
Books by Witold Borysiak
The monograph “Dziedziczenie. Konstrukcja prawna i ochrona” [Legal construction and the protection of inheritance] (p. 556) published by Lexis Nexis Publishing Company in 2013, is the only study of Polish legal doctrine that comprehensively discusses legal constructions related to inheritance and all legal consequences resulting from the death of a deceased. The concept of inheritance is the most important aspect of inheritance law. The book aimed to fully present the principles relating to inheritance and its protection in Polish law and comparative law.
The monograph was a revised and updated version of a doctoral dissertation, which in June 2013 received the first prize in the category of PhD Dissertations in XLVIII “Państwo i Prawo” Contest for the best Doctoral and Habilitation Dissertations in Legal Sciences (the oldest and the most prestigious competition in Poland for habilitations and PhD’s in the field of legal sciences). This book also received a distinction in the 6th edition of the competition organised by the journal “Przegląd Sądowy” for the most useful law book for judicial practice in 2013.
Medical law offers an insightful and comprehensive overview of the field of medical law. The book has a very clear and well-designed structure and it is organised around the concept of the legal relation. The volume opens with a short but informative excursion into the history of medical law, which provides a broad background for the following considerations. Next, a thorough analysis of the sources of medical law is provided; importantly, this part of the book places an emphasis on both the constitutional and European foundations of medical law. The remaining part of the book (16 out of 18 chapters) is devoted to an in-depth consideration of the legal-medical relation: its structure and sources (elements of the relation, consent, representation of the incapacitated), subjects (patients, the beginning and end of the human life, the legal status of the human body), content (rights and duties of patients and health services providers), and objects (including a general analysis of the healthcare service, as well as an analysis of more specific issues, such as transplantation, genetics, aesthetic procedures and medical experiment). This way of organising the volume's material is both innovative and extremely useful (from a peer-review of prof. Bartosz Brożek, Jagiellonian University).
The book: Medical law. Cases and commentaries (p. 497), was edited by M. Safjan and published by Wolters Kluwer Poland Publishing Company in 2012
The publication presents several dozen judgements of European and constitutional tribunals and of Polish as well as foreign courts which relate to the main issues of the debate conducted in Poland nowadays. They illustrate current development trends that occur in Polish and European medical law and also reveal the complexity and intricacy of medical issues. Separate statements enclosed to some judgements highlight the broad scope of problems arising in that field.
Glosses to each of the judgements and separate footnotes referring the reader to the literature provide a complete description of the subject matter. They also clarify the normative context of the cases reviewed. Moreover, all comments present problems from legal, ethical, political and even economic perspective. Both theoretical and practical aspects of issues concerning vindication of claims and the range of presentation of claims are highlighted in the book.
The Authors contributing to the publication are affiliated with the University of Warsaw. Their main research interests include medical law, civil law, constitutional law and European law.
The book is recommended for lawyers and physicians as well as all those interested in the field of bioethics and the issues of the health care.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries (total pp. 107) to:
1) Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 1 September 2006, SK 14/05 (pp. 62-68)
2) Judgment of the European Court of Human Rigths of 6 October 2005, appl. No. 1513/03, Draon v. France (pp. 110-114)
3) Judgment of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 28 November 2007, V KK 81/07 (pp. 225-228)
4) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 20 August 1968, II CR 310/68 (pp. 231-234)
5) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 17 December 2004, II CK 300/04 (pp. 235-238)
6) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 11 May 2005, III CK 652/04 (pp. 239-243)
7) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 13 May 2005, I CK 662/04 (pp. 244-249 with B. Janiszewska)
8) Judgment of the House of Lords (United Kingdom) of 14 October 2004, Chester v. Afshar, 1 A.C. 345 (pp. 290-297)
9) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 13 October 2005, IV CK 161/05 (pp. 307-313)
10) Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (First Senate) of 12 November 1997, 1 BvR 479/92 and 1 BvR 307/94 (pp. 322-328)
11) Judgment of the House of Lords (United Kingdom) of 29 September 1999, Macfarlane and Another v. Tayside Health Board, [2000] 2 A.C. 59 (pp. 329-337)
12) Judgment of the full panel of the Civil Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (France) of 17 November 2000, No. 99–13701, Perruche (pp. 338-342)
13) Judgment of the full panel of the Civil Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (France) of 31 May 1991, No. 90–20105 (pp. 361-364)
14) Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (Second Senate) of 28 May 1993, 2 BvF 2/90, 4/92 and 5/92 (pp. 365-371 with L. Bosek)
15) Resolution of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 26 October 2006, I KZP 18/06 (pp. 377-384)
16) Decision of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 14 June 1956, IV KO 17/55 (pp. 392-396)
17) Resolution of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 19 January 1961, VI KO 43/60 (pp. 397-401)
18) Judgment of the Conseil d’État (France) of 2 July 1993, No. 124960 (pp. 463-466)
[EN] The institution of unfair advantage has always been the subject of heated disputes about its shape and social impact. The amendment to its Art. 388 provides perfect proof thereof. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the rationality of the legislator's choices. The authors propose to broaden the discussion on the institution of unfair advantage by presenting the current and proposed regulation against the background of other legal orders and in their historical dimension. They present their conclusions in the form of legislative proposals.
The book: Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy. Komentarz [Family and Guardianship Code. Commentary] (pp. 1096), was edited by J. Wierciński and published by Lexis Nexis Publishing Company in 2014.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 1-22 (Conclusion of Marriage) and articles 23-25, 28-30 (Rights and Obligations of Spouses) of the Polish Family and Guardianship Code (pp. 13-249, 263-306 - total pp. 279).
The book: Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom II. Zobowiązania (art. 353-921[16] KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume II. Obligations (Articles 353-921[16])] (pp. 1920), was edited by K. OSajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2013.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 353 (Concept of Obligation), 354-357 (General provisions), 365[1] (Termination of continuous obligations), 423-430 (Defences, Vicarious liability), 438-441 , 455-457, 471-474 (Contractual liability), and articles 481-485 (Liquidation damages) of the Polish Civil Code (pp. 5-31, 52-94, 160-168, 492-569, 605-652, 743-762, 776-824, 840-897 - total pp. 324).
The book: Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom III. Spadki (art. 922-1087 KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume III. Successions (art. 922-1087)] (pp. 1237), was edited by K. Osajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2013.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 922-923, 927-940, 1012, 1014-10291, 1047-1060, 1062-1063, 1066-1067, 1070-10701, 1079, 1081-1082, 1086-1087 of the Polish Civil Code (pp. 5-87, 101-249, 789-987; 1103-1228) - total pp. 553
The book: Prace z prawa cywilnego [Dissertations from Civil law] (pp. 534), was edited by E. Skowrońska-Bocian and W. Borysiak, and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2010.
komentarz do art. I p.w.k.c. [kodyfikacja polskiego prawa cywilnego], art. XXVIII-XXXII p.w.k.c. [uznanie za zmarłego], art. XVLVIII p.w.k.c. [zasada intertemporalna przy posiadaniu
komentarz do art. 364 k.c. [zabezpieczenie], art. 365 k.c. [zobowiązania przemienne], art. 422 k.c. [odpowiedzialność za podżeganie, pomocnictwo i skorzystanie z czynu niedozwolonego], 431-434 k.c. [odpowiedzialność za zwierzęta, za wypadnięcie lub wylanie, za zawalenie się budowli], art. 475 k.c. [następcza niemożliwość świadczenia], art. 476-480 k.c. [zwłoka dłużnika], art. 486 k.c. [zwłoka wierzyciela], art. 487-497 k.c. [wykonanie i skutki niewykonania zobowiązań z umów wzajemnych
komentarz do art. 805-834 k.c. [umowa ubezpieczenia], art. 853-859(9) k.c. [umowa składu]
Commentary to art. I, XXVIII-XXXII and art. XVLVIII p.w.k.c. [Provisions Introducing to Civil Code]
Commentary to art. 364, 365, 422 k.c., 431-434, 475, art. 476-480, 486 487-497, 805-834, 853-859[9] Polish CC
Papers by Witold Borysiak
The monograph “Dziedziczenie. Konstrukcja prawna i ochrona” [Legal construction and the protection of inheritance] (p. 556) published by Lexis Nexis Publishing Company in 2013, is the only study of Polish legal doctrine that comprehensively discusses legal constructions related to inheritance and all legal consequences resulting from the death of a deceased. The concept of inheritance is the most important aspect of inheritance law. The book aimed to fully present the principles relating to inheritance and its protection in Polish law and comparative law.
The monograph was a revised and updated version of a doctoral dissertation, which in June 2013 received the first prize in the category of PhD Dissertations in XLVIII “Państwo i Prawo” Contest for the best Doctoral and Habilitation Dissertations in Legal Sciences (the oldest and the most prestigious competition in Poland for habilitations and PhD’s in the field of legal sciences). This book also received a distinction in the 6th edition of the competition organised by the journal “Przegląd Sądowy” for the most useful law book for judicial practice in 2013.
Medical law offers an insightful and comprehensive overview of the field of medical law. The book has a very clear and well-designed structure and it is organised around the concept of the legal relation. The volume opens with a short but informative excursion into the history of medical law, which provides a broad background for the following considerations. Next, a thorough analysis of the sources of medical law is provided; importantly, this part of the book places an emphasis on both the constitutional and European foundations of medical law. The remaining part of the book (16 out of 18 chapters) is devoted to an in-depth consideration of the legal-medical relation: its structure and sources (elements of the relation, consent, representation of the incapacitated), subjects (patients, the beginning and end of the human life, the legal status of the human body), content (rights and duties of patients and health services providers), and objects (including a general analysis of the healthcare service, as well as an analysis of more specific issues, such as transplantation, genetics, aesthetic procedures and medical experiment). This way of organising the volume's material is both innovative and extremely useful (from a peer-review of prof. Bartosz Brożek, Jagiellonian University).
The book: Medical law. Cases and commentaries (p. 497), was edited by M. Safjan and published by Wolters Kluwer Poland Publishing Company in 2012
The publication presents several dozen judgements of European and constitutional tribunals and of Polish as well as foreign courts which relate to the main issues of the debate conducted in Poland nowadays. They illustrate current development trends that occur in Polish and European medical law and also reveal the complexity and intricacy of medical issues. Separate statements enclosed to some judgements highlight the broad scope of problems arising in that field.
Glosses to each of the judgements and separate footnotes referring the reader to the literature provide a complete description of the subject matter. They also clarify the normative context of the cases reviewed. Moreover, all comments present problems from legal, ethical, political and even economic perspective. Both theoretical and practical aspects of issues concerning vindication of claims and the range of presentation of claims are highlighted in the book.
The Authors contributing to the publication are affiliated with the University of Warsaw. Their main research interests include medical law, civil law, constitutional law and European law.
The book is recommended for lawyers and physicians as well as all those interested in the field of bioethics and the issues of the health care.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries (total pp. 107) to:
1) Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 1 September 2006, SK 14/05 (pp. 62-68)
2) Judgment of the European Court of Human Rigths of 6 October 2005, appl. No. 1513/03, Draon v. France (pp. 110-114)
3) Judgment of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 28 November 2007, V KK 81/07 (pp. 225-228)
4) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 20 August 1968, II CR 310/68 (pp. 231-234)
5) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 17 December 2004, II CK 300/04 (pp. 235-238)
6) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 11 May 2005, III CK 652/04 (pp. 239-243)
7) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 13 May 2005, I CK 662/04 (pp. 244-249 with B. Janiszewska)
8) Judgment of the House of Lords (United Kingdom) of 14 October 2004, Chester v. Afshar, 1 A.C. 345 (pp. 290-297)
9) Judgment of the Supreme Court of 13 October 2005, IV CK 161/05 (pp. 307-313)
10) Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (First Senate) of 12 November 1997, 1 BvR 479/92 and 1 BvR 307/94 (pp. 322-328)
11) Judgment of the House of Lords (United Kingdom) of 29 September 1999, Macfarlane and Another v. Tayside Health Board, [2000] 2 A.C. 59 (pp. 329-337)
12) Judgment of the full panel of the Civil Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (France) of 17 November 2000, No. 99–13701, Perruche (pp. 338-342)
13) Judgment of the full panel of the Civil Chamber of the Cour de Cassation (France) of 31 May 1991, No. 90–20105 (pp. 361-364)
14) Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (Second Senate) of 28 May 1993, 2 BvF 2/90, 4/92 and 5/92 (pp. 365-371 with L. Bosek)
15) Resolution of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 26 October 2006, I KZP 18/06 (pp. 377-384)
16) Decision of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 14 June 1956, IV KO 17/55 (pp. 392-396)
17) Resolution of the Supreme Court (Criminal Chamber) of 19 January 1961, VI KO 43/60 (pp. 397-401)
18) Judgment of the Conseil d’État (France) of 2 July 1993, No. 124960 (pp. 463-466)
[EN] The institution of unfair advantage has always been the subject of heated disputes about its shape and social impact. The amendment to its Art. 388 provides perfect proof thereof. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the rationality of the legislator's choices. The authors propose to broaden the discussion on the institution of unfair advantage by presenting the current and proposed regulation against the background of other legal orders and in their historical dimension. They present their conclusions in the form of legislative proposals.
The book: Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy. Komentarz [Family and Guardianship Code. Commentary] (pp. 1096), was edited by J. Wierciński and published by Lexis Nexis Publishing Company in 2014.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 1-22 (Conclusion of Marriage) and articles 23-25, 28-30 (Rights and Obligations of Spouses) of the Polish Family and Guardianship Code (pp. 13-249, 263-306 - total pp. 279).
The book: Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom II. Zobowiązania (art. 353-921[16] KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume II. Obligations (Articles 353-921[16])] (pp. 1920), was edited by K. OSajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2013.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 353 (Concept of Obligation), 354-357 (General provisions), 365[1] (Termination of continuous obligations), 423-430 (Defences, Vicarious liability), 438-441 , 455-457, 471-474 (Contractual liability), and articles 481-485 (Liquidation damages) of the Polish Civil Code (pp. 5-31, 52-94, 160-168, 492-569, 605-652, 743-762, 776-824, 840-897 - total pp. 324).
The book: Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom III. Spadki (art. 922-1087 KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume III. Successions (art. 922-1087)] (pp. 1237), was edited by K. Osajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2013.
Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 922-923, 927-940, 1012, 1014-10291, 1047-1060, 1062-1063, 1066-1067, 1070-10701, 1079, 1081-1082, 1086-1087 of the Polish Civil Code (pp. 5-87, 101-249, 789-987; 1103-1228) - total pp. 553
The book: Prace z prawa cywilnego [Dissertations from Civil law] (pp. 534), was edited by E. Skowrońska-Bocian and W. Borysiak, and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2010.
komentarz do art. I p.w.k.c. [kodyfikacja polskiego prawa cywilnego], art. XXVIII-XXXII p.w.k.c. [uznanie za zmarłego], art. XVLVIII p.w.k.c. [zasada intertemporalna przy posiadaniu
komentarz do art. 364 k.c. [zabezpieczenie], art. 365 k.c. [zobowiązania przemienne], art. 422 k.c. [odpowiedzialność za podżeganie, pomocnictwo i skorzystanie z czynu niedozwolonego], 431-434 k.c. [odpowiedzialność za zwierzęta, za wypadnięcie lub wylanie, za zawalenie się budowli], art. 475 k.c. [następcza niemożliwość świadczenia], art. 476-480 k.c. [zwłoka dłużnika], art. 486 k.c. [zwłoka wierzyciela], art. 487-497 k.c. [wykonanie i skutki niewykonania zobowiązań z umów wzajemnych
komentarz do art. 805-834 k.c. [umowa ubezpieczenia], art. 853-859(9) k.c. [umowa składu]
Commentary to art. I, XXVIII-XXXII and art. XVLVIII p.w.k.c. [Provisions Introducing to Civil Code]
Commentary to art. 364, 365, 422 k.c., 431-434, 475, art. 476-480, 486 487-497, 805-834, 853-859[9] Polish CC
The removal of the travel will from the Civil Code may be supported by arguments derived from comparative law. A number of European legislations contain forms of wills that can only be drawn up while travelling on a ship (more often) or by aircraft (less often). However, they are criticized in the literature. Emphasis is placed on the fact that wills of this nature are not used in practice, and arguments are presented referring to the lack of economic rationality of this solution. Moreover, a comparative analysis shows first of all that the creation of the possibility to draw up a will in a specific form for persons travelling by sea or air is not obvious. There are no obstacles preventing a traveller from drawing up such a will on board a ship or an aircraft in holographic form, or to draw up a will in public form (e.g. in the notary’s office) before starting the voyage. On the other hand, in cases of emergency it is admissible to draw up a will in a specific form (e.g. an oral will). In practice, in emergency situations involving a shipwreck or a plane crash, in most cases a travel will drawn up on paper will be destroyed.
The article looks at the problem of tort liability for a failure to render assistance and compares the legal approaches to this issue. There are no European legal systems that regulate such a duty to render assistance directly in the provisions of private law. This is generally because most of them (with the exception of common law countries) have criminal law provisions that penalize a failure to rescue another person in need of assistance. This raises the question of the impact of criminal law on liability in private law. The paper discusses this issue in detail, accepting the opinion that, in those legal systems where a failure to render assistance is punishable as a criminal offence, the
provisions of criminal law should determine the conditions and prerequisites for rendering assistance in private law and establish the boundaries of liability in tort law. In addition, the article aims to present universal guidelines that might be useful for courts in order to establish tort liability in other cases of a failure to render assistance.
This article is a polemic with the theses contained in the commentary by Tobiasz Nowakowski to the judgment of the Court of Appeal in Łódź of 30 January 2018 (I ACa 727/17). The commentary was entitled: ‘Due diligence and tortious liability’ and published in issue 11 of ‘Palestra’ from 2020. The article concerns various issues related to tortious liability, including the definition and systemic location of due diligence or its relation to the concept of wrongfulness
[Legally protected interests in tort law]
The paper was published in: Ius Redigere in Artem. Księga XXX‑lecia Instytutu Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, M. Romanowski, P. Sobczyk, M. Wielec (ed.), Wydawnictwo Instytutu Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Warsaw 2022, pp. 31-73
In Polish law, the prevailing opinion is that wrongfulness in tort law occurs when a given behaviour contradicts the norms included in the provisions of law and the principles of social coexistence. The latter notion is understood as non-legal norms of behaviour existing in the society, including mainly moral norms. The aim of the study is to present how the concept of wrongfulness is interpreted in the jurisprudence of Polish common courts and whether the concepts expressed in the Polish doctrine and jurisprudence of the Supreme Court actually ‘translate’ in any way into the jurisprudence of these courts. It is interesting to examine in which factual circumstances wrongfulness is in jurisprudence related to violation of principles of social coexistence. To achieve this aim the article will present analysis of judgments of common courts available on the Internet Portal of the Jurisprudence of Common Courts – the most representative and biggest public available database of Polish jurisprudence. The article focuses on those behaviours which the jurisprudence of common courts usually classifies as contrary to the principles of social coexistence: inflicting deliberate damage on other entities and failing to ensure adequate safety measures that could protect
those entities from damage.
of sexual abuse of minors. It presents two general categories: direct liability and vicarious liability. Under Polish law the civil liability should be based on the liability for one own fault (Article 415 of the Polish Civil Code – CC), liability for the fault of an organ of a legal person (Article 416 CC), liability for negligent supervision (Article 427 CC), liability for fault in choosing the subordinate (Article 429 CC), and the vicarious liability for the servant (Article 430 CC). The perpetrator needs to compensate both for pecuniary loss caused to the patrimony of the minor (primarily the cost of treatment in the case of injury to mental health – Article 444 § 1 CC) and non-pecuniary loss (pain and suffering – Article 445 CC). The article presents the reasoning of Supreme Court judgment of 31 March 2000, II CSK 124/19, which is the first case in this field and accepts extensive liability of the supervisor (in that case, legal entities of the Catholic Church for sexual misconduct of the clergy member) and its reception in legal literature. The analysis focuses mainly on when the damage is caused “while performing the entrusted acts”.
It has been recently adopted under Polish law that the determinant of death is both the brain death criterion, tantamount to the permanent and irreversible cessation of its function, and the equally valid circulatory criterion. This means that the determination of brain death is not indispensable to pronounce a person dead, because the irreversible cessation of circulation is sufficient in this respect. The purpose of this article is to present current developments in Polish law against the comparative, historical and medical background.
The Act Amending the Code of Civil Procedure, the Notarial Act and Certain Other Acts of 24 July 2015 specified in Article 95aa of the Notarial Act the status of the interested parties. When it comes to writing the record of succession, the participation of those interested parties is obligatory. The circle of interested parties within the meaning of this provision includes only individuals who may be considered as statutory or testamentary heirs, and those for whom a legacy by vindication has been made. The first part of the study describes the legislative work on the Article 95aa of the Notarial Act, defines the concept of an interested party, compares it with the circle of participants of the certification of succession, and discusses the types of entities that can be qualified as interested parties. The interested parties would not necessarily include all the potential statutory heirs of a given deceased, but only those who would inherit in a specific factual situation. Their presence is obligatory even if the succession is based on a will. If the testator has made several wills, every person who has been appointed to inherit or for whom a legacy by vindication has been made should also participate in drawing up the record of succession.
the Notarial Act, deed of certification of succession, record of succession, interested parties, participants of the certification of succession proceedings, statutory heirs, testamentary heirs, beneficiaries of legacy by vindication
The Act Amending the Code of Civil Procedure, the Notarial Act and Certain Other Acts of 24 July 2015 introduced a new Article 95aa to the Notarial Act, defining the status of interested parties in terms of inheritance. The second paragraph of Article 95aa of the Notarial Act indicates that anyone who renounces an inheritance or the object of a legacy by vindication, and anyone deemed unworthy to succeed loses the status of an interested party. The study goes on to discuss in detail the types of entity that cannot be qualified as interested parties and compares them with the circle of participants at the certification of succession. In addition to the parties explicitly mentioned in Article 95aa § 2 of the Notarial Act, interested parties cannot include a person who died at the same moment as the deceased, a spouse who has been excluded from succession according to Article 940 of the Polish Civil Code, the acquirer of the succession rights, beneficiaries of an ordinary legacy or creditors of the estate. This also includes anyone who concluded a contract with the deceased on waiving the succession, and their descendants. In the latter situation, before drawing up the deed of certification of succession, the notary must read the contract carefully, to determine the scope of the exclusion.
the Notarial Act, deed of certification of succession, record of succession, interested parties, participants of the certification of succession proceedings, renunciation of an inheritance, unworthiness to succeed, exclusion from succession, waiver of succession, beneficiaries of an ordinary legacy
The book: System prawa prywatnego. Tom 10. Prawo spadkowe [System of Polish Private Law. Volume 10. Law of Successions] (pp. 1063), 2nd edition; Editor: B. Kordasiewicz, C. H. Beck Publishing Company, Warszawa 2013
Dr Witold Borysiak was a Co-Author with Professor Elżbieta Skowrońska-Bocian of Chapter 9 - Odpowiedzialność za długi spadkowe [Responsibility for inheritance debts] - pp. 599-715
Co-Authors of monography: W. Borysiak, M. Grochowski and J. Sadomski, Institute of Justice, Warszawa 2016, pp. 19-88.
Ustawa o prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta. Komentarz [The Act on Patient’s Rights and Patient’s Rights Ombudsman. Commentary] (pp. 873), Editor: L. Bosek. C. H. Beck Publishing Company, Warszawa 2020. Dr Witold Borysiak was Co-Author of commentary to article 4 and 8 of the Act on Patient’s Rights and Patient’s Rights Ombudsman - pp. 68-81, 152-191 (total pp. 54)
Ustawa o zapobieganiu oraz zwalczaniu zakażeń i chorób zakaźnych u ludzi. Komentarz [The Act on Prevention and Control of Infections and Infectious Diseases in People. Commentary]; (pp. 1016), Editor: L. Bosek. C. H. Beck Publishing Company, Warszawa 2020. Dr Witold Borysiak wad autheor of commentary to art. 22-23 of the The Act on Prevention and Control of Infections and Infectious Diseases in People pp. 310-360 (total pp. 51)
In Poland, the number of eviction cases resolved by the courts remains at a relatively stable level. According to judgments by the Constitutional Court, eviction without any adequate alternative housing or its adequate replacement (‘eviction to nowhere’) is prohibited and is considered unconstitutional. The municipality in which the property to be vacated is located, is obliged to identify available temporary lodging, shelters or other places of accommodation, where the debtor can stay following eviction. There is also a special form of legal protection for vulnerable groups of tenants, for instance pregnant women or minors. These vulnerable groups have the right to be evicted to a second accommodation. Owners, who cannot reclaim their property because of the lack of social housing, have a right to compensation. The main reason for evictions in Poland is adverse economic circumstances, which leads tenants and owners to rent and mortgage arrears. Other reasons for eviction include breaches of tenancy, terms, or psychosocial vulnerabilities (such as alcohol or drug addiction). Key structural risk factors leading to eviction are poverty and unemployment. Moreover, Poland lacks a system of solutions to support municipalities that would give adequate access to social housing for those entitled to it. The existing solutions are insufficient in relation to citizens’ needs.